The Covenantal Necessity of the Millennium // BOOK OF REVELATION // Session 80

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Joel Richardson teaches on the foundational covenants that every believer must understand in the latest session of THE BOOK OF REVELATION series from Frontier Alliance International.


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One of the best teachings on the Abrahamic covenant I’ve ever heard. I love your teachings Joel.


Brilliantly presented, loving your revelation series - thank you, thank God and God bless you and your family 🙏


So very nice to have you back Joel. Sorry about your badement. Bummer. We really missed you.
Gabe is awesome. I hope he continues to teach. I'll follow him on the wire.
Oh! Also, the other Joel is wonderful. I really apprecite him. Love Steph too...all of you.
Thank you!


May Yah bless you and your family, Joel. Have missed your teaching. This message right here needs to be spread far and wide amongst so called "Christians' who are teaching that we (believers in Christ) are spiritual Israel.


Yes I agree we need to know and understand the Covenants. I have come to this after spending a moment in Torah groups and upon being called out to be taught by the Ruach I see that not knowing and understanding God's Covenants is how great deception can come in. Excited to listen!


Thanks Joel, really good to see you. Gabe did a fantastic job in your absence. Look forward to your next session.


Yes! This is the video I have been praying for!


My wife thinks you stole my notes on this topic. 😅 Spot on teaching Joel! 👏👏👍


Great to refresh our minds on the covenants of God thanks Joel hope you get your studio up and running soon 🙏


The biggest reason there has o be a physical millennial kingdom is God promised to restore the years for which Israel is being punished.

2nd: Jesus said that in the regeneration, when he sits on the throne of his glory, he will set up 12 thrones from which his disciples will judge the 12 tribes of Israel.

Last, but not least, Jesus showed the Apostle John that when he returns, he will resurrect the dead, set up thrones, and rule with the resurrected dead 1k years.


Joel, good to see your back. I pray all is ok with the family. God bless!


Gods word isn’t a spoken word everyone, when you know you know!


I love that you brought up the marriage covenant 🙏🏻. Do you have a teaching on that and do you believe that as long as your covenant spouse is living, that you can not remarry, and if you do, you are living in adultery? Til death do us part… not til divorce do we part…


Amen. Praise God. Thank you Joel. God bless you. And thank You Jesus. Amen


Hey Joel. What are your thoughts on Messiah 2030. Especially their interpretation of Daniel 9. It’s worth a watch.


Great word. Thank you. Error snowballs. Hank H. seems to have fallen into apastasy?


Great teaching!!! Question...what about the "House of Israel" including the tribes that mixed with the gentiles? My husband has some Jewish blood.


Joel, my introduction to you was from your YouTube videos refuting pretrib—which are excellent by the way!
Although this current teaching is overall very good, you have asserted some unbiblical statements, and you are clearly making stuff up…
You correctly reference Genesis 15:1 where the word CAME TO HIM IN A VISION. But then you state that God MANIFESTS himself into the vision as you claim at the 9:39 mark when you state, “there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between the pieces so the Lord MANIFESTS the Lord appears in the form of fire and smoke and it he it passes in between the pieces of the animals down the corridor.”
You’re teaching that God transforms Himself into a smoking oven and fire?
But it gets worse…
At the 12:32 mark in the video, you state that…”essentially what the Lord was saying is, may I God, the god of the universe MAY I THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS DIE LIKE THESE ANIMALS IF I DON'T KEEP MY PROMISES if I don't fulfill what I'm promising right here and right now may I end up like these animals.”
Please show us where in Scripture God says, or even indicates that the LORD will die if these promises are not fulfilled... This is ridiculous and absurd!
You better watch it Joel, remember James 3 and the consequences of making stuff up which labels you as being a false teacher!


How disappointed in God Abraham would be if replacement theology were true. Also, how weak must God be if he could not fulfill his promise to Abraham as Abraham understood it!


Regarding the Abrahamic Covenant, if it was meant in a literal sense that all of those descended from Abraham will have everlasting possession of the land, then why were those possessing the land scattered after they had possession of the land? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Abrahamic Covenant was an unconditional covenant (only God passed through the divided animals) whereas the Mosaic Covenant was conditional. So, they broke God's Law and they were scattered. Does this imply that God broke his Covenant with Abraham?
Furthermore, and on to the subject of God's Chosen People, how do we rectify the phrase "All Israel will be saved" with the term "whoever" in the following statement...
Mark 3:28–29 - Jesus says, "whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin".
Are we to believe that there has never been a descendant of Abraham who blasphemed the Holy Spirit? In your comparison to the marriage covenant, you neglected to mention that God provides the justification of divorce for the sin of adultery.
It seems to me that the only way to rectify these things is to understand that the
"descendants of Abraham" would have to be, in a spiritual sense, those of his descendants who emulated his faith. And the "Seed" (singular) is Jesus who will bring the faithful - both Jew and Gentile - into the promised land for eternity. If I'm wrong on these points, how do we rectify Romans 11:26 "All Israel will be saved" with Zechariah 13:8-9... "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God."
There is only one Olive Tree into which both Jew and Gentile may be grafted.
