10 Fibromyalgia Treatments That Really Work! How I Reduced My Symptoms

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Today I'll be sharing 10 fibromyalgia treatments that really work. I have had Fibromyalgia for more than 30 years, but I have been determined not to let fibromyalgia and fibromyalgia pain keep me down. I have tried a lot of things and these are the ones that worked for me.

I am not a physician and this is not medical advice. I am simply sharing what has worked for me.

10 Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Gadgets

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I lived with fibromyalgia since my childhood. Here's what I finally found out how to stop the symptoms including pain, brain fog, headaches, migraines, stiff neck, blurry vision and chronic fatigue which they're all are caused by inflammation.

A beef and lamb meat diet, fresh meat only with the exception of some pickle s from time to time with my meals. Had only these meats excluding everything else from my diet like grains, vegetables and fruits, seafood, coffee, teas and sugar.

In my second week my body got rid of all the inflammation and all symptoms dissapeared.
I kept eating that way for two months straight feeling amazing and fully energyzed.
On the third month I started to reintroduce the foods I used to normally eat. Turns out my body reacts to a lot of foods including minced meat, cured, dry aged and smoked meats, some fruits and vegetables. The reason? My body reacts to foods high in histamine as well as grains, wheat being the worst.

So this is my journey on trial and error for stopping and managing my fibromyalgia and I hope someone can benefit from my experience.


What has helped me the MOST is a 15 minute yoga/ stretching session every morning.
Because of chronic pain, I tense/scrunch up my muscles all day & guard against normal range of motion. This makes my muscle & joint pain worse-it’s a self feeding monster.
The daily stretches make normal movement easier & normal movement in turn reduces pain.
I stretch everything, and focus on shoulders and hips. Moving my hips normally when I walk has saved my knees.


I don't think everyone who is being diagnosed with fibromyalgia experiences the same amount of pain and disability.


Proper sleep is essential. Find a diet that works for you, and stick to it. My doctor sent me to a nutritionist who put me on the keto diet, and I only realised yesterday that I haven't had back
pain in weeks. There's a lot of misinformation about this diet, but one of its main purposes is to reduce inflammation in the body. For me, it seems to be working, and the side effect is that I've lost about 5 kg!

And, as Tara stated, exercise. If you can only walk to the end of the driveway and back, start there. Lengthen that walk as you become more able. Beforeyouu know it, you'll be able to walk around the block, and your body will thank you.


Infrared sauna, chair yoga, epsom salt baths have been winners for me!


Great ideas.
I have TMJ...will do the stretching.
Also on my list are spray Magnesium and Epsom salts baths.
My physical therapist recommended a TENS machine.
Bless all of us who live in pain.


I was diagnosed a few months ago after waking up everyday hurting so bad and having migraines every morning. They have me on medication but I am still having bad flares. It is robbing me of my productivity and motivation. Thank you for your video as well as the helpful comments. I am desperate at this point.


My go to help to be able to sleep are an
#1 electric heating blanket. I cannot do without it. I turn it in before bedtime and turn it off as I get into bed. The warmth relaxes my muscles and allows me to relax and sleep.
#2 white cotton socks at bedtime. Again the warmth on my feet allows me to relax and sleep.


I have had Fibro for 28 years, have been on every rx out there, even a clinical trial. For me those medications had too many side effects. A low carb diet is very helpful and a lot walking… I also take magnesium, vitamin D and Ashwagandha. That being said, everyone is different and fibro affects people differently. I was determined when I was diagnosed not to allow fibro to rule me…


I was just diagnosed. I’m quite scared but I refuse to let this beat me!!! I need to find a medical caseworker. I’m collecting as much information as possible. I’m glad I found you. Right now I can barely get out of bed. Even on a high dose of hydrocodone and gabapentin.


Thank you so much for posting these tips, just got my diagnosis a month ago and this has given me the motivation to start seeing what works for my fibromyalgia 💕


Thank you for this video. I will try some of these suggestions. The best treatment I've found for muscular/joint pain is a very hot bath. We also purchased the original Purple mattress and pillows (not sure if the original versions are still sold), and those help immensely comfort & sleep-wise. Pillows always hurt my neck, until I found these. I also found a natural sleep aid from another Youtube site, and this is a miracle worker! Recipe: Wash a ripe banana, skin included. Slice it lengthwise in half. Put in a pot (inc peel) with 2 cups of water, boil 10 minutes. Strain water into a large mug (leave banana for another use), then add 1/4 tsp cardamom powder and 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder. Stir and drink immediately. I could not believe how well this worked! Not only do I get sleepy a few minutes after drinking, but I sleep through the night. Amazing.


Thank you for getting the word out . I too have had fibromyalgia for 32 years. I personally use exercise like walking, cycling, eliptical trainer machine or the rowing machine at the gym. Exercise really does help and yes its hard to get motivated when having a fibromyalgia flare up for me means the pain is alot more severe during flare ups . I start with just stretching and light walking and then walking alittle faster when warmed up. I get IBS/C and painful bladder as well during attacks. I use gabapentin or lyrica for pain switching them off too deal with any tolerance that may occur by taking them long term . These mds really help cuting my pain from a 10 too 3 or so on average. Iam a chronic pain patient since 2013 and have a head injury causing spinal headaches and extreme migraines. Also unfortunately I have several herniated disks in neck and back and chronic arthritis as well from accident. My pain center prescribes pain mds as well when needed. Does ur fibromyalgia get worse in winter when cold or damp or both?


It’s also often a sign of a thyroid issue and iodine deficiency.


I used to check out your channel for the home steading type stuff..I never dreamed we had the same health issues!!! Thanks for this super helpful video!!!


I’ve had the symptoms for two years before recently getting the diagnosis. This is so helpful. Thank you! One day at a time. 🙏💪


I have FM, major multiple back injuries, celiac disease, and Anklosying spondylitis. My Fibromyalgia is unmanageable without medication. I am free of gluten, grains, sugar, dairy and all processed foods.

Without medical intervention I wouldn't be able to function at all as a human being


Wow Tawra! That’s a $30 book for free. Thank you so much, may we all start feeling better.


I switched to whole food plant based diet about seven years ago and it has helped the fm so much


Excellent advice. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with fibro so I have good days bad weeks lol. Exercise, sleep, relaxation, sunlight/nature and whole foods are the key. Take supplements to support the thyroid and adrenal function. Get plenty of omega 3, magnesium, selenium and vitamin d3.
