Why Do We Confess If Our Sins Are Already Forgiven?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1462
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I just received the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God this week and today, I remembered about something I was doing and a verse of the Bible came into my head and I discovered I was sinning. I talked to God about it and it was incredible, cause this video was not posted today, but it appeared to me as a smartphone notification today! I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me through this video and what pastor John said just confirmed and gave me more knowledge about this important theme. I'm happy to know this and for living the real life since this week. God is the One God. I thank you all that work on this channel


We still confess because even though we are Christians we are still in our sinful bodies but in Christ we are Perfect 😊❤😊 Amen


I really like how he explained those two traits in the last part of the podcast
The grace of God never dulls the senses in relation to sin in a persons life, the opposite is true. A person grows more sensitive to indwelling sin and desires his or her life (by the Spirit) to conform more and more to the image of Christ


Wow! In the last few days I had this question in my head! Thanks Lord to show me us this video!


If we have to confess and repent every sin we commit, where does grace come in after regeneration/coming to faith? Grace is a free gift and it was the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Pastor John's advice here sounds more like the law than grace : works to earn salvation exactly like a Catholic would do. Jesus blotted out our sins once and for all, and nothing we do can add to that process. Faith means that you believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross; it doesn't require you to continue to repent and confess each sin you commit so as to gain forgiveness for each one.

Once you understand that you are saved from sins (all of which far extend beyond those you are capable of confessing and repenting - becuase not all you will be aware of, made aware of or intend) any that you are capable of confessing and repenting through self awareness/intent is done merely out of reverence for what God has done on the cross for you - to save you and adopt you into his family. That is the good news of the Gospel. You put these sins (now of the flesh and forgotten for judgement) at the foot of the cross and apologise to God for not being a good disciple and ask that he may help you overcome them; your sins (forgiveable ones) has no salvific currency at all at this stage. Your effort to walk in faith through confession and repentance has some bearing on rewards in heaven, but that is it. You are a child of God throughout - adopted into his family. You are not his foster child who might be put back into care if you don't behave yourself and demonstrate that you mean business to be a good child to earn adoption fully. God's love is unconditional and any sanctifying work he does in you is supernatural and not of you or your efforts. As a disciple it is your role to be a good witness to others, so being a wanton sinner and wallowing in it is not really on!!

Your glorification, just like your justification by status and your sanctification is all the work of Christ through the Holy Spirit. You get no glory at all for your efforts, and so none of this requires your input for salvific reasons, lest any man should boast (because it would be classed as works). If you confess and repent of your sins for salvific reasons then how many of you are not so much hating your sin as preachers state you should if you are in Christ but instead are really fearing the dire consequences of not hating your sin enough - if you think you will fall out of fellowship with Christ? There is a world of difference between the two.

That is my take on the truth. To put it like Pastor John has done is to completely dilute what Jesus did on the cross by implying that Jesus died on the cross to pave the way for our sins to be forgiven - to open the door but not invite us in, therefore we must invite ourselves in through merit - not that he actually had forgiven them by opening the door and inviting us in.


Confession of sin and forgiveness are two of the clearest markers of a changed life.


Brilliant explanation for this question! Praise the Lord!


Thank you Brother John for the encouraging message and may God continues to bless you and your ministry all the way from australia.


Christians failed to understand that there are righteous if there have accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour. It is not what they do or do not do. Similarly if we fall, we confess NOT TO BE FORGIVEN BUT WE ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN.It is a world of difference and this will given you the strength to get up and move on recognizing this is God's grace .


Thank you so much for your great and biblical explanations!


Thank you Pastor John. Could you please add subtitles to these videos which will help us to understand more better?


This is the best youtube channel to learn the scripture thanks pastor john you are a blessing


Thank you Pastor John. An unbeliever asked me this too and I didnt know how to explain this. Just know that we do.


Thank you so much Pastor John!
God bless you!


Thank you John for the answer.. I am astonished by your clarity of His word..I thank God for you..


According to the Bible, there are consequences to refusing to repent one’s sins.

“But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.” - Romans 2:5 (NIV)

“But unless you repent, you too will all perish.” - Luke 13:3 (NIV)


God already Knows our sins. Confession is for our benefit. We become aware of our sins so we know where we went wrong and we can let Jesus Help us Correct and Overcome them best we can. Jesus Said..in Matthew 5 6 7..to beware of Pride..Lust..Greed..Anger and Worry. Those are deadly sins. Once Jesus Showed me this..I could see exactly where I had gone wrong and my family too. Things I had puzzled over for years became very clear. No church or titled man ever taught me this. I am extremely Grateful that Jesus Showed me..so now He can Help me correct my Life. In all the years I went to church I wonder Why? No one ever Taught Jesus Gospel? My family members that still insist on listening to the titled men are still in the dark..sinning and not understanding why their lives are failing. So sad..churches teach you everything but Jesus simple Truths..the commandments of God.


Thank you so much for your amazing reminder that Christ died and paid for all our sins, even they are still in the future!
It's important to confess our sins so that nothing interfears with our relationship with our awesome Father!

Inspired by you and others I'm starting a ministry for biblical encouragment on this platform. Would be great if you would have a look and might support it 😊.


The whole point of being a Christian is having a relationship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ by the Spirit indwelling us. We, however, are still in our bodies of flesh and are prone to sin. That is why we have an advocate with the Father in the Lord Jesus. When we sin our advocate immediately comes into play and draws us back into 'fellowship' with the Father by the chords of love.
Sin breaks the fellowship with the Father, but the relationship cannot be broken. Christ is our advocate and we are accepted before God in all His perfection. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, the fellowship being then restored. That is where confession and forsaking the sin comes into play on our part. (1 John ch. 2).


Because if we don't we're living in the darkness and not the light.
