Why Every Thyroid Needs Vitamin A, D, and K2

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These 3 simple vitamins can help support your thyroid in more ways than one and, based on data from NHANES, most people aren't getting enough of them from their diet.

Here's how they work and why they are helpful:

#1. The Pro-Thyroid Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps with the production of thyroid hormones, protects your thyroid gland from autoimmune disease, prevents thyroid gland enlargement, and protects against thyroid resistance.

Up to 45% of the US population doesn't meet their vitamin A intake requirements from food so supplement may be a good idea.

#2. The Pro-Thyroid Benefits of Vitamin D3

One study showed that hypothyroid patients taking vitamin D saw improvements in TSH levels and calcium regulation.

Vitamin D also protects against thyroid cancer and both types of autoimmune thyroid disease (Graves' and Hashimoto's).

#3. The Thyroid-Symptom Related Benefits of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 can help prevent two of the biggest consequences of low thyroid function: osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:

See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here:

Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here:


This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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Just subbed and I’m devouring all your information. I’m learning so much. I just received a high TSH…my doctor explains nothing and wants to start me on a small synthetic medicine. I said not right now. I’m changing everything up, my diet, exercise, vitamins and supplements being started. I will be getting more labs in 3 months. That’s when doctor says if any of my ranges are out of normal ranges he wants me on meds. By the way, my TSH was 15. Well, little does he know, I’m going to keep up doing natural things, am also fasting, taking B12 plus multivitamins (which include selenium, inositol…and D…and other stuff), I am dedicating everything to my health right now. I downloaded your information sheets. Thank you so much. And kudos to you for being such a great Doctor who did the right thing helping your patients, sorry the backwards medical establishment gave you hassles. Keep up the fight and good work. You are awesome.


Dr Childs your videos have such a great information back up by research I have followed your for many years already and I always go back a see them again to refresh my memory Thank you!!!!


Hi doc, years ago i have hyper thd, taking medication everyday for 9 months, started listening to you and i decided to stop medication and start taking seaweed kelp powder, and it's gone, really appreciate your advice


Glad I found your video don't remember hearing vitA was so essential for thyroid. We have to help ourselves. I was taken off Synthroid and doesn't seem any doctor wants me to be on it again.. I have classic symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Thank you.


Thank you Dr. For sharing this critical information. When i found out i had stage 3 metastatic THYCA in 2013. I also found out my vitamin D3 levels were very low. I was put on 50.000IU's for 2 weeks. Now i take 2000IU for the rest of my life. My suspicion of me coming down with THYCA because of low D3 levels may have been correct. Interesting.


After 3 years of weird symptoms I’m finally having a thyroid ultrasound tomorrow. I also ordered my own blood tests for: (reading off the form)

- free T4
- free T3
- T3
- anti TPO
- progesterone
- LH
- cortisol
- IGF 1
- prolactine
- oestradiol
- jodium

I’ve had swollen lymph nodes for 3 years, fatigue, depression, malaise, forgetfulness, muscle/joint pain, weight gain, puffy face, nerve pain near the lymph nodes, fluid retention in legs and arms, breathlessness, ribs/chest tender to touch… the list goes on and on. I finally decided to push through when I started to get pressure near my thyroid every time I ovulated. It comes back every month and it keeps me up at night because I can’t lie down on my back.
Weird things keep popping up, and my doctor thinks its anxiety.

Also a side note, my mom has Hashimoto’s and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is an ultrasound and these blood panels enough to diagnose me? Could it be missed? Would an MRI be helpful? I am so sick and tired of always being sick and tired. Thank you for reading ❤️


Look up Jeff T bowles and his high dose vitamin D protocol.


I thought topical retinol had detrimental effects on thyroid function and was in fact told by my doctor to stop using it but retinol is a form of vitamin A as far as I know so how can it be that, on the contrary, some other forms of vitamin A support the thyroid?


Doctor can you pls make some routine/ suggestion for thyroid removed due to cancer also? Thank you so much


Thank you, very helpful. Please may I ask, you said Vitamin A directly increase Thyroud Hormone production, does this mean it should be avoid for people suffering from Graves? :)


Hoping this will help with my low thyroid and high blood pressure


I purchased your Hypothyroid Bundle last week. Am I covered with that bundle or do I need something else for the A, D, and K?


sorry for asking, just went across one of your video, where do you practice ! thanks


Dr., I have a strange question for you. Several years ago I sat down and made a list of 12 ailments that I was experiencing. I had long suspected low thyroid, so after listing the 12, I then went back and one by one asked Mr. Google if each one could possibly be tied in to my thyroid. My response for EACH was a resounding Yes. However, when having Labs done, I found that everything was in range. To this very day, I STILL feel that I have thyroid issues, but since there is not a thing I can DO about it, I have mostly had to put it on a shelf. But, my staying cold…..and my hair not growing STILL drives me nuts. I ALREADY am on excellent A, D3 plus K2. My Endocrinologist is peeved with me. I have attempted to find an alternative doctor who CAN write prescriptions, but here in metro Atlanta, I have either no clue HOW to find a GOOD one…..OR am told there is a 2 YEAR waiting list. I am soon to be 80, and am frustrated beyond belief. Any suggestions will be helpful. And your website is of NO help, sad to say. 4-2-2024.


I was looking at your website early this morning

Question: can I start on some of your targeted supplements even though I am on thyroid medication? I am taking 75 mg NP thyroid plus 10mcg T3. I have been on meds for 20+ years
I’ve listened to your utube channel (you are terrific) and almost ordered, but I’ve been concerned about the interaction between supplementation and medication. Can I do both ??
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving 🙏


Does this apply to someone whose had a thyroidectomy?


I’m taking blood thinner s can I take vitamin k. Iv had thyroid cancer


If I use retin-a topically every day, does that give me vitamin a transdermally?


Hello Doctor, how are you?

Is it ok if hypothyroid with ckd 3A, can ckd patients take vitamin A supplements

And can we use vitamin A from food ?

Please request you to kindly help

Thank you so much


Doctor, I have 1 question, can a subclinical hypothyroidism convert to hyperthyroidism? I had TSH 4.42 without taking levothyroxine, but after taking it, TSH is less than 0.1. Please advise and share your opinion on this.
