Training, cortisol, and hormones...

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HOW I TRAIN SO MUCH (~7-8 hours of running currently + ~3 hours lifting except for deloads or down weeks in my base buildup phase)

I... EAT!!!!!

While I know sharing calorie intake can be taboo I want to show the range the also amount of intake my 5’1” tiny tot self is eating. In training I’m ranging from ~2450-3200 kcal/day depending on the training volume or hunger.

I track my food but don’t really have specific macro targets. I am for at least my lean body mass in protein a day up to body weight in grams (115-145 for me). Then keep carbs higher as well between 300-500g/day depending on where I’m at with training.

I am “flexible” with it as it’s not dogmatic, it’s to lead with hunger, protein, carbs and YES whole foods too not just an eating free for all (because I’m actually this hungry too and need filling and satiating foods too!) or using calorie density when needs and hunger is low and I need to eat more.

As I build training volume more this summer this average right now of ~2600 kcal/day will be closer to ~2800-3000 depending on the day and some long run days go up to 3500 kcal/day.


And my body weight is the same from my 50 miler to now or a year ago, before you worry about that or ask. If anything a bit more muscle than at my 50 miler last year and that also comes from EATING.

This is also why I can “balance lifting and running” and don’t freak out about interference. FOOD + sleep is huge.

Yes, I recognize not everyone trains this much, but I take is relative to your fitness level and body size and cardio is a huge energy burner. You have to eat as hard as you train.

And this reduces so much of the stress of it on your body! Matched with balancing your volume, intensity & factoring in recovery.

& please, don’t compare yourself just to me or think “wow she’s lucky she gets to eat so much”. It’s not luck it’s fuel and it’s needed 💪🏻🤍☀️🌱!
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ain’t no way they sell this topic to people
