What is the New Covenant?

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What is the New Covenant? How is the New Covenant related to the Old Covenant?
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Thank you for this. It is very important that all Christian understand the New Covenant. I myself just posted a talk regarding this very important issue.


Thank you very much for sharing this video. Our fellowship group finds the content very helpful. Blessings to all involved in its production.


Thank you father. I am greatful for my freedom and I am greatful to get to go back to full time employment. I will honor my freedom and I will honor my family job


1 Thessalonians 3:13🕊️👑
“so that He may establish your hearts in blamelessness and holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints. Amen.”


Thank you. I am what one would consider a Messianic Jew. My own mother a gentile. This is a tough call. I believe in Jesus Christ. I end my prayers in his name. But, I maintain a very strong mentality. I have seen the gentiles bend y twist God's word like chewing gum to fit their needs. I am a Sabbath keeper. I love spending time y emersing my self into the Scriptures. I, was touched by the Spanish culture y it's strong humble tight family love. I had my hands laid upon me at one of their pentecostal services y my whole life changed. I was raised a Jehovah's witness on top of the racial blendings. I always considered myself white, until the Nazi culture in the US came into my life y exploded onto the US scene. I read the whole Bible to work thru my confusions. I now do it in several languages. It's a wild trip. I understand why some people get discouraged y flee their beliefs. I have walked in many circles. Pick up the good book y read. You'll be okay. I don't have a church. I've gone to most y even the buddist temple. Be strong y work thru your pain. Just do it. American churches taint God's word as a whole. But, this is just my experiences, which have been many. Just read. If what you hear from the pulpit matches, than stay with that congregation. I wish you all the best. Numbers 6..22-27. Shalom y God bless.


The music is extremely distracting. You also fail to mention that the New Covenant is made between the Father and Son (Heb 9:13-15).


The vague description of a 'new covenant' lends it to subjective interpretation. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus? Where did Jesus say you could eat shellfish and wear clothes of mixed fabric? In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Matthew 5:17 - 18, KJV) Where is this 'new covenant' written? Many differing sects of Christianity have MANY differing subjective interpretations. This appears to be a movement to reinterpret old Biblical law to make it more liberal and easier to follow, plus less based on old superstitions.


I got a question
When is the time in the bible that the new covenant began? Or full-filled? What part of the book or scene that the new covenant started or take place? Is it during christ at the Lord supper along with His disciples or is it during on the cross?


That did not answer the question, "What is the new covnenant?" The Mosaic covenant was intended to bring the Israelites into a saving relationship with God through their mediator, the Son of God, who was to come as their incarnate Savior or Messiah. The covenant was not kept by faith except by a few Jews from time to time, so it was breached by those who represented the nation of Israel time and time again. God had to reestablish the covenant through His Son's sacrifice so that a new heart condition would be created so that the people of God could keep His law, being written on their hearts and having it in their minds.

Today, we see the Christian churches repeating the history of Israel in not keeping His commandments by faith in the atoning blood of Christ. However, God will have a people to work for Him and be transformed by Him, despite the rampant false doctrines, false gospels, false covenants, and false signs of the covenant promoted by the churches today. In that day, many will say unto Him, Lord, Lord, but Jesus will say unto them. "I know you not. Depart from me you doers of iniquity". Iniquity means lawlessness. The opposite of that are those who obey His laws or do His commandments. "Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Revelation 22:14


I believe the Hebrew Roots movement has a much more plausible explanation. This seems like doctrinal gymnastics at its best to justify ignoring the vast majority of the Old Testament, except for the few, cherry-picked, situational-applied ones modern Christians love to quote.


So the new covenant is not with Gentiles? Only with Israel and Judah? How do we become part of Israel and Judah?


A better covenant between God the Father and believers, we promise to sin no more as there is no more sacrifice for sin, and our past sins at baptism shall be forgiven.


Is New Covenant conditional or unconditional?


I am not understanding why you are reading scripture, describing the new covenant, which obviously follows God’s law, but then you mention no requirement of following God‘s law for believers who are grafted into the new covenant? This is evidence that you are not understanding the importance of obedience. Christ is the sacrifice, and we are saved only through his blood through faith, but that faith is to be followed up by obedience to his law, perfectly described in the scriptures you read about the new covenant. Ignoring this robs believers of the blessing of Torah, and is also a dangerous position as you are teaching them that we don’t need to listen to God‘s law when scripture obviously states we do. Please see Matthew chapter 5, where Christ himself talks about how he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. He fulfilled it perfectly as an example to us so he could become that perfect sacrifice. He then goes on to say that none of the law will disappear until heavens and earth pass away, which they have not. He then also goes on to say that those that teach Others to not follow the least of the law, and those who do not follow the least of the law will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven, but those who follow the least of the law and teach others to do the same will be called greatest. Please consider this


Almost Home Church, Netchatef!👋🏼😁☝🏼⏰✈️👑👰🏻❤️🕊️


After this video and all your wonderful comments here, i can conclude, I now understand the new covenant less than when I began. Whelp.

I have a friend who's a pastor who assures me the Bible doesnt rely on specific interpretation to be correctly understood. This is only one of many many points contradicting that. It really does sound like the old laws still need to be respected. That saceifice of animals is no longer necessary because Jesus died for us. It also sounds like the new covenant is specifically for the peoples of Judah. I dont know how I fit into that covenant.


Is there anyone out there who can talk about this objectively and without getting touchy if I ask a tough question? There's stuff I have to work out - be a sport.


Isaiah 24:1, 3-4, 6
"See, יהוה is making the earth empty and making it waste, and shall overturn its surface, and shall scatter abroad its inhabitants. ... the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for יהוה has spoken this word. The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall languish and wither, the haughty people of the earth shall languish. ... Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and few men shall be left."


Isaiah 24:5 "For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Torot, changed the law, broken the everlasting covenant."

Don't see anything about covenant is for only those jews. All the earths inhabitants have broken the everlasting covenant.

you better change your tune before it's too late


You did a good job on the video except I think you're wrong about the timeline of the New Covenant. You said it starts during the thousand year millennial reign but scripture seems to point towards its starting after the millennial reign because that is when the old Covenant ends.

Here's the scriptural evidence:

-In Matthew 5:18 Jesus says that until heaven and Earth pass away not even the smallest jot or tittle will disappear from the law or the prophets. This includes the old Covenant and heaven and Earth passing away is referring to Revelation 21 where it says that heaven and earth pass away and the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven on to the new Earth and then there's the wedding banquet. Jesus is the groom and we are the bride. 

-the prophecy about the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:11 that says "No longer will they teach their neighbor,   or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord, ’
because they will all know me,
    from the least of them to the greatest." Cannot be fulfilled until after the white throne judgment in Revelation 20 which happens right before Revelation 21. This is when all the wicked are thrown into the Lake of fire. Until then the prophecy cannot be complete.


Read and discover the truth for yourself! Then you cannot be deceived.
