35 FRUGAL HABITS To Adopt Right Away (These frugal living hacks may surprise you!)

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I have 35 frugal habits that you can start in 2024! These hacks are things you can do today to save money and time, and to live a simpler, freer life. "Money isn't there for flaunting" - Graham Stephan #minimalism #savingmoney

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My favorite cleaning items (not sponsored!):

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(This video is about: frugal living,frugal living tips,save money,how to save money,money saving tips,frugal living ideas,frugal living hacks,saving money tips,frugal tips,frugal habits,simple living,minimalism,frugal living and minimalism,frugal living tips 2024,frugal living tips with big impact,frugal living videos,saving money challenge,no spend challenge,buy nothing,things I no longer buy,things i don't buy,things i won't buy,things i won't buy in 2024)
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I always have one set of clothes for when I go out and public like a grocery store or the post and then When I get home I immediately change into my non public attire.


We make all meals in bulk…for example, when I make turkey meatloaf I make 2, then I slice them down and freeze them for easy quick meals…I always have at least 5 different meals ready in the freezer. It just works, we never do take away. 🤷‍♀️


Laundry sheets are a much more environmentally-friendly alternative to jugs of detergent, which typically end up forever in landfills.


Same, every bit of furniture I own is second-hand and made with strong beautiful wood. Only my bed is brand new.


Tip for removing butter and oils from clothes - pretreat with Dawn 🙌🏼💜


Admittedly I'm guilty of longer showers as they count as my self-care time, BUT I basically do everything else you listed 😊 Good job turning it all into a beautiful video, so others (and our planet) can benefit too 👏💗


We never use a dishwasher because it is one less thing that might need repair.


Great list! We set our thermostat to 77 in the summer but I could never go below 70 in the winter. I'm already wearing slippers and a sweater when it's set to 71 and I shouldn't have to wear a coat indoors. I'm all for frugality but being comfortable is a little higher on the priority list. You know what though... I have a thyroid disease that causes me to be colder than average so I guess that's why it could work for you and others.


Treat the grease stains with Dawn dishwashing liquid and then wash them. Also I'm a cleaning lady and I can probably clean it better than you can however cleaning ladies like me are very hard to find. So in that I would agree with you, do it yourself one room at a time.


About washing clothes in cold water: define cold water. Cold water in Florida is much warmer than cold water in North Dakota in winter. A New Yorker told me once that water in New York City never gets cold. My mother used to listen to housekeeping shows on the radio, and she told me, "They don't really mean cold water."


Actually you only need laundry detergent about the size of a quarter per load. The agitator does the cleaning. Use leftovers for lunch - do not buy lunch in cafeteria or eat out for lunch. If time is sn issue. Cook on weekend and freeze. Portion food appropriately.
Love your videos.


One small tip is that if you have food stamps, check to see if your state's food stamps covers seeds! My state lets people buy seeds as long as it's for produce! So things like tomatoes, peppers, etc., even fruit trees and bushes! I know there's programs in conjunction with food stamps that at least give you 50% off for them! Growing your own vegetables and fruit can save you a lot of money in the long run!

Edit to add - turn off your shower when washing your body. Get wet, wash your hair, then turn off your water while you scrub your body, turning it back on when you're done and ready to rinse. If you're good about keeping your shampoo or conditioner out of your eyes, leave them in while you scrub! It'll give them time to better work, especially if you have dandruff or scalp conditions and are using salicylic shampoo and conditioner, or using a hair repair conditioner. You will also use a lot less body wash as the water isn't going to be rinsing it off half way through.

A sorta weird tip I'm throwing in just for fun is to not dry off. Instead, wick as much off as you can while still standing in the shower, then immediately moisturize your whole body, rubbing the lotion in until it's soaked in, leaving you dry. Dermatologists say that the best time to moisturize is within 2 minutes of showering. Also, you shouldn't be using a terry cloth for drying your hair, as that's too harsh and consider investing in a microfiber hair wrap towel instead and then using only a small towel to dry off your intimate areas. This is sorta a frugal hack in the long run as you'll save some money in no longer needing to wash and dry bulky, large towels and it saves a lot in storage space and dirty hamper space.


Another great video. I agree with all, except cleaning the car at home! Where I live in Europe you are not allowed to clean your car at home because the contaminated dirty water enters the ground water system. We have to go to designated car washes.. there are cheap ones where you use a hose (like at home), intermediate ones where you drive through and clean the inside yourself or expensive where it all gets done for you. There the dirty water is collected and cleaned.


Don't waste food! Bag up your vege and herb trimmings and freeze. When freezer bag is full, put in a big pot and make a vege broth to use in recipes. If you have a garden, compost the rest!


Cook a whole chicken, shred the meat for sandwiches, salads and wraps. Put the carcass in the crock pot on low overnight. In the morning strain the broth, place it in refrigerator and wait one day. All the fat will be on top- throw it away and freeze the broth in portions for cooking soups and rice. I use large plastic containers from sour cream and cottage cheese for freezing broth. After that I can recycle them or keep using them


I don't use a dishwasher except a store my clean dishes in . I just use a 2 qt pot for cooking several chicken thighs. I add noodles and vegetables. I batch cook every 10 days and then I have enough food in my freezer so I have hardly any dishes to wash. I use a 6 " skillet for eggs..homemade tortillas.. I eat mostly produce like carrots and peas and green pepper and cabbage that I cut up every 10 days and either blanch that or just freeze in bags.


We use toilet paper many times too replace paper towels for little tiny cleanups et cetera.


You can also treat oil stains with “goo-gone” and baking soda. Works like a charm!


Thank you for all your common sense advice ~ I double-checked... I'm subscribed (I just don't always comment)!
Im excited to see this one because it was so recently posted, but your others pop up regularly & automatically ~ what I enjoy most is your explanations of thought processes about how you've arrived at these solutions... it then feels like we've had an actual conversation.
Thanks, again, for helping us keep our homes well & our sanity intact🪻


We got rid of cable but programmed on YouTube some of the shows that we would otherwise be missing and then at Walmart we got a 12"x12" screen magnifier. So you put the cell phone behind the magnifier .$13
