LYMPHOMA After Ignoring 6 WARNING Signs

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In this video, a real ICU doctor shares the story of a patient who ignored warning signs of lymphoma and ended up in intensive care. Learn about the common symptoms of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects the body's immune system, and the risk factors associated with it. Discover how to recognize warning signs like fatigue, fever, night sweats, unexplained weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, and itchy skin. Watch this video to learn how to identify the signs of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and why it's essential to take them seriously.

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I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma when I was 15. My mom made me go to the dr after having shortness of breath. She got me out of school early (my first day of high school) & the dr found a large tumor on my lungs. It was so big it had collapsed a lung! After chemo, radiation & lots of prayers I’m cancer free & 52!


The problem these days is even doctors are not taking symptoms seriously and when you complain they gaslight you and ignore you when you know something is wrong they treat you like it's in your head. I had my lymph nodes swell up really bad after covid. The doctors didn't believe I had covid because they relied too heavily on the PCR tests even though I know I had false positives and they diagnosed me with pnamonia the end of May, and my antibodies came back positive for covid. 🤦‍♀️


It's not just patients ignoring symptoms. It is also doctors not believing or listening to them. My friend had a lump on his neck. He approached his doctor. His doctor told him he would keep an eye on it. 5 years later Dennis asks the doctor about it again. Well, it was adenoid sarcoma. Good news is it's a slow growing cancer. Bad news is the 5 years headstart it was given was enough to kill my friend. Dennis was poor and not taken seriously and now he's dead.


Doctors get upset when we ignore symptoms, but when we come to them with concerns about our symptoms they ignore us and tell us we’re fine.


I had it at age 25, I was brushed off for 9 months with symptoms like fatigue, itching, lower back ache, shortness of breath. I was told I'm perfectly healthy and to take some vitamins. By the end of the 9 months my lymph nodes got swollen around my neck and the doctor was trying to tell me it's normal until I lashed out saying IM.NOT NORMAL AND I WANT A C T SCAN !!! Then it was Ops your stage 4 B and we need to move fast lost my trust in the medical system.and i only trust my intuition since then.


My 28 year old daughter passed away from this disease in 2009 and what you explained in this video was exactly what happened to her. The Lymphoma attacked her heart. She was air lifted to Massachusetts General in Boston & 9 months later passed away in hospital. She was pregnant and delivered my grandson before being air lifted to MGH. Her OBGYN kept blaming all her symptoms on her being pregnant. Her case is in the New England Journal of Medicine. I hope this video helps many people who experience these symptoms and family advocate for them before it's too late. I'm glad this gentlemen knows how lucky he is. God bless ❤


I've been battling Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma for 16 years. I'm blessed of God to be here every day.


I was diagnosed with this particular disease 30 years ago. Went through the hell of chymo for six months, and one month of radiation therapy. I can still hear my doctor telling me that when all that will be over, I will remember it as a bad dream. I didn't believe him at the time. I had believed that life would end there, and that my children would have to grow up without me. Turns out my doctor was right. I'm still here. I was able to watch my children grow up, and is now blessed with grandchildren.
Whoever may be going through this, I tell you this: don't get discouraged. It's a type of cancer that is curable. Follow your doctor's orders, take good care of you. Don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, try to exercise, and most of all get rid of whatever stresses you out. All will go well and one day you will remember it all as a bad dream. I promise.


Husband had this and it progressed to stage 4 after doctors kept treating him for congestion and upper respiratory infections. Thank God for the doctor who caught it immediately. He had Non-Hodgkin lymphoma diffuse large B cell. He’s in full remission at 5 years now.


I was diagnosed with hodgkin lymphoma at the age of 21 after 1 years and 2months with miss diagnosis. I had excess sweating, lumps on my neck and every now and them my right arm paralysed for lack of blood flowing. 6 months of chemio and 1 month of radio was the treatment. After 1 month and a half, the cancer was gone, not even the doctor believed that happened. Now I am 29. Be positive and nothing will let you down!


Biggest problem? During most visits, some doctor's dont take our symptom's serious enough until it's too late.


My Dr's looked at me and pretty much laughed and said "lose weight, you'll be alright".. 4mths later I was pregnant and about dead. Thank God the knot came up on my neck and finally people believed me.but the sweating is something you know ain't right, you can ring your shirt out it so much! But I thought I just had the legs hurt bad!! I had stage 3 and was pregnant at 25yrs old. Thank you Jesus me& baby beat cancer


I was 18 when i was diagnosed with hodkins lymphoma stage 4B, symtpomns was ignored, told i was asmathic, prone to cehst infections, weight loss was due to growth spurt. Eventually one doctor put together the pieces and i was diagnosed. 7 years in remission now thankfully <3


My neighbor was treated for pneumonia a few times in the emergency room. Finally, on one of her visits she actually saw a doctor that told her it wasn’t pneumonia but it was lung cancer. She went for months being treated for the wrong thing. It ended up getting to her brain. She died a miserable death.


I discovered some swollen lymphs at the end of last year. I immediately went to the doctor and the doctor just touched my throat for a short time and said that she can’t detect anything. The bill came pretty fast but it was unsatisfying how she treated me. However, two weeks later I went to a different doctor and she felt my lymph nodes, did ultrasound and made blood tests which was all ok. I had a control meeting two months later and still nothing. But I really hate how some doctors don’t take you seriously when you have problems. That’s a big problem.
To end this story, I had another ultrasound of my lymph nodes earlier this month and it’s still good.
But what I have learned is that sometimes you have to go to another doctor to get a second opinion or even a third. Don’t be satisfied when you realize that the doctor did not take you serious.


I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma . I beat it. U will too. I love u.


My husband had NHL in his 50's. The doctor told him he had allergies and to pull up the carpet and put the cat outdoors. He did that but symptoms got worse. She then gave him an allergy med. with no change.
I started researching cancer symptoms and made him go back to her and demand to be tested for cancer. His doctor would not look or acknowledge me at his future appointments. He was a vet and I think she didn't care if he died. Thank goodness for Youtube doctors like you that give out accurate information.
Thank you!


1. Fatigue
2. Fever
3. Heavy night Sweats
4. Swollen lymph nodes in neck, armpits, groin
5. Unintended weight loss
6. Itchy skin
7. Chest pain, coughs, short of breath


My Son was misdiagnosed with non Hodgkin's Lymphoma when he actually had Histoplasmosis. They mimic each other. They found no cancer in his autopsy only Histoplasmosis. If giving antifungal treatment instead of chemotherapy at the time of diagnosis, he could have survived! Doctors need to be trained better to rule out Histoplasmosis before blasting with chemotherapy...😢


Im 29 years out from my Stage 4 B diagnosis and remission. I ignored my symptoms for possibly 2 years. Towards the beginning of the end I had itching, night sweats, pain from drinking alcohol all over my Dr called that firepox, and finally I lost 50 lbs in 4 months...silly me thought this was all stress at 23 years old. 10 months of MOPPABV and 5 weeks of RT, lung surgery and other issues here I dealing with long term side effects but still relatively healthy
