Skin purging | what causes it | what doesn’t | dermatologist explains

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Skin Purging is a condition where there are new acne lesions when you start using a new product which causes skin exfoliation.
Red papules of acne is what we see on the surface but there maybe multiple small acne or whiteheads hidden under the upper layer of skin. When agents which cause exfoliation are used, these can rise up or exposed to the surface. This occurs for 2-3 weeks after which it subsides.
Purging vs irritation
▪️In purging, new acne eruptions are seen in areas of existing acne.
▪️Acne in new areas where you didn’t have acne before is not purging. This indicates irritation and the product may not be suiting you.
▪️If it lasts for more than 4 weeks, then it is not purging.
Ingredients which cause purging
▪️glycolic acid
▪️salicylic acid
▪️lactic acid
▪️benzoyl peroxide
Ingredients which do not cause purging
▪️Vitamin c
▪️hyaluronic acid
▪️azelaic acid
⚠️every eruption that occurs after using a new product is not purging. It may be allergic reaction, irritation or exacerbation of acne requiring more than topical treatment.
All types of acne cannot be treated with just creams. Moderate to sever acne may require short course of oral medications followed by maintenance with topical agents.
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Red papules of acne is what we see on the surface but there maybe multiple small acne or whiteheads hidden under the upper layer of skin. When agents which cause exfoliation are used, these can rise up or exposed to the surface. This occurs for 2-3 weeks after which it subsides.
Purging vs irritation
▪️In purging, new acne eruptions are seen in areas of existing acne.
▪️Acne in new areas where you didn’t have acne before is not purging. This indicates irritation and the product may not be suiting you.
▪️If it lasts for more than 4 weeks, then it is not purging.
Ingredients which cause purging
▪️glycolic acid
▪️salicylic acid
▪️lactic acid
▪️benzoyl peroxide
Ingredients which do not cause purging
▪️Vitamin c
▪️hyaluronic acid
▪️azelaic acid
⚠️every eruption that occurs after using a new product is not purging. It may be allergic reaction, irritation or exacerbation of acne requiring more than topical treatment.
All types of acne cannot be treated with just creams. Moderate to sever acne may require short course of oral medications followed by maintenance with topical agents.
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