This nonsense happened LITERALLY off screen here

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The Battle of Endor marked a pivotal moment in the Star Wars universe, but what happened next? In canon, the Rebel Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, seeking to restore peace while remnants of the Empire fought to survive. Figures like Admiral Sloane and the mysterious Contingency Plan set the foundation for the rise of the First Order. Meanwhile, in Legends, the aftermath was much more chaotic, with the Imperial Remnant splintering into warlord factions, setting the stage for heroes like Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo to face new threats, such as the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Dive deep into both timelines to understand how the galaxy was reshaped after Endor in Star Wars Canon and Legends!

Edited by MarMarBunbun



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Eck didn't misspeak again.
He's just enormously based.
Gets called out by his editor.
Just says it again to send home his point.


Top Star wars battle:
5. The Battle of Yavin
4. The Battle of Yavin
3. The Battle of Yavin
2. The Battle of Yavin
1. The Battle of Yavin


You got Yavin on the brain... You misspoke again. At least you caught it in editing.


I really like the splintering of the Empire in Legends into various independent Warlords that only nominally still held allegiance to the Imperial Government under the Ruling Council until full scale civil war broke out after Palpy IIs Death with the Remainder of the Empire uniting under Daala/Pellaeon, finally establishing itself as secondary power in the Galaxy and later becoming relevant again.

But Canon is basically "Oh no, the Emperor is gone, let us all charge into suicide attacks and then we surrender one year after Endor" with the First Order and Palpy IIs Faction somehow having a similiar strength to the Empire at the height of its power.


I've always considered "Heir to the Empire" to refer to four plot threads in the Thrawn trilogy- Thrawn being the most dominant warlord left in the remnant Imperial forces, Leia being considered Vader's heir by the Noghri, Joruus C'Baoth attempting to become a new Palpatine and commandeer the Empire, and even Mara Jade Hand of the Emperor navigating her new post-Palpy life.


This time period is just so much more interesting in the Expanded Universe than it is in Canon. It took almost 20 years for the New Republic to beat a splintered Empire, whereas in Canon the Empire literally just dies 1 year after and don't even get me started on stupid Operation Cinder. The world building in Legends meanwhile was just top notch, between the different Imperial warlords, the various well written books and the like, it all felt so real.


You want to know what's sad? Disney KILLED my love for star wars. I have a hard time caring about anything Disney related.


Star Wars doing things just off screen is probably the most annoying parts of Star Wars.


Putting Mario Kart footage up when talking about the bickering between the Imperial wannabe leadership is a nice touch.


I think there's a really interesting point where the Empire is basically gone and it's after Crimson Empire 2 when the Ruling Council is arrested and "Emperor" Xandel Carrivus is killed. At that point it's just the Pentastar Alignment, Hethrir's Empire Reborn, some scattered Moffs and local Governors, the reduced Federated Teradoc Union territory in the Mid Rim, the Deep Core Warlords, and a few roaming Admirals. There just isn't a proper Empire at this point and it's all people in it for themselves, struggling to hold onto their territories and fleets. For all her faults Daala knew that you had to cut some of the fat and quell some dissident voices to get the Empire back together.


Lol said after the battle of Yavin again. Editor caught it though


Time to reread The Essential Guide to Warfare again, here I am going on a Star Wars lore binge


God, I miss when Legends was canon.


The NuCanon post-Endor timeline is a big joke basically right off the bat. Honestly crazy that they deliberately set up their setting in such a way that nothing of note happens for 30 years - the combined fleets, forces, and passions of the two main belligerents just cease to exist after the battle of Jakku, one sorry year after Endor.


I would love a video about the Star destroyer "the Hammer" from the old DOS TIE fighter game. I remember the relief i felt (even as a child) when it jumped in system while I was outnumbered and half my squadron was destroyed


My head canon is that the true contingency plan was for the Imperial Remnant to flee into the Unknown Regions and focus on resurrecting the Emperor undisturbed. Operation Cinder was merely a diversion to cover this, since the Rebels would be more concerned with defending worlds than noticing imperial fleets disappearing. This was kept on a need to know basis, so those carrying out Cinder truly believed it was Palpatine’s final order. However, such massive amounts of resources could not be relocated without drawing suspicion and the Rebels still began to notice. To preserve the secrecy of the contingency, the decision was made to sacrifice a significant portion of the Remnant at Jakku as a mock “last stand”. The amount of resources at Jakku would not only make it appear to be the Empire’s final bastion, but would also cause the Rebels to assume Jakku was where the missing Imperials had fled to. The gamble worked, and the majority of the Remnant was able to successfully escape.


If the Emperor dies and the Death Star is destroyed, why stay at Endor? The only thing of interest would be the rebel fleet, and if the Empire returns, all they'd succeed in doing is party crashing the Ewoks, because there's no way the rebels are going to stick around any longer than they have to.


Palpatine: *Dies at Endor*

*Years later*

Palpatine: I've returned, with an even better empi- *Dies with the Dark Empire*

*More years come by*

Palpatine: I've somehow returned, with another empi- *gets killed on Exogul*

*Even more years later*

Palpatine: ...Yeah I'm getting tired of this crap, STOP BRINGING ME BACK DISNEY!!!


At the point you owe us a dedicated Yavin video


Eckhart being able to get through a single video without ever mentioning "tHe EsSeNtiAL gUiDe To WaRfArE"
Challenge: impossible
