How to declutter your mind -- keep a journal | Ryder Carroll | TEDxYale

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Being busy doesn't always mean being productive. Ryder Carroll shares the story of how a system he developed to manage his childhood attention deficit disorder now helps people worldwide achieve their goals with greater efficiency and satisfaction.

Ryder Carroll is a digital product designer and inventor of the Bullet Journal. He was born and raised in Vienna, Austria, but now lives in Brooklyn, NY. He enjoys serving as the Lead Designer at Idean in New York City. He's been featured by the LA Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Vogue, and Mashable.

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1. Create a Mental Inventory (map) :
- Things you need to do
- Things you should do
- Things you want to do

2. Ideation:
For each item in inventory, ask yourself:
1. Is it vital?
2. Does it matter?
If answer is no for both questions, cross that item off your list

3. Set goals:
Break big goals into actionable little projects, that satisfies:
- No barriers (doesn’t depend on anything)
- Clearly defined tasks
- Takes less than a month (If not, split)

4. Update your map
5. Form a habit

Recap: (RID)
- R: Reflect
Declutter your mind by creating a mental inventory. Get rid of the things that don’t matter

- I: Ideate:
Focus on things that interest you by designing small actionable projects.

- D: Dedicate:
Get into a daily habit of updating your mental invetory.


I decided to take notes of important points for me, I end up writing every sentence that you spoke. I felt like every sentence was tailored for me. I am so grateful to you for doing this talk. I am grateful to YouTube as well for recommending this video, even if YouTube is responsible for wasting my countless hours on productivity videos from all sorts of self-help gurus, podcast, neuroscientists and what not. I thank God, I suffered diving in the ocean of YouTube and Self-help books for many years but finally found a real gem.

Goodbye! YouTube

Ryder - I can't thank you enough. THANK YOU VERY MUCH


I had to watch this again as I was distracted reading comments about being distracted


Ryder is such a wonderful speaker. I love the way he connects ideas and makes them accessible. The way he's able to connect and come up with solutions to everyday problems is such a magical skill. The Bullet Journal has transformed my life entirely as it's done for millions. Thank you, Ryder for sharing your wisdom so generously. :)


The Bullet Journal system changed my life! I, too, struggled with ADD, though I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 30s. I tried planners more times than I can count, but my life just doesn't fit into tiny premade boxes.

My bookshelves are lined with journals, where I tried to keep track of my many, varied thoughts and interests. But with no organization, it's often a major hassle to find what I am looking for.

The Bullet Journal appeared on my radar about a year or so ago and immediately had my attention. Simple, organized, and custom made by me, for me. Perfect.

Thank you. I can't begin to express how big an impact it has had on my life.


"Decision fatigue....can lead to decision avoidance." Oh my goodness I feel so seen with that.


"Time is not a renewable resource, you cannot make time, you can only take time"


Years ago, when I was working on a project management degree, I started describing the project scope in terms of three lists: must, should, and could. The must was the minimum deliverable, the should was anything that could be added within the available money and time, and the could was anything that could be added with more money and time but generally only if all the musts and some of the shoulds were done.


I don't have ADD but I do have anxiety. Bullet journaling helps me identify the things I need to do and what I'm anxious about. It helps me plan in advance so I feel calmer when I comes to making plans.


"you cannot make time, you can only take time. It is our responsibility to take the time to identify the things that interest us; to figure out ways to pursue them" - Ryder Carroll


As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD, its so nice to see successful people who had it as well. It's so tough managing day to day life, and bullet journaling has helped me change my life.


What I love about this talk is that it is valuable for people of all ages and backgrounds. This lecture contained the most concise and actionable information in just a few minutes than all of the college (including grad-courses) and professional lectures that I have experienced as an engineer, project manager, mom. I can see that Ryder truly uses what he talks about. Good job!


While I was listening to this Tedtalk I was ordering my first bullet journal.
Then I saw you could buy stencils for the bullet journal.
12 minutes and 50 seconds later I've spent $100, and not heard anything this guy has said.
So I've saved this video to an adhd playlist I created (that I'll hopefully look at tomorrow).


At 62, I too have adhd and recreating. Thank you for this, being you. My journey seems rushed and confusing. Hoping I can get still enough to practice this journal. Thank you


I feel so Meta....I'm taking notes on this TEDx talk in my bullet journal right now! :-D


"You can take Time, but you can't make Time", this is so influential and powerful to start your brand new day. 😊


Wow. This is powerful Thank you for this. I've been struggling for years. It's been a while but yesterday, I just broke down not knowing what to do anymore. Feeling overwhelmed. Not being able to think straight. Could hardly breathe. I have been unconsciously journaling once in a while for years but I recently discovered the wonders of it. So I got myself a traveler's notebook and have started intentionally journaling. It helps unload all these thoughts and feelings and at the same time organize them.

Here's a hug to everyone struggling with mental health! *hug


Thank you for coming up with the bullet journal Ryder. Pretty amazing.


Ryder Carroll has such clarity of thought. This is the best Talk I've seen/ heard in a long time. Thank you.


I LOVE THIS MAN! I don't have any serious or diagnosed condition but I still struggle with decisions. When I found out about his method... it changed my life
