Demonology Explained in Obsessive Detail

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Demonology is the study of demons: a demon’s name and rank, their powers and weaknesses, how they can be summoned, enslaved, exorcised, and even worshipped. In this video, our focus is Christian Demonology, one of the few living occult sciences with nearly 2000 years of continuous study and development. And yes, you’re going to learn some weird things.

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I love how the best approach to controlling demons is to speak to a manager.


"Long term relationships with demons were definitely possible. The relationship was one of pain and toxicity"

I see theologians know about my ex.


Fun fact: Belphegor was kicked out of heaven by God because he literally laid and watched while the battle of good and evil was happening and also one of the hardest demons to exorcise out because of how lazy it is; the only to not get possessed by it anymore, is for it to get bored and move on, which can take a very long time


Trying to guess the number of literal demons with complex math equations is one of the most insane things I've ever heard.


Extremely well done good sir. The absence of overly loud obnoxious music, the clear and concise narration and the quality of information presented on this subject is unmatched on YouTube.


When I was a teen, my devoutly religious Catholic dad caught me watching a video about Demons and demonology. He got so upset he brought me to the only Vatican certified exorcists in the province. I was left alone with the exorcist, who started with "So your dad told me you're watching videos about the devil?" I told him I was watching videos about witchcraft, demons, demonology, etc. cause I thought it would educate me on "the enemy". The exorcist and I spent the next hour chatting about demonology and his travels as an anthropologist and archaeologist. When we realized so much time has past, he put ointment on my head then told me to call my dad into his office while I waited outside. When my dad left, he looked angry. The car ride home was so awkward and quiet until I asked my dad, "What did you and Monsignor talk about?" My dad gumbled, "He told me to leave you alone and to trust you" 🤣

Since then EVERY interest I had that was deemed "demonic" or "Satan worshipping" in nature, I'd find some way to twist it around and make it about being a warrior of God. "No, dad! Death Metal is not only about worshipping the devil, it's also about conquering evil!" "No, dad! Watching Horror movies is not giving me nightmares and violent ideas. It's giving me the courage to not be afraid of monsters!" 🤣🤣🤣

So glad one of the last things my dad and I did together was watch Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny, which he banned me from watching as a teen cause he thought it was about devil worship lol
RIP, dad! 💖


I love how you kept stressing to us (the viewers) not to summon demons. As if we are all witches and wizards.


I grew up in a fairly religious home, and my parents always shut me down when I expressed interest in this side of our faith; told me even thinking about it was dangerous (to scare me of course) but they really embedded that into my head. Hearing that “Never Fear, Mr.Mythos is here” was a wave of calming relief after I clicked onto the video lol, luv it here


My ex was a very powerful succubus with powerful persuasion skills.


13:25 I feel something should be added here - Succubus means "to lie under" while Incubus means "to lie above", which could indicate they dont have to strictly be female/male. It could be about the role they assume with their victim.


I'm from India and there is an ancient Indian text called the Atharvaveda. This text is supposed to be one of the four major texts of knowledge (veda) but many do not consider it so, mostly because of the abundance of spells and such for blessings and curses similar to what is told in witchcraft. The text predates King Solomon by about two or three centuries


"Do demons have a sexuality?"
I'm pretty sure a demon's sexuality is pretty simple: "a hole is a hole"


It’s insane on how this guy can cram so much knowledge in a one hour video, this is pretty cool.


As a Christian I really appreciate this video. I wanted to learn more about what demons were but I was too nervous to ask around my church or my parents. Really informative and well researched!


“Painstakingly navigate the bureaucracy of hell” is so funny😂 ain’t no way I’ll accidentally summon anything


This channel is chicken soup for my esoteric conspiracy loving mysteries of history soul. Thank you for all the work you put in and the love and curiosity you share. There are tons of underrated video channels but yours is firmly at the top sir. Looking forward to spending Saturdays diving in to some weird shit. Cheers!


I've studied this subject everyday for over 20 years. This fellow has certainly done his homework. Nice work. Best scholar I've seen in a long time.


This is the best presentation and examination of demons that I have ever seen. Impeccable research. Also, I appreciate the fact that the subject was presented in a non-judgemental manner. It's also worthy of note that angels can be summoned to do all of the same things that demons can do. So can other types of spirits.


My mum said she saw a demon when I was 3. I never knew about it until she told me.
At this time, she and I were sharing the same room in case I needed something. One night, something changed, she felt like something was watching her and the bedroom door was open. She rolled over to see if something was there, she saw a tall, dark figure that looked like it had a burlap bag of some sort over its head and the eyes cut out, but you could see the wall THROUGH the eyes. She screamed my dad's name, he ran up the stairs to see what was wrong, the figure turned around as it heard my dad coming and vanished by the time he reached the top. Mum blamed it on a statue that her deceased aunt(?) or grandma had left behind. The next day, she had my dad take it outside to the backyard, now the door to the backyard was warped so you had to pick up on it to close securely and lock the door. Well, she was going to follow him outside when all of the sudden the door slammed and locked on its own, mum never even touched it. Dad came back asking why she shut the door, all she said was that she didn't touch it.

Fast forward years later, she and I are watching a paranormal investigation series "Gates to Hell" or something? Anyway, it was an abandoned prison they were investigating and when they showed pictures of the shamed prisoners, my mum froze and turned pale. The prisoners had bags over their heads with the eyes cut out, just like the figure she saw all those years ago. I don't know if it was a demon that possessed one of those men then haunted my relative then my mum or if it was a ghost of some kind, but it spooked her tremendously, she didn't tell me about it until I was 11. That story stuck with me to this day and it fueled my interest in the supernatural.
