What You HAVE To Know Before Using Differin (TIPS & MISTAKES)

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After so many people watched my differing video (and asked a LOT of questions) I wanted to make a follow up to give a bit more insight into what dermatologists and doctors are advising when it comes to differing! If you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up, leave a comment below and subscribe if you haven't already!

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Many derms have actually said it's perfectly okay to use Benzoyl Peroxide with Differin at the same time because unlike other retinoids, it's been proven NOT to get oxidized by BP. Which is why you get epiduo (combo BP/adapelene in the same cream)


I personally think it would be better to start off alternate days rather than apply it everyday for your skin adjustment.


thanks for the very informative video! i have hormonal acne. I have been using differing for around 2 weeks now and started using it very strategically to avoid purging. And i have been successful. I have experienced 0% purging and real great results.

TIPS TO AVOID PURGING (if you have never ever used any form of retinoid before or used OTC retinol):

STEP 1:use niacinamide 5% 1st on a clean face at night (i read that niacinamide helps retinoids do its work better while inhibiting the side effects associated with retinoids) ...OR....just the moisturizer of your choice or face oil
STEP 2: take a tinnyyy bit of differin/tretinoin. this amount should be the size of 1 mustard seed/ the smallest grain of rice you can ever imagine
STEP3: dot this tinnyy amount all over you face. yes, it seems non existant..and way lower than the recommended pea size..but better be this than going full-fledged and dealing with even more acne
STEP 4: because this is your first time using retinoid, just apply majorly on the 3 large areas (cheeks and rub it on your chin incase you have breakouts there as well

Continue every night for week 1 and see how your skin reacts. if you feel that even this is too much, do the tiny amount every other day.

DAY 8: Do all the steps the same way...just in
STEP2: increase to 1.5-2 grain size

If you feel that your skin is getting used to differing faster, you may increase the amount you use much quicker.

I used a grain size for two days. 3rd day a bit more than a grain(more like half a pea). By the 5th day i was using a BIG PEA size, all over my face, corners of my eyes, nose, eyelids (i wanna reap the anti-aging benefits too :D)..and my skin is happy. I did have a minoorr peel near my nostrils (in the morning), but it goes away just with my face oil. the next day i skip the area that was dry in the morning. and then continue all-over-the-face application the following night.

START SLOW...REALLY SLOW...LISTEN TO YOUR SKIN...(you know the sensitivity of your skin...act accordingly)...AND ENJOY YOUR BEAUTY!


4:15 incorrect info - Dr Dray speaks about differing and BP being completely fine, even though BP degrades other retinoids. Do your research.


Awesome Brian. Ironically I started differin last week. This is perfect timing!

So far my skin has really loved differin. I have NO active acne at the moment! I fully expect a purge to happen in the next week or so (unless I’m really lucky).


Have you looked at Dr Drays channel? You can use benzoyl peroxide with differin


Differin was good but want strong enough for me so i am on tretinoin on.


I’m currently using differin and going through my purging stage. I’m very thankful I haven’t had any irritation or burning. I’m hoping to see this through.


Great video that explains really well the good and bad of using differin or not!


"Dream Skin" is the name of my new band. 😆


I just went back to differin bc my birth control is causing me to breakout…. In a few days it has helped with acne… I am peeling a bit but my texture and skin tone look great .


Love your channel have 2 questions for you dose Crystal Light cause acne and also what do you eat if you get hungry in the middle of the night that will not break you out


Hi Brian, I completed 8 weeks on Banish 2.0 and using vit c oil later. Haven’t seen much of a difference. Should I keep continuing?


One Question:
Is it normal to break out badly on month 1 and 2 on accutane? And can I do something about it?🥲


I'm using defferin my doctor said it would help me with my acne scars but I don't see a difference. But it helps with ance but it takes some time to get rid of ance. What do you suggest on getting rid of ance scars?


Love you videos, I have a question about when you used to suffer with acne, on the doctors you said you used to eat like 12-16 vegetables a day, which vegetables were those and how long kd it for your skin to clear up ever since you started taking them.

Hope to hear from you soon


My dermatologist prescribed clindamycin and nicotinamide gel at morning. And adaplene 0.1% gel at night. I am working on it last 2 week. Kind a working


Im using diiferin already 2 weeks and purge come until when the differin will effect on my face ?


I don't understand why oxidation of retinoids would be bad... The steps from retinol to retinaldehyde to retinoic acid are literally oxidation 😅


If i'm currently swimming, should I wait until the season ends in march to start differin because my skin gets dried out from the pool.
