21 FRUGAL GROCERY HACKS || How to save money on groceries

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Grocery shopping is the most flexible of all your spending categories. Here are 21 frugal grocery hacks to give you a head start on savings.

When trying to reduce monthly expenses, these tips for grocery shopping on a budget will help you.
Here are the tips I have used for years to reduce my grocery budget and feed my family on one income.

Don’t fall for the manipulations of food manufacturers and the grocery store tricks that try to get you to spend more money. Instead, learn to beat the system and save money on your food budget. Learn to make sacrifices and change behaviors to stretch your money and enjoy budget grocery shopping a little more.

Planning and thought once or twice a month (meal planning and food prep) will go far when budgeting for a week, two weeks, or an entire month. These grocery shopping hacks are brilliant.

My favorite of all might be meal planning. Or maybe buying in bulk. If you were to see my pantry stockpile (which is in the cellar), you would know immediately. This frugal grocery tip saves me money in the long run to stock up when items go on sale.

Knowing these 21 frugal grocery hacks will prepare you to spend less at the grocery store - leaving you to manage your money better and use the savings toward something more important. Its time to save money on your food budget.

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I’m so very happy to have you here. We are all about saving money at Frozen Pennies. Whether you have a goal like debt freedom, purchasing a home, retiring, or just making ends meet, we are all about making that happen. Here you’ll find tips on saving money on groceries, ways to tweak your budget, and living an overall frugal life (all while having more fun)! Thank you for supporting my channel.

About Sara:
Sara is a wife, mother, and creator of Frozen Pennies. With a degree in English, a former teacher, and a Certified Financial Coach through Ramsey Solutions, there is no better place to learn about debt freedom, budgeting, and overall frugal living.



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- Information on this channel (Sara Conklin, Frozen Pennies) only represents my thoughts and opinions. I am not a medical doctor, medical professional, or financial advisor. However, I am a certified financial coach through Ramsey Solutions. All content on this channel is intended for informational & inspirational purposes only. Don't hesitate to contact a professional with any questions. This video and all videos on this channel are a means of social support.
Рекомендации по теме

Saving money on groceries is easy if you know the tricks. What is your favorite grocery shopping hack?


1. Shop your pantry
2. Buy in bulk
3. Save your scraps
4. Eat the leftovers
5. Plan your meals
6. Drink water
7. Produce mark downs
8. Shop the flyers
9. Batch cook your meals
10. Meal prep
11. Buy generic
12. Stock up
13. Create a grocery list
14. Skip the junk
15. Shop before the holidays
16. Do the math
17. Don’t fall for tricks
18. Stay out of the stores
19. Avoid prepackaged foods
20. Think outside the grocery bag
21. Holiday sales prices


You can also remodel your leftovers. Roll them up in a tortilla and make a wrap. Spoon them over hot toast. Blitz a savory casserole in the food processor, add broth and make it into a soup. Thicken up a savory soup with vegetables and cornstarch, pour it into a crust and make a pot pie. If you have chili or something similar, bake some potatoes and top them with chili and cheese. Bits of meat and vegetables can be spiced up and stuffed into dumplings. Remodeling your leftovers gives them new life and makes them more appealing to eat than "not THAT again."


I'm 67 and mom always said leftovers taste better than freshly made because the seasonings have a chance to marinate into the food. I have to agree, depending on the food. Another idea: I always gave my two teenager boys one night apiece, every week, where they were responsible for planning and cooking a dinner for the family. It worked out really well for everyone because the boys learned a great deal about shopping, food handling and meal prep and became something they looked forward to (and me as well as I was working full-time). Thank you for all the great tips.


True to an extent, you should rotate your food, but in these uncertain times you should always have a lot more than just a week’s worth of food in your pantry.


I'm giving a thumbs up because your tips are exactly how I have lived and shopped over the last 35 years. All these tips work and they don't take a lot of work, just dedication to saving your own money and not allowing the shops to relieve you of it all!!


Great tips. A few months before I married in the 70's, I searched the flyers to all the grocery stores each week and bought specials. It worked to our advantage while I was in college and money was tight.


As I am writing this in late 2022, it is a very good idea to stock up on everything you use, I have about a years worth of stuff put away.


A daughter-in-law shared this with me. After Christmas, buy, for example, the Christmas M & Ms Then, sort them by color. Use the red and white candies for Valentines Day and the green ones for Saint Patric’s Day. This has been a lot of fun to put into a candy bowl for guests and to decorate cookies, cakes, etc.. Try it, even the sorting can be fun, You can even involve any children who may be around.


Stay out of the stores - I absolutely need to do this. My freezers and pantry are stuffed - no reason to go, but I still do. My goal for December is to not go grocery shopping at all. We are traveling to see family 12/21-30th, and I'll likely buy a few things to help round out the meals while we're there, but no shopping at home prior to the trip.


A healthier and much cheaper option for you and the environment is to buy coffee beans and grind your own. You will drink less because the coffee is more flavourful and without any plastic residue from those K-cups.


When I buy mince. I cook it all with onion and garlic, drain off any fat. I divide in 2 batches. One half I make a passata tomato sauce base I use to make bolonaise, lasagne etc, I reserve half a cup and freeze and use this sauce as a base for pizza or filling for sandwiches in sandwich maker OR to add to minestrone. The other divided batch I add mixed vegetables, beef stock cubes and thicken, I make savoury mince, curried mince, shepards pie or meat pie. I reserve half cup from this batch and freeze and use as a filling with a slice of cheese for toasted sandwiches in a sandwich maker.


Thank you for this presentation. Very good indeed. Here are my suggestions:

Before you go shopping, go into your larder, cupboards, fridge and freezer
Make a shopping list and stick to it
Learn what foods are seasonable and so the items are like to be better price
Batch cook and freeze portions for another meal
Learn the art of using up
If you are single or have a small family, buy those whole joints, say, of brisket and cut them up into smaller joints to freeze
Buy whole chickens and joint them up, using the "back" of the chicken to make stock for soups, gravies, and casseroles
Set yourself a budget and stick to it


I buy a lot of things in bulk like meats rice pasta potatoes onions bread and things I can freeze. Plus I can most of my food I dehydrate a lot of my food, a meal prep for the week and I make things homemade. I only grocery shop once a month which saves me money, but I look at my pantry first to see what I really need. All these all these items save me money. I just wanted to add that each department in a grocery store has marked down items which may help some of your viewers to cut down on grocery cost.


So many great tips but there I had a couple favorites. Shopping from your pantry is HUGE! It prevents wasting food makes you aware of what you use for ingredients and what doesn't go as fast. Also, the discount produce before it heads to the dark side. My grocery store will mark down citrus from time to time. Those limes with the brown spots are perfect for juicing and freezing in ice cube trays. Thaw a few cubes and you have fresh lime juice for margaritas! Thank you for so many great shopping tricks!


Tea is really good for you.
I put a teabag in my water container and have wonderful iced tea every day


Thank you so much Sara!! This is the best video I’ve come across on grocery shopping 🛒. ❤️❤️❤️. I just recently retired, and now I’m on a fixed budget, so I have to be careful on spending. I’ve been doing the inventory of the pantry, refrigerator and freezer. I know I’m going to start buying in bulk, and start shopping once a month, which is a great idea!! Thanks again 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️


Great tips! Two things that I now do are to keep a list of the fresh produce I have on hand so I can remind myself what needs to be used first. Also, here in Australia, it's common to buy 500g/1lb pre-packs of mushrooms, so I use what I need right away and then cook and I freeze the rest. They're so convenient then to add to pasta sauce, pie filling, taco fillings etc - I'm embarrassed to admit how much I've wasted before doing this. Cheers!!


When I make a roast I use the leftovers to make soup. With a pork roast, I’ll make bbq pork sandwiches out of it. I always save the bananas that get to brown to eat, throw them in the freezer and take them out when I want to make banana bread.


Produce that “hasn’t gone to the dark side”. 😂
