Progressive Christian Gets Jesus COMPLETELY Wrong!

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In this video, Robertson makes an unusual claim: Jesus...was racist. And he uses Scripture to prove it. It really is amazing to me that someone can misread Jesus so badly. Rather than trying to get the meaning out of the text, Robertson reads his own uncharitable meaning into it.

Robertson misses the point completely. On his view, Jesus was a prejudiced, biased, bigoted sinner who needed to repent. But the text teaches just the opposite. Jesus countered the prejudices and bigoted attitudes of his day by responding the same way he always did to every Gentile who put his trust in him—with grace and mercy. Maybe Reverend Robertson’s Jesus is racist, but that is not the Jesus of history. That is not the Jesus of the New Testament. That is not the Jesus of reality.

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I like this video. Ok, now I’m going to watch it.


she said "yes, Lord" not "no, bigot" LOL thank you for speaking truth to lies with love and some fun.


It doesn't make sense for a Reverend to say Jesus sinned, because then he would be in eternal jeopardy as Jesus would not be a perfect sacrifice for all sins.


Everyone pray for the reverend. He's in a terrifying place and needs rescue


Reminder that this reverend was actually committing literal heresy.

Jesus has not, and will never sin. He is all good, because He is God.


The rankest part of this "reverend's" heresy is how he says that Jesus was a mere human, just like the rest of us. He is, in effect, denying Jesus's divinity. Denying His divinity is an ancient heresy. In this modern era, it's a standard component of progressive/naturalistic theology. It has terrible and wide-ranging consequences.


Robertson is neither progressive, nor Christian. Here's a clue: If you think you've "caught" God in something, or outsmarted Him, you are wrong. Every time.


"Jesus repented of His racism" well...there goes my salvation


Even as an atheist I literally laughed out loud hearing that TikTok interpretation.


How can you be a Christian yet believe that Christ is sinful? Unbelievable.


Good job debunking this Tim, as always. “Progressive Christianity” is worse than atheism in many respects, and this is a case in point.


Thanks Tim for this. Another way to take the 'dog' part is to notice. 1. The word used for dog is 'kunerion' (puppy or 'little dogs'), this is word is never used of Gentiles as 'dogs'. 2. The Lord is speaking metaphorically - 'the children' 'the table' 'the little dogs'. The picture is of a household, where 'children' (the privileged Jews - 'children of the kingdom') have first offer of the food on the table - i.e. the blessings of the kingdom, this was true. Jesus came first as a 'minister to the circumcision' (Romans 15), 'to the Jew first...' (Romans 1). The Gentiles were blessed through the Jews. So in this case, they were viewed as 'little dogs', around the children's feet, with less obvious privilege. 3. The woman realizes that she doesn't have any right to approach Jesus for a blessing on covenantal grounds, so she develops the analogy further - 'even the little dogs under the table eat of children's crumbs' - she understood that Jesus wasn't speaking about the unclean 'dogs' kept outside - but the little puppies that were allowed inside, and could pick up the scraps'. I don't believe that there was anything derogatory in this term in her mind. She simply is coming humbly, and submissively to the Saviour, and comes on his terms. She asks for a scrap of blessing. She comes trusting in His grace alone. This is a great foreshadowing of this present age when millions of gentiles (including me!), have received this same grace, by coming in faith in a humble way to the feet of Jesus, who draws out that faith by starting an analogy and allowing her to finish it. Roberts 'Jesus' would need a Saviour himself!


One other thing to consider: If Jesus had to repent (as this so-called reverend Robertson claims) it means that Jesus had committed a sin. If Jesus had sinned, then He no longer was qualified to be our Savior and the sinless sacrifice that would be necessary to pay for man's sin. In fact, Jesus would have needed a savior Himself, otherwise He would have been condemned to hell like the rest of us. Therefore if Jesus could not be our savior, then we would still be in our sins, we would still be condemned to hell, and we would be wasting our time believing in Jesus. If that is the case, then the Bible would be a lie, and we should just go out and live like hell, because that is where we'd end up. Fortunately, Jesus DID NOT sin and therefore DID NOT NEED TO REPENT. He died for us as the sinless sacrifice for all of us, for all sin for all time. Therefore the Bible, and the Gospels in particular, are not a lie. If we have repented, we are saved, and assured that we will be with Jesus in Heaven.

Mr. Robinson fails to take his bad theology to its logical conclusion. He only wants to portray Jesus in a way that conforms to his blasphemous woke theology.


I am so glad I am not a "progressive Christian."


Absolutely loved this! I’m an Orthodox Christian and found this really interesting and insightful. Thank you and God Bless! 💕☦️


Thank you for addressing this. That video was utter cringe, but those who have no idea about the Bible will believe this no matter what. It’s scary.


This so-called "Reverend" blasphemed God for millions to see. Thanks for addressing his bad thinking with good thinking, Mr.B


Here is a note to keep in mind in this world. If anyone says "I'm a progressive whatever", this means they r not whatever comes after the word progressive.


And this is what God meant about taking His name in vain. I can't believe he calls himself a reverend.


And that's called Droppen the Mic! You are awesome and thank you.
