5 Frugal Habits To AFFORD Living In The Future

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The hipsters are making everything extremely unaffordable!
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The world is become outrageously expensive and the cost of living seems to keep increasing with no signs of stopping. Everything is becoming trendy and we are starting to only see options that cost an unnecessary about of money through gentrification. If we continue on this path, the future will be extremely expensive and hard to afford to live in. In this video, I share 5 frugal habits to afford living in the future.
1. Start Preparing For A Hard Future
I believe that in the future, AI will take a lot of jobs, the cost of living will continue going up, and wealth inequality will become more extreme than it is today. This is going to make it much more difficult to afford living in the future and although times are difficult right now, making changes and solving problems are much easier now than in the future. I find it important to recognize that the future will be much more complex and start preparing by paying off debt, building an emergency fund, and living a more frugal lifestyle.
2. Take Advantage Of Free Public Services
When I was living Ecuador, one thing I really came to appreciate was how amazing the free public services we have in the US are like libraries, public spaces, and national parks. I think we often take these services for granted and do not see the opportunity of finding hobbies related to these services. Many people connect all of their hobbies to spending money whether that is through shopping or some expensive sport, and I think that in the future things will become so expensive that people will become depressed because they can no longer afford these expensive hobbies. If you instead connect hobbies and finding joy through these free public services, the you can find joy in life regardless of how expensive the future is.
3. Invest More In “Real” Health Care
As we go in the future, spending money on doctor's visits, treatments, and medication will put many people in a tough financial spot. Often we view health care as paying insurance and taking medication, but this is "sick care." It's what you turn to as a last resort. We need to start rethinking health care as taking preventative steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoid spending a lot of money on doctor's visits and medications. It is important to focus on living an active lifestyle, eating healthy foods, and focusing on good mental health. In addition, it is important to remember that being frugal isn't about cutting corners and always saving money, but it is about sometimes spending more money on higher quality things to prevent expensive problems down the road. It is important to rethink health care and focus more on taking care of yourself.
4. Don’t Keep Up With Crazy
The world has gotten more crazy than normal due to technology. Constantly keeping up with technology will (1) make you slowly go crazy and (2) cost you a lot of money. It is important as we head into the future to reject and limit your technology usage so that you are not manipulated into spending a lot of money. When you instead live a more simple, frugal life focusing on not following the latest technological trends, you will live a much richer life.
5. Spend For The Future You Want To Live In
We often underestimate the power that we have as consumers and how our spending influences what future products and services will be created. When we spend money we are actually just voting and collectively, as a society, whatever receives the most votes will determine how expensive the future will be. If we all spend money unintentionally and accept that the world is going to be organic grocery stores and trendy restaurants, then the future will be very expensive. However, if some people choose to make intentional decisions to spend their money in a frugal way on affordable products and services, then a market will still exist making the future more affordable.
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Books I'm Reading:
The world is become outrageously expensive and the cost of living seems to keep increasing with no signs of stopping. Everything is becoming trendy and we are starting to only see options that cost an unnecessary about of money through gentrification. If we continue on this path, the future will be extremely expensive and hard to afford to live in. In this video, I share 5 frugal habits to afford living in the future.
1. Start Preparing For A Hard Future
I believe that in the future, AI will take a lot of jobs, the cost of living will continue going up, and wealth inequality will become more extreme than it is today. This is going to make it much more difficult to afford living in the future and although times are difficult right now, making changes and solving problems are much easier now than in the future. I find it important to recognize that the future will be much more complex and start preparing by paying off debt, building an emergency fund, and living a more frugal lifestyle.
2. Take Advantage Of Free Public Services
When I was living Ecuador, one thing I really came to appreciate was how amazing the free public services we have in the US are like libraries, public spaces, and national parks. I think we often take these services for granted and do not see the opportunity of finding hobbies related to these services. Many people connect all of their hobbies to spending money whether that is through shopping or some expensive sport, and I think that in the future things will become so expensive that people will become depressed because they can no longer afford these expensive hobbies. If you instead connect hobbies and finding joy through these free public services, the you can find joy in life regardless of how expensive the future is.
3. Invest More In “Real” Health Care
As we go in the future, spending money on doctor's visits, treatments, and medication will put many people in a tough financial spot. Often we view health care as paying insurance and taking medication, but this is "sick care." It's what you turn to as a last resort. We need to start rethinking health care as taking preventative steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoid spending a lot of money on doctor's visits and medications. It is important to focus on living an active lifestyle, eating healthy foods, and focusing on good mental health. In addition, it is important to remember that being frugal isn't about cutting corners and always saving money, but it is about sometimes spending more money on higher quality things to prevent expensive problems down the road. It is important to rethink health care and focus more on taking care of yourself.
4. Don’t Keep Up With Crazy
The world has gotten more crazy than normal due to technology. Constantly keeping up with technology will (1) make you slowly go crazy and (2) cost you a lot of money. It is important as we head into the future to reject and limit your technology usage so that you are not manipulated into spending a lot of money. When you instead live a more simple, frugal life focusing on not following the latest technological trends, you will live a much richer life.
5. Spend For The Future You Want To Live In
We often underestimate the power that we have as consumers and how our spending influences what future products and services will be created. When we spend money we are actually just voting and collectively, as a society, whatever receives the most votes will determine how expensive the future will be. If we all spend money unintentionally and accept that the world is going to be organic grocery stores and trendy restaurants, then the future will be very expensive. However, if some people choose to make intentional decisions to spend their money in a frugal way on affordable products and services, then a market will still exist making the future more affordable.
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