How to Astral Project FAQs | Astral Projection for Beginners

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Learn how to astral project as I answer the top 5 FAQs on astral projection for beginners. Here's all the basics on how to do astral projection.


00:00 How to Astral Project FAQs
00:50: Can I get lost when astral traveling and not find my way back?
01:19: Why do I hear loud noises when I'm trying to astral project?
02:20: What should I do when I sense strong vibrations?
04:59: My vision is blurry when I astral project - how do I fix that?
05:35: William Buhlman's "Now Technique"
06:07: Robert Peterson's top tip for vision
06:47: When I try to astral project nothing happens - what can I do?
08:06: Set yourself up for success to have an out of body experience
08:46: What do I do to stop falling asleep when I try to astral project?
10:07: Is astral projection dangerous?
11:52: Why it's important to face your fears
12:03: How to protect yourself when you are practicing astral projection
14:00: Top 3 tips for successful astral projection
16:13: Top 2 recommended books on astral projection

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► Hacking the Out of Body Experience: Leveraging Science to Induce OBEs:



Are you learning how to astral project?

In this video I'm going to talk you through the five most common questions I get asked about astral projection, including:

- Can I get lost when astral traveling and not find my way back?
- Why do I hear loud noises when I'm trying to astral project and what should I do about it?
- My vision is blurry when I astral project - how do I fix that?
- When I try to astral project, nothing happens or I fall asleep - what can I do?
- Is astral projection dangerous?



Astral Projection | Yoga Nidra | Mind Awake Body Asleep – Light Body technique - 1 hour

Guided Astral Projection | Yoga Nidra | Mind Awake Body Asleep – Drift away - 1 hour

Guided Astral Projection | Yoga Nidra | Mind Awake Body Asleep – Door technique - 1 hour

Guided Astral Projection | Yoga Nidra | Mind Awake Body Asleep - 1 hour

Astral Projection Meditation | Yoga Nidra with Binaural Beats - 1 hour

Astral Projection Meditation | Binaural Beats - 25 minutes

Astral Projection Meditation | Yoga Nidra with Binaural Beats - 28 minutes


Non Sleep Deep Rest | NSDR | 8 minute Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra for Sleep – 1 hour

10 Minute Yoga Nidra

Non Sleep Deep Rest Morning Meditation – 12 minutes


If you enjoy this meditation, please leave me a comment below and let me know :) I love hearing from all of you.

With love and gratitude,


#obe #astralprojection #nsdr #yoganidra

Music: Elevated State of Self

DISCLOSURE: I review or link to products & services I regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase I may receive a small commission or other compensation.

Copyright ⓒ 2022 Rosalie e'Silva
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Is astral projection safe? Can I get lost? And what should I do if nothing happens? These are just a few of the questions I get asked time and time again about astral projection. So in this week's YouTube offering, I'm answering the top 5 questions I'm asked about all things out-of-body! I will be making more of these videos, so let me know if you have a question and I may include it in the next Q&A video 🌙


I am at the beginning of my journey and have read all of Robert Monroe's books and loved them. I just started reading 'Adventures Beyond the Body' and am only 2 chapters in and my mind is completely blown. wow. Thank you for the recommendation!


I've had several OBE's at almost full awareness for almost 20 years now.. I'd say like 95% consciousness. I've traveled to my grandma's old home, to the past, and I've even gone to other countries. I've even met my then 90 yr old grandfather when he was in his 20s. He even guided me and told me it was him when he was younger. I've also gone to Jesus' Holy Sepulchre before i even knew he had one. Almost all these experiences have happened with me at full awareness that I'm having an OBE/astral projection. It's like i can control them at full will and do whatever i wish.

And i know this will sound bad, but It's gotten to the point where I don't have them as lately because they don't peak my interest anymore. But right now i couldn't sleep so i stumbled upon your video. And I'm glad I found you. I'll go back to sleep and hopefully I'll have on and I'll share the experience with you.


It's great that you talk about blurred "vision". I don't know how many times I've exited and been unable to clearly see what's around me. I've been stuck 3" from the light on my cieling before, for example, and by the time I could palate and see it clearly, the experience was over. Until now, I haven't counted those as "successful". Thank you! "CLEARITY NOW". GOT IT!


I've experienced this many many times. It took probably 50X for me not to freak out and wake myself up. The tingling from the back of my head to spine to stepping out of my body and that new feeling was overwhelming. I'm still working on passing this stage. My vision is either all white or all black but somehow I can see in the darkness. It's more of being aware then seeing


I’ve been trying to astral project for about 9-10 months now, my entire body gets numb, sometimes there’s vibration as well. I try to “lean into “ those vibrations as you suggest, and I also see lots of hypnogogia…that’s always interesting and fun, but nothing astral has occurred at this point-seriously bummed that your class was full by the time I was to register!!
I am looking forward to when you release your class!
Thank you for all that you do, your positive energy shines through❤


As soon as i was back into my body i received clairaudience experience where i was hearing clear conversations and voices from people of different places. Some were even speaking in different languages and one was like a spirit guide talking to me. She sounded the clearest. So aside from the astral projection that also happened. Trying to do it again


i do experience vibration before my astral body do exit.
i do feel the energy that surrounds my body, and you will feel the heavy or the layer of energy. And as i focus my mind for projection, i feel nothing on my real body.
but my first experience was not on purpose and i dont feel the vibration, but when i start to learn deeper the technique, then i tried couple of times having a vibration before projection.
the only key, to succesfully project is, DO NOT BE AFRAID AND JUST DO IT.


I believe your guided meditation was what brought my first and only experience so far. I have only tried a handful of times. Before I even knew Astral Projection (and spirituality basically) even existed, I started noticing that while falling asleep, I was having weird symptoms in the process. I just thought I was getting sick or was really tired, and never thought much else of it. Fast forward to learning of A.P. I found one of your videos while looking into having the experience. I think it took 3(ish) attempts with other guides, before you took me to SPACE! lol. I realized, that my falling asleep symptoms exactly matched my A.P. experience: (In order): 1.) Rocking side to side feeling that gradually intensifies 2.) Light headed/bodied feeling 3.) Seeing stars littering a night sky, surrounded by almost a circle of silhouette tall pine trees like I'm on my back in the woods stargazing. The stars spin in a fast circle until it looks like a light tunnel that I'm soaring through 4.) At this point, I'm no longer having familiar symptoms and know I'm leaving my body. I began having loud ear ringing, feeling hot, getting nauseous, and almost "arriving" as a different "body" in an empty place. I began noticing myself drifting deeper into this other world (for lack of better words) and as I drifted, I felt new body sensations. I thought the back of my head was attached to something, and as I floated upward, I found myself in some sort of pod, on what I think was a spaceship. I looked out of the window in front of my face (The pod was angled upright, I was lying inside of it. Pod door closed and had an oval window for my face/head) . I then noticed a blue being in front of me with a big head, looked short in height, and had big beautiful MESMERIZING blue eyes. Very friendly smile when we locked eyes. It was looking back at me and put it's hand to the window, 3 or 4 fingers only. I raised my hand to touch the glass.... At this point, I'm a little scared. I started this with an awareness, that if I didn't feel at home or safe 100%, then it wasn't a good thing and I needed to leave. When I went to touch the glass, with my awareness high, I started realizing that the eyes I was mesmerized by.... were MESMERIZING. That scared me. If I'm in awe, it's unfamiliar and therefore not my home. The second I had that thought process fully, I swooshed back into my body and woke up. Remembered it clear as day but I worked to preserve the details. I googled aliens and found pictures of what is depicted of Pleadians and all those names and races I can't remember. Arcturian is almost exactly like what I saw, for best imagery. One of the aliens species or whatever its called.... almost EXACTLY what I saw. Never seen it before so I know I wasn't influenced by Tick Tock videos. I am so excited to go back with more understanding. 
I slow down your videos, so I can take my time with getting into the right space to relax and ease in without pressure of losing the follow-along in the videos.


Hi Rosalie, thank you so much! I love this method, I'm learning from scratch, very exciting. To have my mind alert and body asleep is so good. It's just the exit part I can't get. I'm lying there fully activated, but I think I'm lying, I command, stand Now, nothing happens. I do love this beautiful feeling of being so energised. I've been doing this over 7mornings. Thank you! 💖


Been at it for a few weeks now and I just had my first projection!!!


Funny thing is I wasn't even trying to have one and it happened.

And another odd thing, I was able to wake up 1-3 times in my physical body and go back to sleep and project again each time.

Unfortunately my experience ended after I actually jizzed in my pants. 😅🤣 not the best but not complaining for an ending to such an experience.

I just remember it being a lucid dream which then turned to me remembering steps and feelings to expect when going from a lucid dream to projection and was able to sit up in bed with my eyes closed but still see and experience it all

I cannot wait to have more experiences like this. Thank you again for the tips cuz they have also helped along with my 90 day course.


I heard a LOUD jet engine roar, I freaked out because I didn't expected it. My heart was racing when I woke up. It was really really intense, never experienced something like it.


I felt the vibrations when I first hit puberty, and I told my friends about it and they all made fun of me. For years and years I extremely afraid of the vibrations because of how intense they are, so when I would get the vibrations I would do all nighter so I wouldn’t have to feel it. It wasn’t until I was 19 stumbling upon an astral projection video and watching it and having somebody talk about the vibrations is when it clicked. That night I literally attempted it on purpose and finally it all made sense. And I was no longer afraid until I got even older around 21 is when I stopped because I don’t know maybe my subconscious mind was projecting some evil shit so I was afraid now I’m finally getting back into it at 25. Let’s Goooo!!!!


Mind awake body asleep was easy to achieve for me personally but the closest I’ve made it to a projection;
I was using binary beats which had very quiet waves in the back ground, the wave sounds got so intense it’s all I could hear(sounded like a jet engine), no vibrations but I felt a strong weight almost like it was on the whole top of my subconscious but not my physical body, I could feel my hands pushing on the bed as I tried to get out of my body. The harder I pushed or tried to sit up the heavier the weight became on my chest, but what keeps me trying was on this one occasion i could clearly see my room for about 2 seconds as if I opened my eyes to a squint. After that my body shot awake and I lost all my progress, I didn’t even realize I was seeing outside my body until my body woke up and I had to physically opened my eyes and everything was my normal bad eyesight again 😅. Sorry about the long response but I’m definitely going to subscribe and watch all your content. Thank you very much for this if you ever see it. You are the first instructor I have felt a strong subconscious connection to regarding astral projection so hopefully I’m on the right path


I have always been able to do astral projection. As a child I didn't have to try I just couldn't stop it. It was scary until I read projection of the astral body by muldoon, then it all made sense. Muldoon calls the vibrations the kite effect. It's like someone pulling the cord making the astral body sway. When I concentrated I could stop the swaying but then the room moved instead at the same rythmn first getting larger then smaller. The swaying stops around 20 feet away from the body. You have to control your thoughts as you move just by thinking. The problem is if you think randomly you move randomly and are likely to wake up as you will feel disoriented. So precision thinking will get you going where you want to go.


New to your channel, very interesting and I’m going to try your guided meditation video next.
I usually wake up during the night around 3 AM. For years, I have tried a method which I get extremely comfortable, and then concentrate on each body port until it to relax and go to sleep. If my mind drifts off with other thoughts, I pull it back and continue telling all of my body parts to go to sleep. Most of the time I’ve become very aware that everything feels almost numb and heavy, and sinking into the bed and completely relaxed. Man times I drift off to sleep halfway thru the process, but even if I don’t sleep it’s extremely relaxing to do.
I always have multiple very detailed dreams that I completely remember.


I lucid dream a ton and can recall dreams frequently. Hoping with this video and some others along with a book I'm reading to help me on my journey! Thank you


I experienced self-awareness twice
Once, when I was 15 years old, I saw a soda bottle fall from my hand, but I saw it coming down slowly, so that I could catch it at any moment, but the surrounding time had stopped, everything had stopped.
Once, when I was very sick, I fell on the floor in the hospital, my body seemed to be paralyzed, then I saw myself above my head, and I even saw my eyes looking at the nurses from below, that is, I saw myself both from the outside and from the inside.


I have been hiding because I have obe since I was three years old now I am 38 and I really thank you that you confirm to me that every thing is real and normal. I really appreciate your efforts 😘 we love you so much


I always have sleep paralysis once a week since I was a teenager, I just recently found out you could Astro project thru SP, and today I had it and I had my first experienced with vibrations, at first I thought it was a demon growling so it startled me so I stopped, so I’m so happy to know this is just the process of Astro projection and hopefully after learning of this I will be able to fully come out my body next time !
