The Real Reason No One Is Buying EV Trucks

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**The Real Reason No One Is Buying EV Trucks**

Electric trucks were expected to revolutionize the market, but their sales have fallen short of expectations. Despite their promise of zero emissions and cutting-edge tech, many consumers are holding back from making the switch. The biggest reasons? High prices, limited range, and concerns about towing capacity. EV trucks often come with a hefty price tag, which puts them out of reach for the average buyer. On top of that, their battery ranges can dramatically drop when towing heavy loads, a key factor for truck users.

Infrastructure limitations also play a role—charging stations are still sparse in rural or remote areas, where many truck owners live and work. Consumers need more assurance that these trucks will deliver in real-world, tough conditions before they commit to buying them. Until EV trucks can meet the rugged demands of traditional truck drivers without compromising on power or convenience, they’re unlikely to dominate the market anytime soon.

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That’s what happens when you listen to the government.


EV's offer lower operating cost??? Maybe with extensive government subsidies....


1) they have higher total emissions as the average miles driven on these toys never exceeds 60k miles prior to them being scrapped
2) operating costs for EVs is higher than ICE *just try to get a new battery
3) EV's are not meant to perform actual work in an industrial environment
4) EVs cant tow for shiet
5) Fire Hazard
6) Motor fire risks when under load
7) A Diesel truck will last you 15-25 years... an EV will last 4-8 tops


Electric vehicles aren't "eco friendly". That's just the marketing BS. They are actually worse than a standard vehicle. The energy mostly comes from coal and natural gas anyhow. There's simply more suckers purchasing EV cars than that purchase standard cars, it's a larger market.


Great insight .. Keep up the good work! 😉


I would never buy one. If a pager can go off on your belt, imagine sitting on a million batteries. . .
