Galactic Empire Vs The Cis #edit

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By the end of the war, seperatist droids significantly outnumbered republican units. By my calculations the chances of being defeated was only 23%.


military leaders : grievous >>>everybody


Technically they both have Sidious so force powers are kinda even


Probably the only advantage the empire really has over them is whenever Sidious isn't intentionally playing a galactic scale game of chess with himself like what he did in the clone wars, whenever he didn't intentionally rig battles so both sides were perfectly even, And when and where he decides if a side should lose or win.

In the clone wars he micromanaged everything both sides did down from super soldiers/weapons to the types of weapons either side was allowed to use.

Just look at the Elite Super Battledroids or as they were called B3 Super Battle Droids, as they had a special armor that was almost completely lightsaber resistant like Pure Beskar, he leaked the coordinates of the droid factory producing them once he realized they were too powerful and the separatists would have won the war in less than a week if he had let those droids be mass produced.

The same happened with the Super Battle Tanks and the Malevolence.

He also did this with the republic as well such as the mass scaled EMP nuke they developed to cause a mass shut down of entire armies of droids, he put a stop to that by pulling the whole "These weapons are too expensive we cannot afford to build any more cancel production immediately!" move.

Palaptine did this to balance the wars outcome until he needed it to end once he got what he wanted "Anakin", then ye sent 99% of separatist leaders to mustafar to die after he lied to them about Lord Vader coming to "help" them.


2 Quintillion Droids nahhh they say that the empire wins every clone would say even a B1 is a better shot than a Stormtrooper.

Literally the imperial army is outnumbered by a significant margin and the CIS Fleet is so diverse it could easily crush the Imperial Fleet. Even the Repyblic Fleet had mor diversity than the imperial fleet.

CIS would stomp also remember the Seperatists had the Deathstar plans first so the Empire wouldn’t be able to use it because the CIS would own it.

L Virigin Empire 🤡

Chad Republic 🗿 and Separatists 🗿


This is probably going to make some people upset but here we go.
The empire would be able to beat the republic and confederacy combined without much issue. Yes even without superweapons. Strap in this is going to be long

To break it down ill look at ground forces then space forces. Stormtroopers are not the main line force of the empire. They are the top 1% and as much as we like to meme on them in the lore they are baddass with their closest real world equivalent being the army rangers. A good comparison for them in other sci-fi would be the ODSTs in halo.

The clones stand head and shoulders above the Stormtroopers in quality but the Stormtroopers alone have drastically more forces then the clones. This of course isn't taking into account the standard imperial army or navy trooper or the volunteers who made up most of the republics military. Who we can presume to be fairly close-ish in skill but again the empire has way more. Though I would probably give the empire slightly better quality for standard grunts (meaning not clones or Stormtroopers)

Compared to the droids, this video touched on a fair bit of it so, watch the short I guess XD.

In terms of ground vehicles the republic and CIS have a leg up in quality due primarily to diversification and specialization. The GAR CIS alliance have a much wider spread of ground vehicles to pick from that would be better then what the empire fields for that specific job because the empire makes a few types that can do a lot of things decently, while the GAR CIS makes a lot of different things that do one job very well.

They do have a problem in that the empire can field and resupply a lot more heavy armor then the republic can and debatable for the CIS.

I know this is long but I'm having fun so on to the navy.

The empire mops the floor... I'm sorry they do. First with fleet composition the empire and republic kind of suck, like the empire fields a bunch of ISDs for an attack fleet while the republic fields a bunch of venators. The venator not being designed for ship to ship combat and instead being a carrier means it isn't suited for the role it is used in and the ISD being designed to kill other capital ships and assault planets it doesn't do well in how it was used which is to hunt down fight snubfighters.

The CIS on the other hand has incredible fleet composition, same thing I mentioned for the ground vehicles, they can pick and choose what ships they want for what job from a large selection.

Now this doesn't take into account the massive number of other ships the empire has which massively outnumber their ISDs and the same goes for the republic to a lesser extent. But the tactics and ship usage is worth noting.

Where the empire dominates is in numbers, technology, and industry. The empire has the shipyards and control of those shipyards to rebuild their fleets faster then the GAR or CIS and maybe even together, and the empire has better technology. In a pure capital ship battle there is almost nothing in either GAR or CIS fleets that can take an ISD, even in a 2v1. The ISD is designed to absolutely shred capital ships and it will do that.

The empire has depending on the source, between 25 thousand to 50 thousand ISDs with about 50 dreadnought. And likely a few hundred battle cruisers along with hundreds of thousands of smaller warships. If we gave each dreadnought 20 star destroyers which is an almost unstoppable fleet, that would still leave 24 thousand ISDs of the original 25 thousand of the lower estimate to defend in addition to the rest of the fleets. The empire steam rolls.

Almost done here we go.

Now the last two things to mention are fighters and jedi. Thanks to things like the ARC170 the Z95 and the trifighter Droid the GAR and CIS alliance have a massive advantage in fighters, especially since many of their main line ships are carriers. So unless the empire is fielding Lancer friggets or tie defenders they will lose the space battle. Though just adding a couple lancers to a fleet would solve that issue so I'm not too worried. Without them though it is just a race to see if the ISD can destroy the enemy carrier before the fighters with their battle and the answer is probably yes.

But on the jedi front, the biggest issue they would cause is on the ground. But that isn't an issue because the empire does not care about bombing planets into dust. They will win the space battle and turn the surface of a planet into a melted slag. The jedi won't be an issue unless in infiltration strike teams which admittedly are a problem.

Anyway. I know that was super long, i have fun saying it I hope you had fun reading it. Conclusion is the empire could take both the republic and CIS combined and win, and I would love to hear your thoughts.


Id say the imperial navy was better since they had like 25000 star destroyers as well as all the other types of ships. Earth type water navies dont really play much of a role in star wars but the cis had the squid ship things and aquadroids so they will win that


CIS has better pilots because the droids were literally the ships.


Stormtroopers only need new better helmets
B1 are too adorable


Why nobody talking about the first order pilot


L+ Not based+Empire has lost a command post+ Confederacy has gain a command post
CiS wins
