Fibromyalgia (Symptoms | Causes | Diagnosis | Treatment)

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In this video, Chris Hughen answers 10 of the most common questions about fibromyalgia.


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0:00 Intro
0:05 Question 1
0:29 Question 2
1:13 Question 3
1:47 Question 4
4:42 Question 5
5:18 Question 6
6:10 Question 7
6:42 Question 8
7:48 Question 9
8:43 Question 10
9:32 Summary
Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but is intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.
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All doctors need to get together and study more of fibromalgia this is a terrible, unbearable pain I have the worst .I have pain all over my body. You can't sleep or do exercise when you have severe pains.i have fibromalgia since 22 years old .I have try all the medications there is in the big pharmacy. There don't work. I have work since I was 14 years old 😪 is very difficult to deal with I pray 🙏 for everyone who suffer with pain. God bless everyone with pain. Get better thank you. 😊


My fibromyalgia was caused by a combination of psychological and physical trauma. I have a mother with all the traits of narcissistic personality disorder so have had a lifetime of some physical and psychological abuse. Was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 54, got RSI at 56 from my job and then developed fibromyalgia. I had a cousin, her mother and mine are sisters who had fibromyalgia. The low dose antidepressant for my depression also helps make my fibromyalgia pain manageable. I also have chronic insomnia and take sedatives to help sleep. I’ve cut down on alcohol and try to eat as healthy as possible for my gut issues, drinking kefir helps. I do some exercise, housework, gardening and walking. I have now developed chronic neck pain from a lifetime of bad posture and tight shoulders from stress. I do daily stretching, strengthening exercises and self massage for relief. Unfortunately for me my mother is still alive at 90, I’m now 67 and I’m going to do whatever I can to get through rest of my life, includes being low contact with her and trying to ignore her narcissistic ways.


I stay active, and hurt so bad daily. Lyrica don't help, won't take gabapentin makes me fat. I care for my elderly parents, and our mini farm. I also care for my 3 yrs old grand daughter...YES I'm active..And still hurt so much daily I'm in tears.


Flu, gym leg day mixed with being pushed down the stairs. It hurts from my hair roots to my knees. Please god can a cure be found soon 😰🙏🏻 and prayers for you if you are suffering today 💜🦋


And I'm sick and tired of these people talking about exercise helps this disorder as active as I have to stay because I am my husband's caregiver who is a disabled veteran it does not work if anything it leaves you even more exhausted and tired and hurting just because it works for y'all does not mean it works for everyone else sometimes opioids and medication is needed to have some type of livelihood!




"Are we pathologizing normal?" NO. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!! I'm in my 30s and relate to people in their 70s!


For 40 years, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I taught myself advanced water aerobics. It safely helped me avoid self-injury while stretching out pain and improving my circulation. However, you have to listen to your own body, or you could cause more discomfort, inflammation and injury if you overdue it. Everyone’s body is in a unique state.
I have to follow a low histamine diet after COVID, which is very restrictive. I get itchy everywhere if I eat the wrong food. I have been gluten free for 20 years, no dairy, no shade vegetables, soda, fast food, processed foods, only organic, no spinach, cheese, fermented foods, canned foods, and low carb.
I eat protein’s, sprouted beans, eggs, micro-greens, homemade soups, squash, berries, cantaloupe, zucchini, cucumbers, celery, carrots, oatmeal and certain organic teas good for inflammation. I use coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, and butter. It’s simple but it decreases cravings, pain flares, and helps manage gastrointestinal issues associated with FMS. I was referred to see a Gastrointestinal Specialist for “Food Intolerance” who I will see in a month but I am probably already doing what can be done. I also take a liquid pre and pro biotic since I can no longer tolerate kimchi, sauerkraut type foods.


Trauma is at the foundation of this disease but these so-called Physicians keep on overlooking it especially childhood trauma I have this disease and went through a hell of a lot of childhood trauma including having polycystic ovarian syndrome and not being diagnosed until I was in my twenties I started my cycle when I was 10!


Great video. I appreciated the amount of articles displayed to support the content.


My 35 year old daughter has it and it gets worse every day, week, month and all the docs say this … it’s just how you feel wtf you went to medical school for that bs ! We take care of ourselves and can you guess the hospital ? Truly sucks !


This guy is off his rocker. You might have read outdated articles, but this is not the most current information


For something as vague as FM, it’s a really big risk for over-treatment and overmedication.


One of the most helpful videos. I love how you share the resources and the most important is they are up to date and not old misconceptions. Really! Thank You ❤


I have had Fibromyalgia over 30 years I have all that you have said, but sorry must let you know one important thing you do have many tender areas over your body, like you are very bruised .


Fiancé has been diagnosed with it…

Spine doctor says most people with fibromyalgia have old spinal cord injuries with lots of scar tissue

Gets inflamed or tight frequently or infrequently

Leads to tethering which causes a range of symptoms in different people

Her case she was rear ended when she was a baby.

Appreciate you guys tackling this absolutely polarizing syndrome


Thanks for sharing these resources. The first step to healing is a clear narrative that is a "good fit" to a person's lived experience, then self-generated goal-directed body reprogramming. ❤


12 years later and they still haven't done squat for research on this. If Fibromyalgia were taken as seriously as erectile disfunction we'd have this all figured out by now. It's sickening!
The same goes for ME/CFS and post viral syndrome. They haven't even properly researched hormones in women!


How come no one talk's about massaging & chiropractic medicine? I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2016 & the only real relief that i get is when i see the chiropractor or masseuse. The pain relief is incredible but all my movement's are slow for an hour or 2 then it mostly get back to being able to move better for a week then the pain comes right back again. That's the only way that i get any relief at all.


Either I don’t have fibromyalgia or this is utter BS!! I can’t even walk around the ground floor of my house, let alone exercise! I have no flares, I’m permanently crippled with pain and need a wheelchair to go to appointments. I barely leave the house other than medical appointments because I’m just too sick all the time. My fatigue is so intense I spend most of my days in bend. Thankfully my spine consultant agrees and is organising a brain scan for MS. In the UK people who have Fibro feel like frauds and get no support.
