Grocery Shopping Hacks That Still Save Money Right Now

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The landscape of groceries has changed in the past few months. Prices have gone up – a lot. Yet, in 2023, I’m feeding my family for 15% less than I did in 2022. Let me show you the grocery shopping strategies that are still working to keep my grocery budget under control and helping me still save money right now.




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We're Hope and Larry and we love practical frugality. We raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home when our income was well under the national average. For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.

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Not related to groceries, but took the advice to pay in cash for a large medical bill and the doctors gave me a 5% discount which was about 70 dollars. Thanks you Hope and Larry


Friends came over and brought lunch the other day. We had BBQchicken plus other goodies. They left the chicken leftovers for me. That night I had the chicken wings and bits left on the carcass. At the same time I boiled the carcass. The next day I had some leftover breast in a bun at lunch time. At dinner time I added a whole load of veggies to the broth and made enough soup for 4 meals. That chicken went a long way.


Also, keep an eye on the screen that shows the prices as things are being rung up. Just yesterday I bought six clearance items that were marked 2 for $1.99 or 2 for $2.49. They all rang up as, $1.99 or $2.49 each. I would not have bought them if that was the price. It was corrected, but if I wasn’t watching, I would not have caught that. I always put things like that as the last items to be rung up so they’re not rung up while I’m still loading things onto the belt and miss it.


I went to visit my meat eating family and we did rice and black beans, & added mango, lime, avacado and some greens and a little green salsa, that was all I needed. My son cooked up a steak for him and his wife to add to it.
The next morning we had potatoes and sautéed veggies with hot sauce on corn tortillas, the kids had bacon with theirs. Easy ways to compromise and eat cheaply for vegans and meat eaters.
Thanks for the great content.


I love the “random discount area.” Last week I found 12 oz bags of coffee for $.87! I bought 7 bags! The expiration date was 9 month out, so no problem there😊


Larry and Hope thank you for reminding people to buy single ingredients, it makes a huge difference in your grocery budget.


I am so glad I have a stockpile and a garden in my backyard! I have also noticed how much packages are shrinking but prices are not!


Great visual comparing the frozen 8oz version and cooking from scratch version. Years ago, cooking beans took 3-8 hours depending on how they were cooked. Now using the pressure cookers of today it’s so easy and less labor and energy intensive.

Suggestion for summer grocery shopping. Frozen and refrigerated foods - bring your freezer travel bags and refrigerated bags and put frozen food directly into the freezer bags. Put refrigerated foods directly into those bags separating meats from other refrigerated foods. When you go to pay take them out and then replace them right back. This leaves you less anxious if there are lines or traffic is heavy.


I saw a video about how people are not getting enough good food to eat. They talked about supply chains, food deserts, cost of food and shipping but NO PLACE did they mentioned about teaching people how to cook food from scratch! As you showed, the amount of food you get in a prepackaged meal vs. buying the ingredients and cooking it yourself. I have had so much fun learning how to combine foods I was not familiar with to make some of my best meals.


"Markdown shark 🦈 ", 😂 hilarious!!


I usually write my menus for the month just like a school calendar and then i'd shop in the pantry of my own home.
then I go grocery shopping.


I live in a low income seniors building and a lot of seniors qualify for food bank monthly boxes. BUT they end up putting most of that food out for other residents because they don’t want to cook anything. I don’t know how they afford to buy prepared foods but I’ve been able to build up a 6 month food pantry/storage from what they get rid of to supplement my grocery bill. I felt guilty taking it but if I don’t someone comes and scoops it all up for their adult kids.


The grocery stores going to digital ads and coupons make it harder on the elderly and poorer shoppers. Makes me sad.


I needed a dessert for a birthday party a month from now and found pretty decorated cupcakes marked down to $2.50 from $10.00
I put them in my freezer and no one will be the wiser


Very good visual aid on the rice and beans!


Your comparison of the prepped beans and rice is great... what is even better is if you buy your rice in bulk I've gotten it recently when buying 20 pounds for less than 50 cents a pound. That gives you the money to add spices and maybe some canned tomatoes and still be under $3 for an enormous amount.


I love all your tips…Thank you! Your demonstration of beans & rice comparison was spot on! I had not yet set aside funds for my stock-up/sale category - although you’ve mentioned it in the past, I never made it part of my budget. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I will from now on! Recently I did a full pantry, fridge & freezer inventory and included all the best by/expiration dates. I then put all of it on spreadsheets, one sheet per area along with a combined master spreadsheet and sorted everything by expiration date. Working from this master spreadsheet and the weekly perishable items, I have a head-start on my meal plans for a couple of months. One other quick budget hack I do is allow myself a set amount for food only each week and I do stay under that amount (yeah!). I then take what is leftover in the food budget at the end of each month (totals left over from each week) and apply it to my debt as I am still paying bills off. One month I paid $65 extra to debt and back on one of my no-low spend months, I paid over $200 toward debt. It is so true that every Every. Single. Bit. helps!! Thanks again!


I watch a lot of videos on grocery savings and I can say this was one of the best I've seen in awhile! I love the beans and rice comparison. Perfect demonstration of how much money people spend on convenience Foods.


I was thrilled to find 16oz jars of Creamy Jif for 80 cents each in my Kroger's general markdown area last week! I have to let you know how happy I am to have found your channel. I'm not vegan, but I am vegetarian and your meal ideas and tips are of so much more use to me than many other channels! I love your positive attitude, how you share both successes and... stumbles lol. Thanks so much for providing encouragement and knowledge!!


I lowered mine by more couponing (I know you don't like coupons Larry, but they are a good thing if you plan things out), sales, clearance rack shopping and dumpster diving. I also try to be very aware of what is in my frig so I have zero waste.
