The Empire VS The CIS | Hypothetical Holocron

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the CIS would've steamrolled the republic if it wasnt for palpatine's influence


The CIS was at max performing at 10% of there actual power through the entire war.
Anytime the CIS made something that would completely wipe out the republic Such as the B3, Sidious would immediately get rid of it with insider information.
Dooku also didn't want the CIS to win, he just wanted the Republic to reform into something better.
The Vulture droid is also something that could have been upgraded but never was, Its was infinitely faster than every other fighter so much so that it couldn't even be hit.
It was only due to poor AI programming that it was defeatable by living pilots.


I feel bad for them the Separatists just wanted to be free from the corrupted Galactic Republic


no, the only reason that the speratists lost is cuz of Palpatine, of the cis was supposed to win from the get go they would, Palpatine dumbed them down cuz it was a staged war


Great video and agree with you other than Grand Moff Tarkin outsmarting Grievous, knowing Grievous would likely go on a offensive attack, and known for boarding ships i highly doubt Tarkin would be able to 1v1 Grievous but if Darth Vader was on the ship perhaps your right, but the BX Commando Droids and IG 100 would likely be there to kill Moff Tarkin while Darth Vader fights Grievous or he would likely retreat if the Droid alerts him of Vader's presence knowing he would send the droids head first before entering, but in my opinion Grand Moff Tarkin would still need Grand Admiral Thrawn's help.


Trench would be probably good enemy for tarkin


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CIS full potential would have B3 actualy effective B1 and B2 droids as we saw when the war ended sudently B2 could run

B1 succesfully shot down Cody and his clones
Then destroyed everyone except Cody and the sniper clone forgot his name

Then managed to grab the sniper in choke hold wich nedded to be saved

Also Rex Esra and Kaine idk how to spell his name Were defeated only thing that saved them was the droids being old and having weak shields asf

Then When they were reactivated by bad bach they destroyed the security droids with no diff

Whenever they fough anyone who wasnt a clone or Jedi in clone wars they were op

Its like they were prograned to miss more when they saw Jedi or Clone

Also remember that SuperTacticalDroid beating up Anakin now imagine if all of the droids were programed like that


I personally disagree. The Empire would win. Stormtroopers might be from the civilian population, but that didn't mean they were terrible soldiers. At the worst, I would say, they are average in combat performance. Their real strength is in numbers and fanatical loyalty. They are willing to die for the Empire and with numbers make good use of strategy.

Also, while they'd still be outnumbered, the Empire still had far more manpower than the Republic, so their situation is far from desperate.

Additionally, the Imperial navy was incredibly powerful and would smash through Separatist fleets. There were very few ships that could go toe to toe with a basic Star Destroyer, and the larger variants are a whole different story. The Imperial navy would greatly reduce Separatist manpower by destroying countless ships, and in addition, would greatly reduce the CIS's mobility, preventing them from moving armies to key locations with their fleet.


Is pretty much who can build the death star first


The empire was created because dooku was dead


Both militaries were focused on mass production of troops, but the CIS produced more.

Also the CIS has by far the better tanks and vehicles. A couple hailfire droids would wreck an AT-AT or AT-ST’s shit.
