7 Frugal Habits to Live a More Frugal Lifestyle and Save More Money in 2021

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Sharing 7 habits you can adopt to start living a more frugal lifestyle in 2021. These frugal living tips will help you develop more frugal habits that will help you save more money in the upcoming year to help you work towards your financial goals!

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i personally LOVE buy used because you can't beat the price and a lot of stuff is just as good as new! :))


I use a credit card to purchase everything I need on the stipulation is a weekly payoff. I have 1200.00 by the end of the year that I transfer back to the credit card to buy Christmas It takes care of most of Xmas for me. I do it every year and I make sure to cash in every November in time to shop for holidays.


Hi Kristin,

Today 1st Jan 2021, we have officially entered a new year. I have been following your channel for quite some times now, I found that most of your financial tips and advices just worked so well for me. Really appreciate what you have brought to all of us. Wish you and your family a smooth and prosperous 2021.

Thank you


Used items - eBay, poshmark, Amazon, Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, thrift stores, yard/garage sales, church rumble sales, hand me down clothes, etc.


I’ve had great luck buying secondhand clothing online, successfully saving 80%+ on my favorite brands on Mercari and it feels so special so have nice pieces on a budget


Thank you!!! I have just saved so much money!


These are fantastic tips! This is such an important topic to be discussing at the moment as well, I really enjoyed the video!


I had to buy a washer and dryer this year but didn’t want to spend a lot so I looked on OfferUp. I was able to buy two full sized Whirlpool machines for $350 and the seller even delivered it to me. The machines are used but they still work well and it was a total steal.


thank you for this! love your channel :)


I rarely use paper towels, we have a good supply of cleaning and tea towels. We make any coffee at home and use commuter cups for any drinks and bring snacks with us. We rarely purchase anything since we are downsizing seniors. Meal planning and gardening keeps down the grocery bill. We loved our daily gym but had to cancel since Covid. Silver Sneakers is online. I examine all fixed expenses every 6 months. Bills are auto deduct. I earn card rewards and pay all at the end of the month. This was good when we could fly or travel.


Thank you Kristin. Great video. I am trying to live frugally. It is rewarding. I do have to control my spending a little more. Sometimes i tend to spend a little more than i earn. But i am a work in progress. Thanks again.


Very good advice. Thank you for the video


Thanks Kristin, you present some interesting ideas. I agree with you concerning C.C. usage. I use them mainly for the Cash back. Also, I 99.999% of the time pay the balance either the same day, or as soon as the charge clears the pending stage.


We just moved because the price of living is cheaper and my husband's pay is much higher. So its a win win


Tip # 37 for saving your money, if you have the time start to grow your own garden then later learn how to preserve what you grow.


The first tip is great for the environment as well.


Such great tips! Definitely have had “sneaky subscription” issues in the past. I thought my husband was buying/using a subscription and it turned out to be something I used in the past and just forgot to cancel. Oops! Now we communicate better and haven’t had the same issue since.


I'm having a Goodwill meltdown! Haven't been since this thing started!


So many awesome tips!! I need to get better at buying used items!


Earning more money is legitimately the most powerful thing you can do for your financial life. Getting a side hustle and adding an extra $1, 000/month to your income, on top of what being frugal has helped you save, means you have that much more money to put towards your debt and your savings.
