Why Did Paul Detest the Law of Moses? –Rabbi Tovia Singer

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*Ecclesiastes **12:13**-14:* _”The end of the matter, everything having been heard, fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the entire man. For every deed God will bring to judgment-for every hidden thing, whether good or bad.”_


*Deuteronomy 11:26-28:* _”Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing, that you will heed the commandments of הי your God, which I command you today; and the curse, if you will not heed the commandments of הי your God, but turn away from the way I command you this day, to follow other gods, which you did not know.”_


I born catholic then converted to evangelical church assembly of God then messianic judaism, my soul was searching to the right path and I found it in Judaism I'm looking for conversion I'm 60yrs old now and I know there's a lot of studies lots of things to learn but I know God will help me, I never experienced such great connection with God since I started to learn the torah with the rabbis


It is clear and explicit in the Torah itself (the Five Books of Moses) that it is God's commandment that remains in its original form forever without change, addition, or diminishment – as it is stated, "All these matters which I command to you, you shall be careful to perform. You may not add to it or diminish from it;" and as it is also stated, "What is revealed is for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah." This teaches that we are commanded to fulfill all the Torah's directives forever, to the full extent that we are able to do so. It is also said: "It is an everlasting statute for all your generations, " and, "It is not in the Heavens." This teaches that a prophet can no longer truthfully claim that he has been told by God to add a new permanent precept as being commanded by God.


*Ezekiel 18:21-23:* _”And if the wicked man repent of all his sins that he has committed and keeps all My laws and executes justice and righteousness, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he has committed shall not be remembered regarding him: through his righteousness that he has done he shall live. Do I desire the death of the wicked? says הי your God. Is it not rather in his repenting of his ways that he may live?”_


St. Paul studied the law under a great teacher Gamayel. He was so passionate to live in that law. But when Jesus called him, he realized law can't save any one. All are under the bondage of sin and human beings are inclined to sin. Only believing in Jesus who set us free by paying the ransome of sin, will save us.
He preached this salvation to the world.


Thank you Rabbi Tovia Singer for this very important message. May HaShem not delay any longer in bringing healing to your father Shlomo Zalman ben Leah HaKohen. Praise HaShem, for all His kindnesses that He bestows upon us, now and always.


❤ thank you rabbi ❤
Torah hashem israel
❤Lets get biblical ❤
We all standing with 🇮🇱


*Exodus 20:6:* _”and [I] perform loving kindness to thousands [of generations], to those who love Me and to those who keep My commandments.”_ *Psalm 119:63:* _”I am a companion to all who fear You and to those who keep your precepts.”_


Dear Rabbi you bless me by your videos and I am a Gentile. Am Yisrael Chai!


Another great clearafaction, thank you Rabbi. May HaShem continue blessing you in health and wisdom.


Exodus 31:16 israel to observe the sabbath as an EVERLASTING covenant for ALL generations


Answer: For the same reasons all *GAYS* Detest the Law of Moses to this very day.


"If a miracle worker tries to convince u of foreign worship
God is TESTING YOU to see if u love Him with all ur heart & soul
After YHVH go
Him alone fear
His commandments keep
That man shall be 😵
Bc he seeked to make u stray from the path H commanded" Deut 13


It's essential to understand that Paul, as a Christian apostle, did not hate the Torah (the Law of Moses). In fact, he wrote, "Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law" (Romans 3:31, ESV).

To counter the argument that Paul hated the Torah, let's dive into the biblical context. Paul's concern was not with the Law itself, but with the misuse of the Law by the Jewish leaders and false teachers of his time. They were adding human traditions and requirements to the Law, making it a burden for people to follow (Matthew 23:4, Mark 7:13).

In 2 Corinthians 3:6, Paul wrote, "Who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." Here, Paul was not dismissing the Law, but highlighting the difference between the Old Covenant, which was based on the letter of the Law, and the New Covenant, which is based on the Spirit of God.

As John Calvin noted, "The letter therefore is dead, and the law of the Lord kills its readers when it is dissevered from the grace of Christ, and only sounds in the ear without touching the heart. But if it is effectually impressed on the heart by the Spirit; if it exhibits Christ, it is the word of life converting the soul, and making wise the simple" (Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1841).

In Romans 7:12, Paul wrote, "So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good." This statement clearly shows that Paul did not hate the Torah, but rather, he recognized its holiness and goodness.

As a Baptist, I believe that Paul's teachings emphasize the importance of understanding the Law in the context of God's grace and redemption. The Law is not opposed to faith, but rather, it is fulfilled in Christ, who is the ultimate revelation of God's will (Matthew 5:17-18).

In conclusion, Paul did not hate the Torah. Instead, he sought to correct the misuse of the Law by emphasizing the importance of faith, grace, and the Spirit in the lives of believers. As Jesus taught, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it" (Mark 8:34-35, ESV).


As an Ex-Christian i noticed the Trinitarians get very salty in the comments because their pastor/priests have lied & are not sure what to do about it. If i were them i would unsubscribe from the apologists they watch and donate to and take some time off going to church and check the scriptures again.


Love the Lord with all your heart is a clear indication that if you love the Lord and want to draw closer you would seek His word and want to keep His commandments , right?..thank you rabbi- prayers for your father


Paul was the first Anti-Christ. He corrupted Christianity from Christ. Paul preached to the Gentiles, but Jesus was only sent to the Jews. 😮📚


I am glad someone actually said this. When I read Paul's letters you can read the disdain he has for the law especially circumcision. He speaks as if he harbors a lot of resentment to the law. He is so happy to be done with the law. It's mind boggling how Chŕiśtìªñs say there is no way you can keep all the laws but then they turn around and say we follow Jesus a perfect person who never sinned. How can you follow someone you believe never sinned when you can't even keep the law?


Paul did not detest the law and was no Joseph Smith character. He simply knew that the law could not save one from judgement and at no time did anyone live sinless under it other than Jesus Christ Himself. He also didn't hate women but simply wanted many, male or female to dedicate their lives to Christ as being married, although certainly not sinful, split one's focus on Earth.
