Time Mirrors: Experiments at the North Pole

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The Kozyrev Mirror was a theoretical time machine proposed by the Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev. After it was built, experiments were conducted at the North Pole, and the events to follow became infamous for their extreme degree of extraterrestrial - and possibly interdimensional - activity.

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What do you think happens in the Kozyrev Mirror? And would you be brave enough to go into one? 🥶 🛸


If you just sit still with your eyes closed and try to empty your mind you start experiencing inner monologue that tries to stop you. Things like "well, that's enough of that.", "I'd better get on.", "I don't have time for this right now, I'll do it later." You also experience "urges" to get up and do something else, even images ... "Better start preparing dinner" (images/visualization of preparing the dinner).. either a quick sharp urge to get up or a slow burner urge. The thing is, if you keep ignoring all that, you start to wonder about the thoughts and you get a feeling they're not YOUR thoughts at all but are coming from elsewhere. It's amazing how our "subconscious" or these "thoughts" are taking huge control over our lives. Try just listening to/viewing/feeling the thoughts in your head but not acting on any of them, then you'll see that you are not your thoughts, you aren't consciously creating the vast majority of them. You think you're making decisions based on your own thoughts but more than half the time random thoughts and urges are steering us around.


I do a lot of driving, and binge heavily all kinds of videos and podcast on subjects like this. But, I have never heard of thus mirror experiment and am surprised to come across something new ! You're absolutely amazing dude. Keep up the good work! And thank you


Amazingly, my 16 yr. Kid introduced me to your channel, and I have to say that I am so intrigued and dumbfounded by your research. I honestly do believe that there is something out there that has been either monitoring and/or controlling what we do or perceive. I had no idea about this long ongoing experiment. So incredibly thought-provoking!!


A lot of the symptoms exhibited by people around the mirror, the fear, nausea, headaches, even the physical feeling of being struck, sounds a lot like what we know about infrasound. I wonder if they ever took that into consideration. There’s a very real possibility the mirror was emitting sounds that were beyond our perception


This makes me think a lot about the mirror of Solomon. King Solomon possessed a "magic" mirror used for divination. It is described as being slightly concave.


I’m building one for my basement in my own house. Not remotely kidding. Already downloaded the specs and experimental parameters of the original experiment.


Just when I was thinking that nothing good was going to be dropped today...


This concept is something I've been pondering for a couple years.That past, present, and future happen simultaneously. I had no idea that there was others that not only came to the same conclusion but had the means to study it. I'm just a broke dude from the Ghetto. Everthing I know was self taught, couldn't been skipped forward in school etc but life had me acting out due to environment. So to finally have a reference that will allow me go further on the subject has me ecstatic. Thank you @MrMythos


This episode, for some reason reminded me of Wilhelm Reich and his Orgone Accumulator. There is a lot of mystery about him and his device. Perhaps an exploration into his life would be another episode here for Mr. Mythos?


I was supposed to go to Dikson for work in 2020, but then Covid happened and the whole trip was cancelled. After knowing about this experiment, I regret even more that I was not able to see this place for myself. The Russian Northern regions have a mystic sense to it, you feel a lot of energy there.


@Mr. Mythos
This is one subject that I think I can say I know a lot about. Kozyrev's 'time energy' is a type of EM wave. There are 3 types. Most well known is Hertzian/Transverse EM waves that act like ripples on a pond. Then, you have largely unacknowledged Longitudinal EM waves, which act like sonar pings in a pond. Tesla's technology utilized these longitudinal waves, which are far more efficient and penetrating. Lastly, you have the almost completely unknown Torsion EM waves, which behave like a whirl in the pond. Kozyrev's mirror used these torsion waves.


Just spit-balling a theory here, but what if the high magnetic activity they experience from being near the Northern Lights magnetized the mirror and essentially turned it into an unregulated MRI machine. They mentioned a lot of metal objects getting magnetized, and perhaps this could lead to widespread hallucinations and change in mood for the test subject?


Where I used to live in PA I used to see things people call "shadow people" when I was about 5. What I saw fit the description of what other people saw to a tee. Years later I'd chalk it up to a child's active imagination, except other family members admitted they saw similar things too, things, even creepier. My older brother told me when he was a child he was playing hide and seek and he hide behind a door and leaned against the wall. After some time he felt something pulling him in, and where he thought should have been a wall, there was nothing. He said "if he didn't stop himself he would have gone inside the wall". My aunt heard voices calling her name, and I experienced the same sense of unnatural dread and fear when I saw things, or felt I was in it's presence.


I can't thank you enough for this one. It has provided me with the opportunity to perceive this life from a much grander POV.
More importantly, it has reinvigorated my sense of wonder
Thank you so much for all your amazing work on these videos, Mr. Mythos- I always look forward to your next one! Respect and best wishes to you 💖


I love that you paid attention to Kozyrev's time on the gulag. I can't imagine going through that for a month, much less a decade. Thank you for your compassion in addition to all things anomalous.

Paz y luz.


It's like how acid "flashbacks" aren't "acid leaking out of the spine". It's your physical brain, and extra dimensional mind, creating neurological links to process an experience, and then accessing those pathways later. Just because you're not on mushrooms now, doesn't mean the recognition patterns, formed when it was novel, are gone


Huge fan! I love your work! Thank you for your hard work and videos!! 😊


Mr. Mythos. As a Gateway (and MC2) grad, If you're interested in suchlike, I can recommend a visit to The Monroe Institute, for a chance to (maybe) speak to Skip Atwater and or Robert McMoneagle. Very mind expanding, and shocker...they also teach RV there. Rumor has it the original tapes for soldier enhancement are still in archive, but never offered. Tiny bit of info available from Major Ed Dames and his book "Tell me what you see."


Fantastic! You've brought this unknown technology into our view and elaborated on an extraordinary story of science pushing the envelope. Had no idea. When I saw the thumbnail I erroneously thought you were covering the ESP experiments conducted during the first exploration of the North Pole. I'm so glad I was wrong. This is one of your best pieces. I'm flabbergasted. More views for sure. Thanks for your hard work, knowledge and skills. I have much corroborating experiences, without the mirror in a location purported to be an interdimentional doorway. You rock Mr.Mythos!!!
