What is the Islamic View of Paul?

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This video is part of a live Q&A with author and former devout Muslim Nabeel Qureshi on March 22, 2015 at Christ Community Chapel.

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Muslims believe: Paul, being one man destroyed the message of Jesus of belief in one and introduced triune gods, made profit from writing most of New Testament in koine Greek and not original language of Jesus and opened for all whereas Jesus said, my teachings are only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel not gentiles.


Imagine what it has to say, that a random person destroyed the teachings of Jesus in a matter of months. A person without divine powers and wisdom of God. And to say that this person defeated someone and the teachings of a divine being and chosen by Allah. So, Paul a simple man debunk a divine person in a short time.
Islamic logic.


Everything Paul said was said by Jesus. In fact, some verses in the Qur’an was stolen from Paul’s letters. However, the Muslims, the followers of Judas Iscariot, who sirrendered Jesus, hate Paul because he was the first to warn against the religion of Islam when he said, “But if we or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached to you, let be accursed” (Galatians


The Spirit of Prophecy has revealed the son of perdition as Simon SHAUL "Peter"


Just leaving this here for those who claim that Paul was a “devil.”
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.”
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:15-16‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬


Why should they the Bible is the only book alive whats written was written by holy prophets or what call is spirit filled christians under supervision of the Holy Ghost . The bible is the only book and u cant add or take away from it cealed in the precious blood of Jesus warning anyone add or take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the Holy City and from the things that are written in this book Revalation 22 19 - 21 he which testifies these things saith surely i cum quickly Amen even so come Lord Jesus the grace of the Lord Jesus b with u all Amen


Paul’s Self-Identification as Apostle.

Unlike the original apostles who were chosen by Jesus during his lifetime, Paul’s apostleship is based on his visionary experience on the road to Damascus.

His self-proclaimed apostleship was not universally accepted in the early church.

“And 'on Judgment Day' Allah will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?" He will answer, "Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it.
You know what is 'hidden' within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You 'alone' are the Knower of all unseen.”

Quran 5:116


Many Christians have a problem with Paul in regard to the gospels in the New Testament. Obviously, anything he wrote must be interpreted through the words of Jesus, and not the other way around.


There is a hadith about Paul. Look for Christian Prince (an Arab Christian who got his degree in Islamic law & has been gifted with an amazing ability to REMEMBER every hadith) & search for one of his videos about the hadith calling Paul an Apostle of Christ.


Paul is in the Quran 36:13-17. Is about Paul. The Tafsirs explain this but Muslim today look for a scapegoat to validate the fabricated contradictory religion of Muhammad. Even their prophet did not have a problem with Paul who lived 600 years before Islam and alLAH. A bunch of potatoes. Why do all their classical scholars say the verse in the Quran is taking about Paul, Peter and John?
Deceived Muslims.


How doesn’t it hold water? He just dismissed it and didn’t even go into detail.


As Nabeel says Muslims believe that disciples were good people and because they follow the real message of jesus but Paul does not seem to be disciple because his message is not as jesus were preaching his message thats why cant be count as one of the true aposltes of Christ


By the miracle of God, this suppressed church document was found again in modern day Istanbul - 1st church instruction manual of the 1st church in Jerusalem when it was led by the original Apostles, written earlier than the new testament -The Teaching of The Twelve Apostles (Didache). There is a prophecy of the Anti-Christ. "then shall the Deceiver Of The World appear as Son of God, & shall perform signs & wonders".

Didache was used up until the day of Council of Nicea(now Turkey) in 325CE, & was banned thereafter, together with gospels by the original Apostles. What was the ruling pagan Roman emperor trying to hide? From that day forth, Christianity took a turn. That was the day the Trinity was made up at the Council, to make Jesus into son of god & changed the message of Christianity. Anyone who refused to follow the official doctrine were persecuted by the law as heresies (killed) - the original Christians were annihilated.

The Deceiver Of The World stole the name of Jesus to start a new religion, Satan masquerading as god. To mislead the followers of God ie. you, me. Those who seek the truth (beyond what the church tells you; blind leading the blind) will find it clear that - the 1st Jewish followers of Jesus (the original Christians) who ran to neighbouring Arabia to escape persecution, re-emerged in the Arabic language - Islam came about later to restore Jesus's message from the wrong hands - those who twisted the message, the BIGGEST DECEPTION by the Deceiver Of The World - the Antichrist (Paul) that infiltrated the original Christian movement, then hijacked the term Christianity.


So I'm meant to believe that a guy whose conversion is only attested to by someone working with him (Luke) was met by Jesus himself because reasons??? He spent his entire life trying to destroy Christianity and sabotaged it from within


You have left Islam for what ???

You have found Jesus who "according" to the gospel of John cried on the cross " Eli Eli lema sebachani " My God My God why
have You forsaken me. That doesn't sound like the words of one who is supposed to be sacrificed for the original sin and for all other sins. It clearly indicates that our Jesus was not crucified or killed but God raised him up as is mentioned in the Quran.
God did not allow such a cursed and degrading thing to happen to his beloved Messenger and Prophet. Because He is All-Merciful, he forgave Adam and Eve for the Sin after they regretted and repented because His Justice is Complete and Perfect.
He does not make anyone responsible for the sins of others unless you lead others astray then, you will carry your load and the loads of those whom you lead astray.

My dear christianity was formed by Paul who was against the apostles who believed in God Almighty and Jesus who was His
prophet and messenger as he clearly said that he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel and not the gentiles and he did not come to change the laws of Moses but to bring back the Jews to spirituality since they had become materialistic in all their ways.
His miraculous birth and the miracles that God gave him was to prove this.

I would also like to point out that John:1 was not in the original.scripture. This is the backbone and the base of modern day christianity and when the base is fragile the building will collapse. And it has. This was discovered by christian scholars in
1952 after studying the old manuscripts and that it was an addition by a scribe and they dropped it out of the revised standard
edition ( the first print ) and returned it to the following edition since this would cause the building to collapse.

Your four gospels " according " to Matthew, Mark Luke and John. were not written by the apostles who were the only witnesses and they were selected from among more than 1000 gospels and Arias and his followers who were true Unitarians
were banished and persecuted becasue they believed that Jesus was the beloved Prophet and Messenger of God.

You have ears but you do not hear.
You have eyes but you do not see.

You are helping satan and the antichrist to fight against Truth.


Hello Lee again. Many people believe they are the only true Christians. People do not realize at first there were about 100 forms of Christianity and all believed they were right. A view that was not popular or common thought was burned and wiped out and so we're the people. People believe we happen to have the right one. The gospels show a very Jewish Jesus. They have him say not to go into the way of the Gentiles or the Samaritans. He is not for anyone else in general. Paul has a very different and universal Christ. This is in fact contradictory to the gospels. You can compare this side by side. You also have 2 stories of Paul's vision. There are some discrepancies there as well. Why did not Jesus appear to the others in the same way he did to Paul to prevent these divisions and discrepancies to prevent these arguments? Why does not Jesus appear to me? Was Paul holier and better than me?


When you know that paul is the founder of the christanity but you still believe in HIM..


They pinned the blame on the right person. It's so obvious.


Poor Christians, they did not read their Bible properly. Jesus had said that when he departed, a lot of false prophets will appear and speak by his name. Look no further, Paul the Satan was that person that he predicted. He hijacked and corrupted the true teachings of Jesus, he abolished the Torah laws, made Jesus son of god, and many others. Wake up bros!


The false doctrine of self-claimed apostle called devil Paul is refuted in Quran:
1) jesus was not crucified (4:157) for any bodies sin.
2) no one (Jesus) carries another persons sin (6:164)
