6 AMAZING ways taking Zinc can CHANGE you

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I explore the amazing benefits of zinc for long term health. The benefits i discuss are for both men and women.

Zinc is the 2nd most abundant mineral in the body and taking it has some remarkable benefits many parts of the body.

I will also tell you about the brand of zinc and vitamin C that i have been using.

21 supplements that actually work | And 7 that don’t” ( (only $7))

Zinc information on NHS website:

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I finally compiled a list of the 21 most proven health supplements (see video describtion)


1. Boosts Immune System
2. Reduces Inflammation
3. Assists in Regulation of Blood Sugar
4. Great for treating Acne
5. Reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides
6. Great for eyesight - slows down macular degeneration

Bonus tip - assists in maintaining a good level of testosterone leading to improved vitality, muscle mass, bone health and LIBIDO !! 😃


I had to watch this twice....It took a while for it to Zinc in .... 😂😂


I am 60, fit and well . I run and train every day . I had flu every year for over a decade, loosing January and most of February each year . Two years ago I started taking zinc and vitamin D. I have been free of flu and colds since .


I always caught the flu or a cold every year even with a flu shot. Started taking zinc, d3 and vitamin C, 15 years ago and haven’t been sick since.


Dark chocolate has zinc and many other foods. Eat nutrient dense foods given to us by the Lord our God.
Draw closer to him, and he will draw closer to you.


Zinc is 1 of the many reasons I consume Seamoss every morning with my Tea and it's been keeping me healthy for years.


I am someone with prediabetes and high blood pressure. I had a medium/tarot reader that I needed to start taking zinc or I will have a serious health scare.
I didn't know what zinc was and I looked it up and all I found was anything about colds. I ended up going to the hospital with a BP of 180/132 scariest day of my life. My doctor told me to start talking zinc and I found this video and it just opened my eyes


Growing up, and into adulthood, I had colds, sore throat and cold sores sinus problems almost constantly! I started taking zinc about 20 years ago, I am now 65 and I literally have not had a cold sinus problems or any other symptoms related since!


Also zinc speeds up healing of any wounds!


Zinc helps against constipation and good for eyes health; zinc helps with menstrual cramps and pains


I was hospitalized with.covid pneumonia. One of the medications that I was prescribed was Zinc. I'm out.of the hospital and my doctor is still prescribing it to me.


I take Nutrilite supplements for more than a decade. Organic, plant based. Was diagnosed with COPD in October. Added Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D along with a breathing protocol. Four months later I passed all of the pulmonary tests. I do my part and then my body does its part and I trust God to do the rest. David Dassow, Michigan, USA.


I take 100 mg of zinc a day and 150mg when I’m sick or have a wound. It promotes wound healing and I can def say when I had a bad wound injury that was extremely painful based on the average healing time I saw in others I recovered very fast in comparison. Jesus was the first reason through prayer and I do believe Zinc assisted with the process as well


Jose Mourinho: I zinc this is a very good video.


For all those folks " complaining " about getting colds and/or flu yearly:

This is not meant to be nasty:
1.) Wash your hands regularly
2.) Stay out of crowds and/or crowded spaces, particularly in winter.
I haven't had the flu or a cold in years, and did it without meds. Still, I do take Zinc and Potassium, when I can remember it.


ZINC, MAGNESIUM, AND B6 increases testosterone production and aids in deep sleep, but it gives you vivid dreams, there's a product we bodybuilders use ZMA, that contains all three, you can find it at any vitamine or supplement store.


I've been taking zinc for a long time now with Vitamin D3 with Vitamin C and several other supplements.
But, I don't always go by what is so-called recommended because I don't think in some cases that's enough.
So I'm taking 4, 000 per day vitamin D; 1000mg per day Vitamin C and 100mg per day of Zinc.
I'm 70 I'm doing just fine with this.
Glad to see that you're taking it too. May God Bless.


I started taking vitamin C..D 3...and zinc and I have not had a cold or flu in 4 yrs..Thank U God


Been sick in bed for 4 days..took 50 mg last night ....and woke up feeling my muscles less painful and overall feeling a boost in my immune system
Great video
