3 BIG SIGNS You Found Your SOULMATE | Stephan Speaks

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It is an amazing and special experience when you find your twin flame. However, for many people, it is frustrating, difficult, and challenging to find a soulmate. The choices and decisions that you make can either put you on the wrong path, put you away from the right relationship, or even put you away from your true purpose in life. You need to take personal accountability in the decisions you make in life to ensure you get what God has for you, which includes your soulmate.

Below are the three keys to identifying your soulmate, which I discuss in this video;

1. You will be able to be yourself with them and they will love you for who you are 3:01

The unfortunate reality is that many people are dating and entering into relationships with their representatives. The reality is that when your true self will come out your partner may not like what they see anymore, which shows they were not your soulmate. Your soulmate will love who you are at your core but it is your responsibility to show that person from the jump who you are. Be yourself with confidence and see who embraces that and who doesn’t, making it easier to weed out who is your twin flame.

2. For the men you will feel peace in her presence and for the women, you will feel safe and secure in his presence 5:43

As a relationship coach, I have spoken with tons of men and women who have confidently said they have found their soulmate. One of the common things that all of these men have said is that they feel peace around the woman who is their twin flame. For the woman, the signs of a soulmate are the woman feels safe and secure. When a woman finds her twin flame she will feel safe in his presence, it is something about his spirit that speaks to you in a way that you will feel at ease when you are with him making it easier to be vulnerable with your soulmate.

3. You will receive Godly confirmation10:22

By Godly confirmation, I do not want you to think that you will get a sign from heaven saying this is the one. By Godly confirmation, I mean you going to God in prayer asking God if this is the one and you receiving the answer within your spirit. Always be careful when you are looking for signs because the devil can also throw up billboards. The fact is that many people don’t consider that a sign is something you have to interpret and sometimes you can easily interpret it wrongly. For some of you, it can be a hard thing to grasp, but I would encourage you to generally practice talking to God.

As a relationship coach and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this relationship advice video helpful and that it will help you in identifying your soulmate and that you will receive the man or woman who is truly best for you. If you are asking any of the following questions:
- What are the keys to identifying your soulmate?
- How to find your soulmate
- What are the signs he's your soulmate?
- What is a soulmate?
- Soulmate connection
- Twin flames
- Signs you have found your soulmate
- How to identify your soulmate
- Soulmate signs
- Godly dating advice
and more, well, I believe this relationship advice and dating advice video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "3 Keys To Identifying Your Soulmate"

Watch this video next dating advice video "3 Signs You're Blocking God's Blessings..."

#RealLove​ #Soulmates​ #SignsOfASoulmate​ #TwinFlames​ #RelationshipCoach​ #RelationshipAdvice​ #DatingAdvice​ #IdentifyingYourSoulmate​ #DatingCoach​ #StephanSpeaks​
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Identifying your soulmate: 1. You are able to freely be your authentic self around them and they will accept and love you 2. a) Men: he will feel peace in her presence b) Female: you will feel safe and secure in his presence and so easier to be vulnerable 3. You will receive Godly confirmation about the person. Go to God in prayer and ask if this is the one and wait for spiritual confirmation. We need to be careful of who we allow into our lives. Heal first, so you can see the world clearly and not through broken lenses. Stephan thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.


I seen a quote that said "Don't pray for love. Pray that you'll be ready for love when it introduces itself to you. Pray that you'll recognize it. Pray that it lasts." And I love that esp the first part...because a lot of times we pray for God to send us someone when in reality some of us are not even ready to even receive that love, because we have things within ourselves we have to work on. I've prayed to God to heal the parts of me that need healing even the parts I don't even recognize need healing, and that's real. I've also learned one of the biggest parts of healing is forgiving...you can move on to someone else, but if you haven't forgave people in your past you will not fully be at peace within yourself. Having the ability to be (genuinely) vulnerable with someone is really important and I think is really a good way to identify if someone is truly for you..someone who really wants to take the time to understand your love language as well...I really hope to find that.


Be careful looking for signs bc the devil can throw up Billboards too. That’s a bar I’m taking🤟🏿💪🏿💪🏿🤟🏿. Thank you king!!!


A relationship built on a spiritual foundation is a beautiful experience.


Spiritual Compatibility
Emotional Connection
Intellectual Stimulation
Sexual Compatibility
Physically Attracted

For me it's when all 5 these elements align and as you say, Having peace and security. ❤️


I remember when I was being my hyper, talkative, sometimes dorky self and I was told, " why you acting like a little girl, " or "you are too educated to act so silly" ???
I immediately knew, this not for me. I like to take my Boss Lady hat off sometimes and just be free to be comfortable in my childlike vulnerability without feeling judged.
I would rather wait.
I love this!!!!


The safe feeling part is way more than physically too. It’s feeling safe exposing your emotions, sharing deep secrets, sharing your dreams and hopes, trusting him around others, trusting he will take care of business, etc.


This is accurate. As soon as I started dating as my authentic self, flaws and all, I met my husband. You will only know when you can feel safe around when you know/are in tune with yourself


I have found my soulmate, it's amazing because I wasn't even looking to be with anyone, but God had different and better plans for me. Thank you Daddy


This makes a lot of sense. If you are feeling fearful, neglected, unsure, frustrated, unsatisfied, unseen, unloved, rejected, undesirable... *while you are in his presence, * this should clear up the confusion. 🚩


#2021 healing now before my husband finds me
1. Peace
2. Security
3. God Said Yes to them


You feel like you have known them forever. You communicate and share things with them without fear of judgement. They feel like your best friend. You feel calm, at ease and feeling like you can trust them. And they are sincerely interested in what you have to say. You can visualize them fitting in with your family and friends.


It's the most amazing feeling being around someone and they really "get" and accept you. It's dang near priceless.


Lean on Gods understanding and your INTUITION. I swear you can never go wrong with those two


A soulmate to me is someone you can be completely yourself with, good and bad parts of you, and still loves you totally, Someone who you can laugh with, cry with, , have rows with, have peace and security. To look into his eyes and see the soul in his eyes looking back at you, it’s someone you can feel totally in harmony with out having to consciously work at it


God will have the person who's meant for you! When God sends you his best you don't have to worry get ready! Just ask God who the person is before you leap he will tell you and show! God knows the heart we look @ the surface.


I started to cry when you said women tend to get in their heads, question everything, and end up confusing themselves and project. THAT is what I do all the time but couldn't understand why. I wrote it off as a defense mechanism to avoid being hurt. Especially since I do not date and only now taking a leap of faith. I have trust issues based off the high failures of relationships I see. But I will fast and pray to see what God tells me.

God will continue to bless you. 🙏🙏


Fasting and praying is a definite way to be able to see clearly in the spirit


You feel like you belong to that person and you will feel it in your heart ❤️


I truly believe I found my soulmate, I manifested him & I even have had so many confirmations about it with God & the universe, He even told me he was praying for me..🥺❤️💍
