How to be More Resilient - 6 Traits of Resilient People - Featuring Laura Kampf

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Resilience is a skill that can be learned, and I was watching a creator who totally embodies it, Laura Kampf, she’s such a great example of resilience.

When it comes to being more resilient a lot of people probably think that being more resilient means “Just try harder” “Suck it up” “Get over it” or “Just push through”. They think that the way to be more resilient, the way to overcome obstacles is to just force yourself to be motivated and keep going even if things aren’t working. And, while grit is a great characteristic, just forcing it can’t be your only tool. If you really want to be more resilient, you’ve got to have a toolbox of skills to rely upon when it all hits the fan.
So in this video you’ll learn 6 ways to be more resilient. And I’m going to give you lots of examples of how to be resilient from Laura’s channel. Let's get better at feeling.
Resilience means to bounce back. So for example, rubber is resilient. Resilience means getting back up just one time more than getting knocked down. I think some people think mental strength comes from just being super tough, super strong. But I would disagree. Ice is strong, but it’s not resilient. Resilience is a combination of toughness and flexibility.

It’s not just trying the same thing over and over again. It’s not just trying harder. It’s not just willpower. It’s trying something differently. So let's watch some an example of a resilient person:

00:00 Resilience is a skill that can be learned
01:09 What is resilience- Resilient people have 6 characteristics:
02:06 1. A belief that everything is Figure-out-able
05:21 2. Resilient people ask for help
07:14 3. Resilient people build skills to tolerate emotions
09:39 4. They focus on what they can control
11:27 5. Flexible thinking is a sign of resilience
13:55 6. Laughter and resilience

Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.

Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
Рекомендации по теме

1. Everything is figure-out-able
2. Looking for help
3. skills for tolerance, don't be ashamed of emotions, taking breaks
4. learn to focus on what you CAN control
5. flexible (mindset), accept failure
6. Laugh about it if sh*t hits the fan

You're welcome. You got this!


My biggest pet peeve is everyone always saying “seek help from a professional.” That’s like saying “go to the moon.” Unless you have $200 to spend per hour of help, or even $100 or even $50, which takes many many sessions to really build a relationship with the counsellor and work on things, then it is not accessible. I am not ashamed or hiding a need for help. There is just no way to “seek professional help.”

Anyway I do get good information online and your videos are super helpful and all of these online videos and articles are a blessing. I just wanted to say that professional help is not an option for most people


I used to have that resilient mindset. I always said " you just have to be smarter than the problem." And somewhere along the way I lost that. Thank you for this video ❤️ it was much needed.


Someone once told me ‘failure is feedback’
Which gave me a whole new approach to my studies, and while I still don’t love when I have to repeat an assessment, I’m not so hard on myself about it now


For me, part one of resilience building is to understand and acknowledge your current resilience levels and tolerance


I'm such a huge fan of Laura's. I honestly don't know how she faces the constant issues with such good attitude. I strive to be more like her. What an inspiration.


She is such an inspiration! I’ve followed her during the house renovation and I have been amazed how positive she remains and keeps on going!


My favorite YouTube therapist made a video about my favorite YouTube maker. Pure happiness :)


It is so cool that you are using Laura Kampf as an example of resilience. I love her videos and yours and am not afraid to tell people about both of you! So cool to see you two here. I bet Laura was chuffed about this too!


This kind of mindset is very hard to train for me.
But I’m making progress.
I’m proud of that.
I’m slowly becoming more and more resilient.


Mr lady, you don't have idea how much peace you brings to my life, thanks a lot for everything ❤️❤️❤️


If we ask for resilience… expect struggles to come in order to build it… resilience is a skill and like any other skill it takes time to learn 🙏🏽😁


This is so great! I really admire Laura and I’ve been waiting for someone to make a video about how she deals with failure and her general upbeat attitude during her builds. So cool!!


Just like some others have said, I really needed this today. I'm 65 years old and I have cerebral palsy. The older I get the more difficult things become. I need to start working out again to strengthen all my muscles, especially my legs. I'm in a bit of a catch-22 because how do you strengthen your muscles when you feel you are too tired and weak to workout? After watching your video, I am determined to find a way to start again and build on my progress. Maybe isometric exercise is the best way for me to resume my workouts. Thanks again!


OMG! learned about your channel by watching Laura talk about how you had used her videos! This was wonderful... I've been watching Laura for years. She's a kindred spirit and I love her beautiful approach to life. I didn't realize it was resilience. Yes! I really enjoyed this video and look forward to spending more time checking out Therapy in a Nutshell❤


This video was wonderful! What an excellent lesson that I needed to be reminded of during tough times. Thank you, Emma!


It makes a HUGE difference if you have the finances in this case plus she has ppl willing to assist her. I have resiliency in general...yet there's only so many hard hits one person can handle at one time especially if there is not a strong support system as much as I keep assisting others. Where is the Pay It Forward program? We are all supposed to be in this world together... to make it a happier and smoother place for everyone❤


Thank you. Someone explaining how to develop resilience and guiding me on the how is so inspiring. You have made me realise how my reactions are sometimes repetitve and will not develop me.


Loved your video. I'm following Laura on Youtube and this is exactly why she is an inspiration. After a series of terrible events in South America (robbery, no money, no passport, trauma etc) I learned first-hand that the worst thing you can do to yourself is declaring yourself a victim. It takes away all your power. There are always more possibilities than the can think of. Next lesson was that help is always nearby, IF we open our eyes to it. And if we're prepared to take on the task at hand. No use crying for help when your car is stuck, start pushing.


I'm a huge fan of Laura Kampf, and every week she models how to human with grace, humility, and laughter ❤️💕
