The Surprising Truth About Eggs and Clogged Arteries: What You Need to Know! Dr. Mandell

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There is a lot of hype going on regarding eggs, particularly about the cholesterol that's in the yolk. To this date there is no consistent data that shows any relationship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol. I will the address the two main reasons why atherosclerosis (clogging within the arteries) occurs, and it's not cholesterol.


Cholesterol plays a role in forming and maintaining cell membranes and structures.
Cholesterol can insert between fat molecules making up the cell, making the membrane more fluid. Cells also need cholesterol to help them adjust to changes in temperature.
Cholesterol is essential for making a number of critical hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. Cholesterol is also used to make the sex hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen.
The liver also uses cholesterol to make bile, a fluid that plays a vital role in the processing and digestion of fats.
Cholesterol is used by nerve cells for insulation.
Your body also needs cholesterol to make vitamin D.
In the presence of sunlight, cholesterol is converted into vitamin D. I hope you enjoy this video. Dr. Mandell

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏

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Finally another doctor that fully understands that eggs are NOT the problem. We’ve been teaching this in our workshop for 30 years 😊


Yep. I eat 3 eggs everyday cause we have chickens. Love eggs! Think I will go get a pickled egg now since you made me hungry.
64 years old 170lbs, 5'10". No high blood pressure 167 cholesterol and NO BIG PHARMA DRUGS ever!
Thanks Doc!


I’m 69 years old! I have eaten from 2 to 4 raw eggs a day since I was 17. Work 6 days a week sometimes 7! No meds! Feel wonderful!! I believe exercise, super foods of which eggs are one and a faith in God will keep you strong!!! Keep up the good work Doc!!!


You are the Doc that saved my life. Your beet juice recipe, turmeric and black pepper and Cayenne pepper. Reversed clogged arteries, high blood pressure and I changed my diet and reversed diabetes. God’s medicine you prescribed. Thank you Dr.


3 eggs, keto toast, butter, stevia sweetened natural cocoa for breakfast . NO processed meat or canned veggies ever . NO Alcohol or sugar since last November . Walk everyday for at least 45 minutes no an hour . Have lost 50 pounds, no Moe blood pressure medicine or statins needed .
I think I'm good . 🤔


Thank you for telling the truth. In older days people were eating a lot more eggs
The health problem started when the breakfast food became all kinds of cereals and corn flakes itp


I have my own chickens and you can't beat fresh eggs. Thank you for sharing God bless everyone


We must stop eating processing food that's the problem inflammation diabetic and on and on and on thank you Dr Mandel❤❤❤❤


I love eggs and my Scottish Granny ate them all the time and lived to 105.. Eggs are amazing, i have 3 a day .. with grilled veggies...


The world needs more Dr's like you. Thank you for your ministry in health and wellness Doc ❤❤


Thank God for you
I was blessed to have a father who was a doctor 🙏 ❤️ Now in heaven 🙏. Yes, you are a blessing 50 years ago. i was 275 pounds. My twin was 395 pounds. I lost wait to 190 pounds went down 2 steps broke both legs. 6 and half months in the hospital, months 3 operations on my right angel, after 2 years I learned how to walk. Now 71 yrs old , W🎉ith grown-up children, 14 grandchildren . Everyone in my family is imto fitness... My twin also has kept herself thinner and fit...I'm so glad you're doing this health information. People need to know this truth ❤


I’m eating more Keto than not!
And when eating “too many” carbs, it’s fermented veggies.
And I’ve not felt better in the last 30 years.
Weight is down, but more to go.
But nowhere near I was, 3 years ago….
And inflammation is greatly reduced!
Thank you, Dr Mandell for your educational videos….
Hope you have a great day!


I followed his advice on vitamin B for neuropathy in my feet and it actually took the neuropathy away! I take a good vitamin B complex everyday. I have high cholesterol so I am definitely trying this. Fortunately I have hens so I will be eating LOTS of eggs!


Dr. Mandel I work with a beautiful soul and were talking about holistic ways and meditation and the people we follow on YouTube and guess what she told me that you were her doctor for years I said wait Dr. Mandel...this Dr. Mandel showed her a picture on your page she said yes I was quite surprised because I had no idea you are right here in my local area...we love ❤ you and love your teachings. I wish you were still in practice


My cardiologist wanted me to take a statin. My cholesterol was only 210. I got it filled and wanted to see what my cholesterol would be after I changed my diet. So the next bloodwork was fine. So I throw out the meds. A few months later he said the statins are working. He was very upset with me when I said I haven’t taken them. He said everyone needs to be on statins. Needless to say, he isn’t my cardiologist anymore.


Thank you for valuable am lover of eggs since in my love them for their


DEAR Dr Mandell, when l was in my 20 l started my health journey. I read one of your books. I'm 75 now and pretty healthy. I still follow you on YouTube. Thank you for your good advice and decathlon to wellness for all human being


I used to eat 6 Eggs daily. I was borderline addicted.
But what's funny is during that time I would see my doctor for blood work and he would say I have high cholesterol. High HDL cholesterol that is. He explained how it's a good form of cholesterol to have elevated and how it's rarely so high!
It just goes to show, eggs are great for you.
I once read about an African tribe that lived off of primarily eggs, up to 30 a day! And apparently, within that population there was no heart disease.


Finally, I hear a doctor talking something valuable information about eggs I am 59 this year lives outside of the city where you see chicken runs around outside on the farm, I have been eating six boil eggs every morning with two tablespoons, pumpkin seed oil, two tablespoon olive oil, both cold press and live a active lifestyle for over twenty years, and I don't have high cholesterol.


Thank you for sharing Dr Mendel 🙏 some advise that 1 egg a day some say 2 eggs a day. And no one explains why. You are a God sent to us 🙏 🙌🙏🙌
