New The Halalians sketch: Hijab in the workplace

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In many parts of the world, Muslim women have been challenged with wearing the hijab in workplaces. This sketch is based on a true story, that addresses the issue in a positive light. We hope people in power around the world can learn from this and hope co-workers can learn to be supportive.


Mariah Idrissi
Deana Hassanein
Michael Truong
Christopher Sherwood
Samantha Clinch

#handsoffmyhijab #comedysketch #Muslims #muslimcomedy

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I work in law enforcement in Texas. I'm the only hijabi out of more than 3, 000 officers. I wear it with pride, and I actually use it to connect with felons in and out of prisons and jails, and on the streets. My badge and my hijab are not separate personalities, they are part of the same personality, the same woman, the same officer.


I am the alone muslim in 30 people team and i do prayers in office and i feel lucky that Allah choosed me ...Alhumdulillah


Most of don't realise the struggle of some Muslims. Blessed are those who are working in Islamic environments like Masajid and Madaris who don't have to go through this struggle


I thought about it and wanted it for years, but I was scared of losing my job, my networking etc…
One day, I just felt it, I went straight to the store and got a scarf. Since then NOTHING and I mean NOTHING in this world would make it off my head until Jannah in sha ALLAH


This was a really beautiful message
Love from Nigeria 🇳🇬


I live in NYC and I still experience daily stares when walk in the street. Can you believe - NYC where people literally walk naked but I get stares?


I'm the only Muslim hijabi in our entire office (of about 200+ people) and people always say things like how its uncomfortable (for them) and talk how privileged they are to show off their beautiful hair and body (though as in a friendly chat).
I would really appreciate if they could understand that I'm not being oppressed here, and it my decision to wear what I want. They think they are advising me by sympathising but its really annoying and uncomfortable and sometimes really makes me angry.
I'm sure no-one out there wants others to criticise their choice of fashion especially in this day and age right?


I'm from an asian country. When i first wore the hijab to office some of my non Muslim colleagues looked at me as if they weren't too happy about it. My Australian bosses who are Caucasian pretended nothing has changed when they first saw me. They just asked briefly about it and totally respected my decision. That's all. Nothing changed actually.


I worked in saudi for 7 years and had colleagues wearing hijabs and never winced. For westerners who have a problem wearing hijabs, my polish wife's parents are catholics who have dawned head coverings and lose clothing not too different from Muslims. But they never faced any issue in Europe simply because they weren't Muslim.


For anyone commenting that this is not “real hijab”, yes, I agree with you.
It takes time for the wardrobe to catch up with your intentions.
This was her first day at work wearing the headscarf, so you cannot expect a lot more than that.
It is very hard to go to work that first day wearing it.
The loose clothes will follow.
The worst thing you could tell her at this point that she should not bother covering her hair unless she does it properly.
All the people judging, look at yourselves, your clothing and behavior first.


Btw Hijab is not just a piece of clothe that covers the hair.


It's same hijab matter in Indian girl she's scored in HSC..nifaya 94%, razia PUC exam a muslim in 2nd rank Anisha


If they only knew about how our hijab, niqab heightens our Taqwa. How it helps to make us feel more accountable and ultimately, better version of ourselves and better team members all round. Alhamdullilah

Edit: Taqwa = God consciousness/awareness of.


as a Muslim I really proud alhumdulillah I am Muslim ❤️


This is a an absolute marvel! 😁😁😁😁
I love the characters, the cinematography, the dialogues and the message you've wanted to spread though this short play. It is amazing how all the things have been put together so seamlessly!
I'd love to see more of the series, if this video is part of one. Even as a standalone video, it is creative, inspiring, thought-provoking and humorous. It captures the attention of the audience and keeps them engaged till the end. 😊

To those in the comments:
I know that we're all grappling with issues. But can we just appreciate how wonderful the video is and how it resonates with all of us?
For once, please let your worries and preachings take a back seat, and just enjoy the video. Compliment the acting, the screenplay and comment how such videos inspire change and bring out the best in people. Share the video with your friends and family with just a simple message: "Watch!" Add nothing but appreciation for the video and its creators and commend them for their work. Add nothing else - no sermons, no quotations, and certainly no worldly complaints!
We must hold each other up not by wallowing in our misery but by collaboration, innovation, and celebration.

If you find me to be rude, I apologize. It was not my intention to hurt your feelings. I just want this video to reach the masses and to bring about change in all of us!
It ought to get the credit it deserves, instead of serving as a means to push us further into pigeonholing ourselves than we already are.


I absolutely loved watching this! 🥰Humor was great! Love diversity ♡


Doesn't really happen this directly in the UK. It's much more covert.
You either don't get the job to begin with or you slowly start to covertly become more and more ostracised until you yourself think it's time to move on.
Most of all, theres just no progression.


Oh Allah grant peace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH


Omg this was soo funny, we need sketches like these. Please upload more👏🏼👏🏼


I don't like how this video potrayed muslim woman who wears scarf being loud and argumentative. Believing muslim women not only should understand the importance of covering awrah but also should understand the significance of having good character. *Modesty and shyness is not only in how we wear our clothes but also in how we wear our akhlaq / khulq / disposition / manners.* Our non-muslim employer might not agree with us or misunderstood us..however we need to be patient and explain gently. In shaa Allah our employer will understand eventually. May Allah Ease our daily affairs.
