How A 5 Pound Weight = Unlimited Confidence | Dr. Aziz - Confidence Coach

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"5 Steps To Unleash Your Inner Confidence!"

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What would you say if I told you that lifting a five-pound weight could help you massively increase your confidence in every area of your life?

Does it sound too easy? Are you feeling skeptical?

If so, stick around, because today I’m going to share a simple technique for mastering confidence in the areas of your life that matter most to you.

Recently, I was working a live event in which a participant—let’s call him Chris—wanted to become more comfortable in the social aspects of his life: approaching women, interacting at work, and mingling at gatherings. His main concern was that he was afraid to be himself, to express emotions or get vulnerable. He had built up so much fear and anxiety surrounding the ideal of being interactive, that the challenges he was presenting himself with were massive . . . the equivalent of, say, a 75-lb weight.

The Five-Pound Weight

Attempting to jump into a social situation you’re not ready for is the equivalent of lifting a 75-lb dumbbell with no training.

When you go to the gym, all the free weights are stacked in a neat little weight-ascending row. Most people know exactly which ones they can handle, because they’ve been lifting them for years and years, gradually building up their strength and working from five pounds to fifty pounds.

Imagine you’d never worked out a day in your life: would you walk right up to the 75-lb dumbbell and start trying to throw it around willy-nilly? NO!

That’s exactly what Chris was trying to do in his personal life: lift the expert weight without training:

- I’m going to ask that woman out!

- I’m going to tell this amazing joke in front of everyone at the party.

- I’m going to knock their socks off in the executive meeting today!

He’s thinking he’s going to jump into the deep end as a non-swimmer, and once he gets the opportunity, he freezes like a four-year-old at the edge of the high-dive and does none of it. And it’s not his fault—he’s just reaching too far, too fast.

What I suggested to Chris during this event was that he try the five-pound weight instead. What does this mean? Let’s say you like a woman and imagine creating an extraordinary relationship with her: rather than asking for a dinner date right off the bat (75-lb weight), why not start by saying “Hi” and paying her a nice compliment (5-lb weight).

Does this seem too easy? Good—that’s the point.

To Read More, Go Here:

Topics covered in this video:
dr. aziz, confidence coach, build confidence, increase self-confidence, overcome social anxiety, overcome shyness, get more confidence, confidence tips, life coach, how to be confident, positivity, attitude, self-esteem, zizard411
Рекомендации по теме

I'm soo in love with your videos!! there so easy to understand them!!


Dr please do a vdo on how to stop needy or clingy to anyone ( girlfriend, wife, friend, relative etc)


For a few days at work I had an attraction to one of my supervisors. Now usually I would of let days or weeks go by without asking her if she was single. All kinds of thoughts was in my mind, is this professional, she earns more than you, will she be offended etc. But yesterday I asked exactly that and she "thanks but I have a boyfriend". The fact she said no doesn't bother me, but the fact that I handled my 5 pound weight, makes me proud.


Whenever i see my crush i swear even lefting one pound weight seems to me impossible..but i ll try to talk to her


Telling women that they are beautiful is not always a compliment, sometimes it makes us feel like animals in a zoo, like empty inanimated objects without personalities. Generally, is cute and makes us feel confident but it really depends on the situation, how it is said, when and what else that person knows


Yeah seriously if behavioral psychology has taught me anything, it's that small incremental adjustments in difficulty is the best way to develop and sustain a lasting habit that you can feel confident about. It seems to actually be a dopaminergic issue with the frontal cortex, perhaps a executive functioning issue. I know in my case it was atleast.
