5 tips to help you explain to family WHAT’S COMING NEXT

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Have you ever tried to explain to your family what may be coming to America, only to be met with blank stares? Or accusations that you’re going crazy?! It’s okay…not all your loved ones may be aware of the signs that economic hardship seems to be right around the corner. But we MUST prepare them so that they can prepare themselves. Glenn gives 5 tips for how to explain to YOUR family that the Great Reset is upon us and that the time to prepare is now.

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I believe the most important thing one can do in these very scary uncertain times is to get right with the Lord. Get in His Word, pray and make sure your house is in order. My family thinks I’m nuts all I can do is pray for them and look for those opportunities to help them prepare.
May the Lord have mercy on us all. God bless. Isaiah 55:6 Seek the Lord while he may be found. Call on him while he is near.


The most important thing anyone can do is be right with the Lord... every day.


This is soooo how I feel! Everyone around me has no clue. I tried to tell my family... I am now the crazy lady.


I’m a wife and I feel this way.
Such a mix of emotions. Sad, angry, perplexed by those entirely oblivious to what - to me - seems so obvious.


God bless everyone who is preparing for the days ahead. And may God help those who aren't.


My family is all awake. I have made a bunch of money. Quit my job as a carpenter and bought a homestead. Got a milk cow raised a bunch of steers and a replacement heifer. I have been handing out beef and eggs to my whole family. We have so much we give eggs out to friends that are in hard times. You should see how much people appreciate food in these hard times. Also I'm stocked up on every thing. I'm looking into a large gas tank. GET PREPARED.


Glenn hit the nail on the head (again) with feeling alone and keeping to myself so much of what I know. The people around me either don’t want to hear it, or wouldn’t believe it and would think I’m crazy. I tell only what I think people are open to and can handle. Very isolating.


“Don’t invite me to any parties because I’ll make everyone cry.”

Man, I don’t always agree with you Glen but damn. I’m inviting you to every party


It's very hard to talk to family members and friends about a reality none of us want.


I'm a father and I've been going through the same thing for the past several years. It's hard to keep all this dark information to myself and yet still try to prepare everyone at home for the possible scenario's that may come. It's just not easy, it's not easy to work or have any kind of fun.


My adult kids get emergency supplies every Christmas. They call them Armageddon supplies. Now they have spouses so the crazy father talk must be interesting. I don’t care what they think.


Ive seen this coming for at least 13 years and have planned accordingly. My wife thought I was nuts but I never tried to sway her. I just quietly went about my way collecting supplies, building water storage, ripping up the yard for a garden and honing my skills in all things survival. Then my wife stumbles upon the Clinton Chronicles after hearing about Epstein and Bills connection. Took her about 3 months of going deep in the rabbit-hole to become even more extreme than me. Now Im a genius instead of a p-noid freak.


I don't even try to talk anymore. I've been couponing for 15 years, so a stockpile isn't an issue. Hubby's on the water bottles, first aid, ammo and such. Glenn we have been watching you for years. Thank you!


My wife just gave me another lecture on how I'm wasting our money and not contributing to the family after a box of freeze-dried food got delivered today. Not a good day. Great timing on the video.


You are not alone. No one wants to "see" and "hear" what's coming in our world. But we know that. Love you and your show.


My wife and I have been together for almost 7 years. Last night was the first time I've actually gotten her to listen to me about something as simple as a get home plan.


Love you Glen. I'm in the same spot. It's lonely. But the Lord is faithful. God bless and thank you.


You have basically summarized the last five years of being me, and trying to relate these things to the people I love. You have no idea how perfectly I relate to everything you just said.


I'm encouraged because my 20 year old daughter came to me and said, "Dad, have you heard about the great reset. It's some real scary stuff." I told her that I'm in chapter 3 of a book about it. Glenn, thank you for shedding light on this dark world. I really appreciate what you and the crew are doing.


Sadly, too many families consist of members who don't think the same way. I was fortunate. We all think alike. This is a fantastic way to introduce anything different from "the norm" in a group.
