Fibromyalgia Treatment: What to Expect in 2023 | Dr. Ginevra Liptan & Dr. Andrea Chadwick

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Globally-recognized fibromyalgia experts Dr. Andrea Chadwick & Dr. Ginevra Liptan discuss what to expect from fibromyalgia treatment in 2023, including new approaches to integrative treatment, forthcoming research, and using novel agents in treating fibromyalgia pain.

Dr. Ginevra Liptan is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine, board-certified in internal medicine, and trained in functional medicine, a holistic approach that blends both western and alternative medicine. After developing fibromyalgia as a medical student, Dr. Liptan spent many years using herself as guinea pig to find successful treatments, and has fine-tuned her approach by treating thousands of patients. She is the author of The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor.

Dr. Andrea Chadwick is Medical Director of Swing Care and is double-board certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. Her clinical expertise focuses on complex centralized pain syndromes including fibromyalgia. She is Director of the Fibromyalgia and Centralized Pain Exploration Lab at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
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Ladies, please hear me out. I have fibromyalgia and I cannot sit in a hot bathtub of water. It feels as if my body is boiling in pain. So I assumed that a hot tub jacuzzi would be the same. It is not! I married my husband who has a jacuzzi and almost every night I get in it and afterwards I sleep like a baby. Thank God I didn't assume all hot water is the same. I wish I could give all Fibromyalgia sufferers a jacuzzi, because it helps so much. Maybe it's the moving water that's not in a typical bathtub. Having said that, jacuzzis are not the answer. We need medication and funding. This illness has devastated my life, because the medical community has failed us. It's not in our heads and addressing that misconception should be a priority. Good luck everyone.


I definitely didn’t want to get this diagnosis because as a RN who worked in hospitals most of my career, I saw how terribly many nurses talked about patients who came in with a diagnosis that included Fibromyalgia…”You’re getting a patient in 206 with Fibro….have fun doing the Narc count later.” I kid you not! That’s probably the nicest way I’ve heard it talked about and these are nurses of all people! I have Osteoarthritis, Inflammatory Arthritis, Juvenile Discogenic Disease, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia. I think my back is what caused it to develop along with extreme stress at the time. I had to stop working by age 42 because the pain and exhaustion were so bad I just couldn’t get up and go anymore. The last place I was working at before I altogether stopped was so horrible on my mental health that it damn near killed me, again, the people who treated me the worst were my own peers which really did a number on me mentally. That was a nursing home where I was the Clinician Nurse Manager for a locked 25 bed Dementia unit and the adjacent 30 bed unit…I went to this job thinking it would be easier and more manageable 😂 I was only there 6 months before I stopped working altogether and never returned. That was the lowest point of my life because I was in the process of going to Doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me so I had to miss some work or leave early for appointments, so it was very problematic for my new employer who saw me as a problem and were not nice about it to say the least. It wasn’t just me though who thought they were extreme jerks because 16 LPNs and a new RN Graduate all quit in that same 6 month period. They treated their staff who worked extremely short on a daily basis, like crap. I ended up in bed for 6 months and lost my appetite from the pain and depression which left me loosing 40 pounds and looking like death warmed over…in fact, my kids were scared that I actually was going to die. Thankfully I got on some antidepressants and eventually pain medicine that pulled me back from the brink, but it’s been a long 11 years trying to figure out how to live with constant pain and all the other symptoms. I only recently accepted my fate which tells you exactly how hard it is to deal with on a multitude of levels. I’ve found the most difficult part of this illness is the way other people treat you and talk about you which in turn has caused me to become antisocial to a certain extent. I have brief periods where I rally but seem to always end up back in a rut and living in the coldest and most humid states certainly doesn’t help things, but I don’t want to live far away from my kids and grandkids so I have to deal with it. To anyone suffering or having a hard time managing their life because of Fibromyalgia, or any other illness, I hear you and hope that you will find a way to live your life the best way that you can. Hopefully there will eventually be some medical breakthroughs to make this condition more manageable or maybe even a cure!


I just recently was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I honestly want to die because I'm in excruciating pain every day. I can't sit or stand, but lying down gives me a little relief. I hate taking pain pills, plus they don't really work. I've also experienced the stigma of being a patient with this disease. Thank you for the work you do in support of this debilitating disease.


I just want the pain to stop. In all it’s forms. We’re not crazy, we’re not lazy, and we are NOT drug addicts. We want answers and solutions. Not snickers and stigmas. I am in pain and tired. I want my life back.


I am 69 & had fibro all my life. Diagnosed at Mayo Clinic in MN. I've tried many things & the only thing that helped was Tramadol which stopped working after about 7 years.
Had to quit work & I just do minimal.
Now only take occasional tylenol or ibuprofen. It's been a rough life.


I’m disabled from fibromyalgia and I’m only 41. Thank you to you all for doing what you do for all of us


I’ve been on a carnivore diet for a month and my pain is soooo much better as well as my arthritis. I’ve had Fibromyalgia for over 50 years and this is the first time I have had relief.


I've been suffering for 30+ years. My Dr. doesn't know much about fibromyalgia, even though he did diagnose me. I live in constant pain and I'm always exhausted as well.😊


I have fibromyalgia for over 30 years, i find when I lay down in warm water my pain gets better while I’m under the warm water but it comes back right away when I come out.


What a breath of fresh air to hear a conversation with two actual fibromyalgia specialists on new treatments! Dr. Lipton, it sounds like we’ve lived with this puzzle about the same amount of time, and both had a great deal to work out on our own. Dr. Chadwick, I’m in Kansas City, so why have I never come across your practice before? I’ll be looking into it tomorrow!

I’m a moderator on a Facebook group with over 7, 000 members. Another member posted this video tonight and I’m very glad they did. Hopefully many members will be as happy as I am to hear about new treatments and an actual research lab! Thank you all for this wonderful chat.


Many times, illnesses don't get properly researched until an actual doctor or researcher or someone close to them is stricken with it. That's the motivator to get the powers that be to pay attention to it.


YES, heat makes a HUGE Difference!! What a discovery in this video. I'm a male & have had Fribro for over 20 years. after being around the world with all kinds of specialists & drugs, my new Doctor (for 2 years) made the suggestion of LDN even though she knew I have had some very bad experiences with drugs. Yes, it is off label here in Australia too! (compounded) I'm 5 months into the trial & I have to say it has dropped the pain a small amount, but as with anyone with Fibro will tell you, that means heaps!! STRESS & Depression is a HUGE one for me (of course I've just lost my job so things are not good there!!) For years there has been almost no help ! I've even had Doctors say it's not real!! Try being a MAN with a disease that's usually in women! This has been GREAT !! Thank you!


Sleep absolutely agree. We sleep so poorly. But on good day when we are.awake and then actually sleep at night the next day if 100% better
Pain is less, motivation increases brain fog reduces. When sleep os consistently poor the opposite is true


I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME and Small Nerve Fiber Neuropathy. When I heard you talk about hot baths....I had to comment. That would be torture for me. I couldn't can't think of anything worse that have a hot bath! I cannot stand being in or near hot water. So much so that I cannot have baths. Instead, I have barely warm showers. When I had hot showers, I struggled to dry myself as I'd sweat profusely for upto 20 to 30 minutes which was so frustrating to get dried. I even struggle washing dishes because having my hands in hot water affects me in that I feel so uncomfortable, faint and sweaty.


Thank you for this. I've suffered from disabling fibromyalgia for more than 20 years (and many years before I became disabled). It is heartening to me that you are sorting through this perplexing syndrome. Someday people will not need to suffer the torturous life I live.


In the grand scheme of things, i feel it's only safe to hope there will be effective treatments by the time my daughters are adults. I'm sadly part of the generation that will suffer while it's being figured out. But i hope to live long enough to see that day come and know there will be effective solutions for future sufferers and God forbid, my kids. Thank you for your continued studies. I didn't know anyone was even interested. 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for all of the medical professionals who are tackling this problem on behalf of those of us who have suffered for many decades with this affliction. And thanks to everyone who comments on here because it was a very lonely world 43 years ago to think that no one else understood what I was going through, and now I have friends that I have never met, who understand what I live with. thank you for just being here. !


Im on year three, medication free!! I take 1 valarian root tab for relaxation, 2 or 3 for sleep, and take epsom salt baths 3 xs a week and use 100% castor oil as an after bath ĺotion. My nervous system has reversed its 'lightening bolt' responses and my brain no longer hyper focuses on pain which has ultimately rid me of anxiety! My immune system is no longer in fight mode!!


Oh please dear lord let there be a breakthrough for this evil disease. I’m tired. I’m 66 yrs old I live in Australia and am soooo desperate to have someone listen to me. 😢 I cry so much with the all over pain have been diagnosed with fibro about 5 yrs ago Any info/ support would be greatly appreciated. I really valued this video. Good job girls and a BIG THANK YOU 🦋 God Bess


I’m an RN and was assaulted at my place of employment. I suffer from PTSD and from there dx with fibromyalgia . I haven’t worked since the assault in 2019. Medications have nit been effective. I’m from Ontario Canada and it’s really not taken seriously . I’m isolated and hopeless .
