Все публикации

The Cursed Lore of Shapeshifters

Chronovisor: Mystery of the Vatican's Secret Time Machine

Ultraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #7

Time Mirrors: Experiments at the North Pole

Giant Encounters in the Old Americas

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #6

The Missing Link: Floods, Giants, and Ancient Apocalypse

The Mystery and Fate of an Immortal Alchemist

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #5

Angelology Explained in Obsessive Detail

Treasure Hunting with Demons

The Overly Complex Ritual to Summon a Guardian Angel

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #4

The CIA's Psychic Spies Revealed! (Part 2)

Nikola Tesla: The Man, Myth, and Conspiracy

The Life and Times of an Immortal Alchemist

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #3

The Fabled Land of Ultima Thule

The Lost Years of Jesus Christ: Evidence in Japan, Britain, and India

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #2

Demonology Explained in Obsessive Detail

Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories

The Sleeping Prophet of Atlantis