$$$ Save THOUSANDS EACH YEAR - Habits of highly frugal people

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How frugal are you? Let's talk about things highly successful people do that save them thousands of dollars year after year and help them build wealth. How many of these do you do?

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It's full of frugal tips, free printables, and resources just for you!

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💲 I have an Amazon store now! These are all the things I use and love, to YouTube, to live life, most of which save me money in some way. These are Afflinks so I may receive a small kickback at no cost to you. 💲


💲💲💲 Want to save more money? I recommend: 💲💲💲

➡️Ebates (for money back on online purchases!):
➡️ LastPass (Have secure passwords and protect yourself online for just $36 a year)
➡️ GlassesUSA (for high quality, low priced glasses and contacts):
➡️ Dollar Shave Club (for cheap, more eco-friendly razors):
➡️ CapitalOne360 (for up to 20 free, interest-earning, name-able sinking fund or savings
➡️ Bluehost website hosting:
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Investing freebies and resources:

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Budget Girl
P.O. Box 9722
College Station, TX

💲 This video is not sponsored. I only share products and brands I truly love, use and enjoy. All opinions are always my own and 100% honest.

#budgetgirl #frugal #habits
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Frugal people pack their lunch everyday and love left overs. Frugal people spend their change instead of viewing it as useless.


Never leave the house hungry, pre-plan. If you must leave the house without eating, put a banana and some snacks in your bag to avoid impulse shopping.


Frugal people get excited when they see a new video from BUDGET GIRL!


My first cell was Android because I couldn't justify the cost of Apple and I never found a reason to change. My closet has lots of brand name clothing all purchased at thrift shops. I think hunting for a "treasure" in a thrift store way more fun than going to the mall. I plan ahead and shop sales. Due to our policy of living below our means we are living a comfortable retirement in a paid for home. Even though I don't need to be frugal I think paying full price for an unnecessary item would give me hives!


I’m a massage therapist so on occasion I have bartered services. Got my car fixed, needed a plumber and also getting hair cuts. As long as you have clear terms at the beginning I’ve never had a problem. Also all 3 of my barter people returned at least once for a massage they paid for, so increased my client base. Win-win 💗


This is great. My 2012 MacBook pro died. At first I didn't want to buy another but after realizing the laptop lasted about 8 years, I wasn't willing to compromise for the price.

On the flip side, I bought a Google pixel 3a to replace my failing iPhone SE that I got for free. I'm learning to select what's important to me. It's definitely personal.


Love this video. I’d say one thing you may have missed is ‘just saying no!’ No to events we can’t afford, no to a hobby that’s just too much, no to another obligatory gift swap at the holidays, just no!


You’ve read over 130 books this year? How? Impressive


Frugal people are great for the environment because they don’t waste gas, water or electricity! 😊😊😊


I love hundred dollar bills and hate to use them. Some people have coin collections. I collect hundred dollar bills. Just ask my safety deposit box. But someday they may all disappear when I pay cash for a used vehicle.


I cut my own hair, I use a beard trimmer to keep a 2 day shadow it looks kept and I haven’t purchased a razor blade in years, I close the vent in second bedroom and close the door, I always cook at home, I brew my own coffee, I drive a paid off car, I plan trips as to not waste fuel, etc.
I want to read more and I’m an Apple fan. I think it’s because of what I’m used to and their amazing customer service.


Diehard Android from the beginning. I have always gone against the grain. If everybody has it, I don't want it. Not interested. Great tips! I am doing a " no buy" this year and paying off my debt. So far so good.


I don’t have a car, i either walk, bike or take the bus, also i pack my lunchs and rarely eat out. Just these 2 things on their own save me money and keep me fit. No need for a gym membership. As for cellphone, it’s paid by my job.


Absolutely!! Sarah my neck hurts from nodding so much. Lol great job!


My pet peeve is having to pay for parking. I will walk a bazillion miles to avoid it! Lol
And I have an old Apple I don’t care!


I have been wanting Ugg style type boots for a very long time. Last night at Grocery Outlet they had that type of boots, in various colors and styles for $9.99. Yep, I bought them. Great video. Commenting and watching via a droid!


I think frugal people set long-term financial goals, and the understand how important budgeting is and how little expenses can add up quickly.


I never go to Starbucks unless given a gift card. I will wash and vacuum my car instead of paying crazy prices for a full wash and detail. I will always ask if places have coupons or discounts available. I say “ no harm in asking”.
I use Ibotta, Fetch Rewards and Rakuten for money back in purchases. I pay bills and buy what I need with my Discover Card because I get bonus dollars that I put towards my bill each month. It may only be $10, but it’s that much less I have to pay.
I use the library and the local library online resources. I don’t pay for a kindle or audible. I won’t buy Hello Fresh when I can cook for much cheaper.
I am the way I am so when I want to splurge for something I can. My husband and I are just about debt free, small amount of mortgage left in our 50’s.
We do go out and enjoy. We just don’t throw away money on unnecessary things.


I tell people that you may think that I am cheap, but I do this to buy things that I really want. For example I just bought a 2017 Ford Escape with less than 15, 000 miles for $16, 000 and I paid cash.


I’m a both person. iPad and Samsung phone.
Frugal people try and find more than one use for an item. Food containers become freezer containers, extra rice becomes fried rice, double a recipe for a freezer meal, and hand me downs work too. 😊 Loved the video 💕
