What To Say To A Narcissist To Shut Them Down Permanently.

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#empath #narcisisst #relationship

Want to know what you need to say to a narcissist to shut them down permanently? Then there is nobody better than HG Tudor to tell you all about this.

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Narcs are like getting arrested. "Anything you say can and will be used against you" in a fit of narcissistic rage.


How to shut a narcissist down - just don't play. Control and manage yourself and your emotions and they will slink away owing to the lack of supply you provide to them. See them for what they are: little petulant children that are highly insecure, delusional and attention seeking. Give no attention or supply. It's just that simple.


Yes, total no contact is the only way. Narcs are so tiring and exhausting anyway, you are doing yourself a favour if you cut them off completely.


I was with a diagnosed narcissist for 11 years. We discarded each other 5 years ago. To anyone thinking they won't survive, I promise... you will.
Once you get to the other side of it, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel.
No anxiety, stress, no walking on egg shells. Just peace and contentment.
My ex just got married to his new supply, after two years of dating. I am finally free!! I feel completely liberated, in control, independent and happy!


I don't get angry or upset with the narc anymore, this person can say or do anything and I'm completely indifferent, show no emotion at all and just go about my day as normal, this really works shutting them down.


Mine passed away in March. I'm breathing freely
Super empaths and empathic people can't stay with these people. They draw too much light from us. Light we need. They must go


Plan quietly and run from all narcissists. They WILL hurt you.


“By the authority I have through Jesus Christ; Get thee behind me, satan, ” that’s what I say, HG.


I have a dear friend who is still suffering years after ending a relationship with a narcissist. I have decided to show them these videos, because they might help my friend to finally see that there wasn't anything they could right, in that relationship. The person lived to make my friend miserable, and my friend hasn't been able to see it.


This is sterling in quality, and right on in accuracy.
But I'm still waiting for you to say the most important thing, the most durable factor yet, and that is that it's our silence, or lack of emotion, or response, a poker face is going in the right direction.


"Thank you for your input." Works well when you encounter someone who tries to initiate competitions rather than conversations.


Walk away . Don’t call them ever again. Don’t give them any attention. Inaction is how i injured my narc. Btw: I did not even try to hurt them. I was so hurt that I just naturally withdrew and turn inwards. It worked. My narc took it as a rejection


Wow you just explained why a former colleague was literally afraid of me I loathed the woman for her lies and manipulation particularly of the young people she was paid to mentor. I spent two years collecting hard evidence against her and was forced to participate in monthly meetings alongside other colleagues which I hated. My gut response was not to avoid her but challenge her but not wanting to appear as if targeting poor little her I chose to sit directly opposite her without engaging at all not looking not speaking not responding. If I did catch her eye I glared at her but she always looked away first When the investigation happened none of my evidence was challenged in fact I was the only witness not interviewed by her and her representative. She would avoid me in corridors and communal areas. To the extent management noticed. As a result of this she was terminated and has not worked with young people since.
Hard two years but my aim was to protect vulnerable young people not for myself or any praise Happy me😄😄🤩😄


H.G. is completely correct, but he knows that.
Silence, is the only answer.
Good days and bad days, but it has to be a straight silent journey from A to B. It cannot be any other way, no sidesteps, or you will stumble. Your emotional thinking is the only weak point. And there will be days where you miss the "drama" There are better things in life.. Stay strong, total no contact, you owe it to yourself.


I’ve been Narc free for a year now and every now and then I have to check back in with HG to stay on track with my no contact and keep a check on my emotional thinking…..thanks HG couldn’t have done it without you 😘


Never look back, even in your mind...


No contact, blocked him and I will always hold my ground!!!!. I'm


my ex is under total control of their narcissist mother. we had to break up because they moved back in with her and is her personal slave now, i couldnt take it. she raised him to be her mind slave and convince him he can't exist or survive without her. she puts him in dangerous situations just to tell her friends about the drama, or brags about rescuing him from trouble. its constant abuse. i try to stay friends with him to support him but he's so stressed he can barely eat anymore and is getting ill, he's literally dying. just because he wont listen to me when i say theres no healthy relationship with her. he wants to believe his love can change her. love of my life just wasting away and i had to walk away from it. its sick the things she does to him, how she brainwashed him. if youre reading this and you feel under someones control, get out. take back your power. you dont exist to be someones fuel. you have a right to your own life.


I walked away from a narc after being with him for 9 years………I taught myself to fane having no emotion one way or the other, I also moved a thousand miles away and I knew the narc was trapped for an amount of time in a job he couldn’t escape from, Once I had worked out that he was feeding off my emotions, he no longer held any attraction for me because I could see I was being used and who wants to feel like an idiot. I weened myself off him by constantly thinking that whoever ended up with him would only be getting the same treatment, the same fruitless relationship he would make them feel loved, then worthless, they will waste years of their life, striving to win the narc over, It’s never going to happen so never worth it, never a pay off! I’m soooo happy now, I honestly think living with a narc has made me fully appreciate being with a person who can be in a relationship wholeheartedly, my relationship now is so deep and satisfying….thanks to the narc. So In the end I took something positive away from the whole sad and sorry waste of time relationship with the narc and file it under lessons learned….oh and I can spot a narc a mile away and treat them the way they treat us, like sport, fuel, entertainment….then I walk away. 👍🏽🙋🏽‍♀️


This is true . You will never win against a narc.
Pointless saying how you feel as they don’t care.
Just look after YOU ☺️
