Mastering Your Emotions: Dispel These 10 Myths About Emotions

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The overall goal of emotion regulation is to reduce emotional suffering. It’s not to get rid of emotions. Some people will always be more emotional than others. In a previous video I talked about the biology of emotions. In this video, I’m talking about 10 common myths about emotions that can fill you head and make it hard for you to regulate your emotions.

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Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
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0:26 - Myth 01: Emotions are irrational
0:51 - Myth 02: Positive emotions are better than negative emotions
1:33 - Myth 03: Emotions are controllable
2:41 - Myth 04: Expressing emotions is weakness
3:02 - Myth 05: Emotional people are unstable
3:29 - Myth 06: Negative emotions result from a bad attitude
4:19 - Myth 07: Only some people are emotional
4:43 - Myth 08: Emotions should be solved or fixed
5:07 - Myth 09: Emotional health means always being happy
5:32 - Myth 10: Emotions are permanent states


Firstly - Hallelujah
Secondly - content & information like this can really shift paradigms across cultures and generations if it gets to the right platform. This is an understanding that definitely needs to be out there ❤


Gotta be honest, clicked just for the thumbnail. That thing is a work of art.


This confirms my belief that feeling negative emotions is not unhealthy. I've learned that allowing myself to feel, not suppressing them only serves to help with me becoming a more emotionally intelligent person.


Whoever made the thumbnail is a genius, pulled me right in!


omg...this thumbnail...your hair...dr. marks, you are the bomb ❤


I have bipolar disorder which complicates things even further. I can be depressed for no reason and then extremely joyful when in reality nothing in my life has charged. I used to be guided by emotions but after living with this for so long I know not to always place much importance on them at all.


Number 6: thank you for making it clear that it's not my attitude what's causing my negative emotions. This perception has always made me feel guilty.


I was raised that all emotional displays are bad and result in beatings. Thus, all emotions must be suppressed.
I can't tell you how many times I heard, "Wipe that look off your face or I'll wipe it off for you." And "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about."


Tye greatest psychiatrist here.
The problem is her services are too expensive for someone living in a third world country.
Everybody deserves to be mentally well


Love your content always, you have created a great space for people to safely learn and grow and that can't be understated :)


I am trying to teach my toddler this . I grew up in a poor emotional environment, more like everyone was numb. My husband is a very popular physician at our local hospital and people ask me “ do you want your son to be a doctor “ I always say “ I want him to be emotionally competent first “ 😂. He is 3 years old. I wish we had a Dr. Tracy for toddlers 😊


Sorry ..I just have to say... that thumbnail with your HAIR EXPANDING INTO THE UNIVERSE with those cozy tucked in baubles...SIMPLY ICONIC... I would love that pose framed / poster size /36" square min.... SO-O-O EXCITING...SIMPLY BRILLIANT. 🙋🌹GA USA 👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Thank you Dr Tracey, for the great content you uploaded in debunking these myths, it's really time someone did.


THANK YOU I can't explain it right now BUT Yes! You gave the answer! My goodness! It's like I can breath now! Thank you Dr. Marks!!!


Love the new intro! Your video editors are doing a wonderful job and helping you shine!!! You also seem much more comfortable with your video and speaking presence after all these years providing educational content for us!!


Anger.... I was beaten bloody for getting angry as a kid, and learned early on to supress it, stuff it.

In my youth I found myself in juvenile court for destroying property. I remember like it was yesterday how gratifying it was wrecking that stuff, smashing, tossing, seeing it turned into garbage. I realize now that I was releasing anger, frustration.

I was constantly shamed and ridiculed, all through my youth by family, teachers, administrators... because I tested highly intelligent, yet did poorly in school (distractive ADHD).

Somehow, after becoming an adult, others seemed to be able to read me, and figured out how to manipulate me with shame and ridicule... it was relentless until just recently. I unconsciously tolerated it until recently.

I'm 73. My elder sister just passed. Her executors were given information on me by her. I do not know these people other than spending an hour or so with them in the past.

When I worked at my sister's estate, helping clearing it out, one executor told the other how lazy I was working with them.

I don't ever remember slacking.... I did work my butt off... but I obviously did not meet expectations.

I got a text from the executor not present, filled with language reminiscent from my childhood. It was filled with the identical words used to shame me as a child. Rage ensued.

I've never been this angry, ever. Yet, the supression mechanism kicked in. This anger was so intense, the only way I could handle it was to get drunk, night after night for weeks.

I am remarkably healthy for my age. All this booze was detrimental, messing with my already sketchy sleep. Now, when I go to bed after not drinking, I sleep even worse.

Yesterday, I talked to an old friend who fancies herself a peacemaker. I expressed my anger, my childhood, the shaming and ridicule. When I expressed anger, she shamed me, right then and there, and told me I need to control it....

Once home I was back in a rage. I didn't drink... but I was up late, and woke at dawn, giving me about 3 hours of sleep. I am compromised today from deprivation.

Thanks for lettiing me vent.... I'm seeing a rather ineffective counselor in a couple days... at least I'll get to talk about it.


I just came to say, your work is amazing, and your graphics team is on fire! if they ask for a raise, say yes! and if you ar doing your own graphics (and ideas behind the graphics) .. give yourself a high five. thank you for you.


Thank you for helping me begin to understand how feelings are so hard for me, from my profoundly fucked up childhood. I'm tired of just being a broken person. We really need more psychs like you explaining these things in so much depth because most therapists don't know what to do with 'so profoundly neglected/abused you're like a dobby-has-a-sock person'. I'm there. I don't wanna be anymore


#6 This is a perfect reminder for managing my catastrophizing. I'm surprised at how wrong my assumptions are many of the time.
