3 Ways To Get Better At Math

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In this video I talk about 3 things that you can do right now that will help you get better at math. Do you have any advice for people? If so, please leave a comment below.

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I feel like something not a lot of people talk about is the feeling of giving up (in learning things!). It is easy for people to get demotivated when they don't understand a concept at first, and this might inductively push them into a cycle of being less and less interested, thinking theyre 'too stupid' to understand the content. Regardless of how easy or difficult you perceive something to be, one should respect that it can take time and several read-throughs, as well as extensive 'practice' to actually understand something.

Keeping that motivation to not let initial failure kick your ass I feel is very big. With enough practice and research, someone who may initially be completely new to a topic will become better :)


Good advice, that thing about not setting unrealistic schedules is so true. Set a nice minimum that you can achieve consistently easily, and then when you have the energy, do more.


Nice try Nike, I'm still not doing math. Seriously though, yes I agree. The more books the better. I use at least two, usually more, for each math course I take or programming language I'm trying to learn. 100% helps to read the same topic explained differently.


Wise advice on all three. I’m
74 and ‘relearning’ my math and physics. I went to college intermittently and part time from my late 30s
to my early 50s. I have a lot of textbks online and lot of actual bks.

I do prefer the actual bks
bec for me it’s a distraction looking back and forth from an electronic lit up screen to my paper and pencil. Also, being elderly is probably a
factor as well.


The same applies to everything we want to do. Now the hard part is stick to an schedule.


Everything you say makes it clear on learning the subject math, all I can say is thank you for your time, dedication, and heart in the promotion of teaching this beautiful language-math.Your Students are blessed to have you as their teacher, keep up your great work!


you inspire me so much!! love those videos!! thank you!!


Thank you, that was really helpful. You enlighten my way every time I watch your videos.


Great pieces of wisdom. Thank you, sir.


Thanks again for recommending book, I actually bought the "Integral calculas" book and started working on some problems I actually thought I forgot calculas 2 but I can tell I remembered most of it.
Thanks again 👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love how passionate you are about maths i also have a deep passion for maths i wish i had books about it but currently i cant get any


I need to listen to this every week once! thank you :)


I have been trying what I will call destination math, I drive to a place that brings me peace and do math outside. A couple days ago was the harbor, today, the mountains, tomorrow, the beach...not very practical but it does help break the mold of always doing math at your same work station.


Another great video! I'm hoping you do a video on a good math history book sometime in the future if you have done so already.


I think is essential to have more resources and alternatives just for an inherent thing about the math, the different areas of it can match with each other. If we do not understand Real Analysis, maybe a Geometric proof can give you a better understanding and visualization of the problem. I think it is fundamental to have many books as you said. Great advice as always colleague.


I was searching on YouTube for a review on some pens. It turned out that I saw your face on a thumbnail, and I thought, It’s that the Math Sorcerer? It turned out that you have another YouTube channel dedicated on giving reviews on random stuff. You should review liquid death. Don’t worry it’s just water so It’s not anything bad. You’re very committed to making YouTube videos, and that’s why you’re getting better each time you make a video.


1. Make A Schedule
2. "Just do it" mentality. 2:00
3. Better to have more than one source (more than one book).


Should I dedicate a few hours to each subject everyday? Or assign “days” to a subject?

Like lifting:

Monday - back and biceps
Tuesday - legs
Wednesday - chest and triceps
Thursday - shoulders
Friday - rest

So like this but math?

Monday - real analysis
Tuesday - linear algebra
Wednesday - mathematical statistics
Thursday - machine learning
Friday - rest

Like this?


Hey, im just curious can you make a video on what math classes you took in uni and what you specialised in, in post grad. Thanks, and love this vids!


Would love to see a video about khan academy. Thank you for everything that you do.
