Judge finds Indy mother not guilty of neglect in the death of 2-month-old girl

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Judge finds Indy mother not guilty of neglect in the death of 2-month-old girl
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If you live in Marion County Indianapolis, this judge name Mark Stoner is running for retention election this year in November 2024, please vote NO on his retention.


I think the state needs to be accurate in what they are charging people with but this seems alittle bit extreme to me after finding out about the confession and the older daughter who witnessed her mom voluntarily smother her sister. If anything she was negligently undercharged by the state. She should have been charged with 2nd degree homicide not a mere charge of child neglect. Child neglect is not bathing your kids properly, child neglect is not adequately providing food for your child. Smothering your child is outright murder. At first i thought this was a case where the mother in an unconscious state rolled on her baby and suffocated her with her body, but the more I learned, i found it to be willful murder. She smothered the baby holding a pillow over its mouth because it was crying and she wanted to sleep. Well if she wanted to, try not doing meth. Meth isn't exactly known for being a sleeping aid. Our court system is so broken when a child killers gets let out of jail and an elderly man that defends themselves from violent teens get life sentence, there's something wrong. Sadly no court system is going to work no matter how fair and robust it is designed to be when society itself is failing. How is a jury supposed to be the judge of right and wrong when they themselves have little or no morals instilled within them.
