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Thank you for watching our ear wax removal video today. The ear wax extraction featured in todays video was carried out using endoscopic microsuction. This procedure uses a small camera called an endoscope to visualise inside the ear canal whilst a small suction tube is inserted to gently remove ear wax.

All the ear wax cleaning videos you see on our channel are carried out by our ear wax specialists Mr Rhys Barber and Mr Taylor Green.

Want to book an appointment? Check out our link tree:

We post new ear cleaning videos Monday - Friday at 9PM GMT so if you find ear wax removal satisfying please consider subscribing to our channel.

Ear wax plays a vital role in ear health. It helps to prevent ear infection and helps with ear cleaning by picking up any dirt or debris that accumulates in the ear canal. Normally this ear wax would fall out of the ear taking any dirt or debris with it.

How to remove ear wax?

Many people use q-tips/cotton buds for ear wax removal at home this is one of the worst things you can put into the ear as this can lead to an increased ear wax buildup or in extreme cases impacted ear wax. The best way to remove ear wax is to let your ears clean themselves and not to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ears!

How do I know if I have an earwax blockage?

If you experience a change in your hearing, discomfort in the ear or jaw or a feeling of fullness in the ear canal you may have an ear wax blockage. Our advice is to speak to your Doctor or local Audiologist who can take a look in your ears and assess whether ear cleaning is needed.

To arrange an ear wax removal appointment please visit our website:

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Рекомендации по теме

OMG, that last pull of skin was crazy. You had cleared so much of it already and then that huge piece comes out. Great job. If I was an audiologist I would be emailing you right now. You guys seem to have a very relaxed, calm culture. All the best in finding someone new.


Poor fella, his ear must have felt really bunged up and itchy. I hope he feels much better and is able to hear much better now that’s all been cleaned out. Please thank him for allowing us to peek into his ears, and thank you for sharing your fascinating work with us too. Best wishes to your patient ❤


Rhys, we are fine! Your clients come first. Now, this video, for me, was so satisfying. I’m a huge fan of the Jobson Horn, but these forceps are creeping up there! Thanks Mr B. I hope there isn’t a limit on how many times I can watch this lovely video 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵


May I take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your patients who let us look into their ear canals


My mother was persuaded to pay £4000 for hearing aids, that didn't fit, before she discovered she had wax in her ears. They returned them for a full refund and got a pair from Boots for a fraction of the price!


No apologies ever necessary, Rhys!! Audiology Associates is always worth the weight!


Holy moly, that was brilliant, one of the best extractions I've ever seen. That poor patient, fantastic work Mr B 👍 ❤️


This nearly had me nodding off. It was so relaxing and to tell the truth, removing long strips of skin is one of my all time favourites to watch. I adore this channel, firstly because you are Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ( like myself) and secondly because your videos are very informative and you explain what is happening succinctly. Thank you for uploading. Best wishes from Cardiff.


Wow in just 6 weeks I'm curious to see what 6 month's would be can you imagine? I appreciate you putting this out and know that we'll be here waiting to watch! Have a good night


I love how much you and your practice have grown, it's probably frustrating to deal with but it's incredible how busy you are. It just goes to show you're the best audiologist and people trust you ❤️


Do what you have to do! If you upload we'll watch. Doesn't matter when. Good luck!


Just retired after 35 years of nursing so I know how busy you are and how challenging it is to add social media. Definitely helps to educate the public and get help rather than letting there issues keep progressing!


We miss you and Taylor so much. I really needed my witty fix.😂 Please tell Taylor we miss him as well. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share this with us.❤❤❤


It’s hard to believe the amount dead skin in six weeks. This was a very satisfactory video. Love the good skin peels. I’m glad you’re busy and I’ll look forward to another video when you can. Thanks Rhys. ❤️


Great video; I imagine the patient felt much better and had good hearing. Thank you for your ethics in not doing the hearing test or recommending hearing aids until you've resolved any internal excess skin or wax issues. I know I would be a client if I lived in the UK.


Oh Rhys! Absolutely fabulous video! You did amazing! No need to apologize for not having time to upload, my goodness- no one should be complaining, you are doing the very best you can. Thank you for this video! ❤😊


Love a good skin peel. I liked it before I even watched it


You're a star Rhys Barber! Lovely to hear your voice again, I was literally looking for a video from Audiology Associates about 3 hours ago, hoping that you had managed one despite being so busy. Hope to catch you and the lovely Mr Taylor Green soonish 😉


Youre busy because viwers see how good you are and book appointments x


Retired RN & truly enjoyed watching this video! You did the job without fluffing about for a longer video. Those who sell hearing aids with wax buildup are only salesmen. New sub😊
