EEVblog #1271 - 100kW WindWall Generator BUSTED!

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A 100kW wind generator in only 7sqm? Less than 2% the size of traditional wind turbines!
Basic physics and the whiteboard to the rescue!
A look at the claims of the AmericanWind WindWall "turbine" wind power generator.
And a Wind Power 101 tutorial on how wind turbine calculations work and pesky limitation of Betz's law.
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#WindPower #Debunking #Busted
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Basic physics and the whiteboard to the rescue!
A look at the claims of the AmericanWind WindWall "turbine" wind power generator.
And a Wind Power 101 tutorial on how wind turbine calculations work and pesky limitation of Betz's law.
Subscribe to the EEVblog on LBRY and help beat Barnacules!
#WindPower #Debunking #Busted
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EEVblog #1271 - 100kW WindWall Generator BUSTED!
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