Ark of the Covenant EXPLAINED | Finding Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle of Moses

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The Ark of the Covenant, a captivating relic from biblical history, symbolizes God's covenant with His people. Nestled within the ancient Israelite Tabernacle, it served as a conduit between humanity and the divine. Despite its mysterious disappearance, the Ark's allure extends beyond biblical narratives, inspiring Hollywood's fascination, as seen in the iconic "Indiana Jones" series. The ongoing search for the Ark, marked by claims of discovery, reflects a quest to unravel its mysteries and understand its profound significance.

The Ark of the Covenant was placed beyond the veil in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle of Moses. The high priest could only enter this sacred room on one day a year, the Day of Atonement, when he sprinkled blood on the ark. Through the symbolism of the ark of the covenant, we can learn of the powerful connection between the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ that covers or blots out our sins.

This video is the seventh of eight videos that will help followers of Christ better understand the importance of the Tabernacle and how it relates to the Savior. The video includes 3D models of the Tabernacle (the Mishkan) to help visually show this ancient sanctuary like never before, bringing you closer to Christ.

Produced, written, and narrated by Daniel Smith
Script edited by Ryan Dahle
Video edited by Taylor Riley
3D Tabernacle animations by Alex Ducos, Ethan Fullmer, Bridger Allen, and Brian Olson

© 2023 Messages of Christ YouTube Channel and Scripture Central
No portion of this video may be reproduced, re-uploaded, or copied without prior permission
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Christ is the mercy seat (Romans 3:25). He reconciles everything in heaven and on earth. (Col. 1:19-20). God dwells between the cherubs (Ps . 99:1; Isa. 37:16). The box represents redeemed man - gold overlay on outside is Christ's righteousness which covers us. The gold inside is Christ changing our character. The tablets of stone represents the heart in rebellion against God. God takes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh (Ez. 11:19-20; 2Cor. 3:2-3). The Ten Commandments are written on heart - we keep in response to Christ because we love Him.


Amen! Thank you for this very powerful message. May our Lord Jesus bless you and your ministry.


Wow!!! This symbolism is so rich and beautiful. This almost brought me to tears! Fantastic video!!!


Wow- I need this stuff! Have wondered many many times of these things that I don't really understand the complexity of-
Thank you 👍


A wonferful video, as always. Thank you ever so much Messages of Christ for the clear factual beautifully presented subject of the Arch of the Conevant! God bless!🙏


How wonderful. ❤
I have an over active imagination. Many nights I cannot sleep because my mind just keeps whizzing. I love the books of Moses. Deuteronomy is probably my favorite. To SEE what it describes.... blows my mind and renders me inanimate. Nothing but wonder and awe is left. That will help anyone sleep.


Your channel is wonderful. I am fascinated by this Jewish symbolism stuff.


Thank you so much for these videos! A great help for me to understand God and faith!


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌏✝️ 1 Peter 3:18 Isaiah 61:1 Thank God I will always honor my family Kim Walker


The ark of the covenant is a place where God Dwelled, later it became the temple. Thousand of years later when jesus died for us, he made it so that the temple is in everypeople who believe in him in. the temple(I.e the ark of the covenant) became the body we set apart for the lord so now we are the ark


A wonderful history of the ark it’s purpose of reparations for the sins of the people every year by the high priest . The mercy and forgiveness bought by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus dying on Calvary . Golgotha where the crucifixion took place was the exact place where Abraham was told by God to sacrifice Issac this was a forecast of the death of Gods son Jesus which would take the place of the Ark of the covenant. He died once for all of us so the Ark of the covenant is no longer needed hence no more temple sacrifices. Praise be to God the most merciful. Amen


It’s under the crucifixion site by the garden tomb. Jesus’s blood fell on it when he died, fulfilling the Old Testament and the New.


Thanks for sharing! We enjoyed watching it! It explained the symbolic meaning of the tabernacle really well!


Thank you for all the work you do to create and share such amazing content!


A well thought out and even better presented message. Thank you for what you have done.


Great video, so informative & inspiring at the same time.


Now read the beginning of Lukes gospel where he discusses Mary visiting the Hill Country and John the Baptist leaps for joy upon sensing the presence of Mary and Jesus, and read 2nd Samuel where David travels to the hill country, discovers the ark, and "leaps for joy". I submit to you, Jesus IS the Word (as John claimed), just as the Word was written on the stone tablets in Moses' day. Mary carried the Word in her - just as the Ark of the Covenant carried Gods word inside it. Thus, Mary, was the Ark of the New Covenant. Jesus and his blood shed, is the new covenant. Unlike mortal animals whose blood was temporary, Christs blood was divine, and thus eternal. Hence, his sacrifice is eternal, for all men, and for all time.


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Wonderful project! I learned a great deal from this.


The ppl don't seem to follow any of it now and days in so called holy land ..Secular is what they call it
