What to say to a person who lost a loved one? | META ORNIK | TEDxLjubljana

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"It happens sooner or later to every single one of us - a loss of a loved one. How to cope in these situations and what happens to a person who suffered such a loss? Often we do not know what to say, which words to use. Meta will help us understand which approach is the best and will help the person, who mourns, the most.

Meta is a great lover of nature and animals. She is well known to the public as the host, editor and creator of shows on RTV Slovenia: O živalih in ljudeh (About animals and people), Turbulence (Turbulence), Klub klobuk,… Currently, Meta creates a podcast V imenu narave (In the Name of Nature), where she talks to people who passionately explore nature and responsibly protect nature. She loves to spend her free time outdoors, where she’s thinking about creative ideas surrounded by animal and human friends.

TEDxLjubljana is the oldest and leading TEDx organization in Slovenia, creating independently organized events licensed from TED since 2009. Our mission is to share local as well as international ideas, creativity, innovation and culture. Our TEDx family, which consists of our team members, TEDx speakers and also other TEDx teams in Slovenia and around the world, produces amazing energy that makes our events and the whole TEDx experience unforgettable.

Рекомендации по теме

Spoštovani gospa Meta, najlepše se Vam zahvaljujem za video prispevek. Še kako resnične so vaše misli, besede občutenj, ki ste jih izlili v eter. Zelo odkrito, srčno, razumljivo tistim, ki to želijo ali so pripravljeni razumeti.


Prečudovite besede gospa Meta! Vse kar ste povedali, ste povedali iz srca in to šteje!! Pogumni ste in takšni ostanite še naprej!!


Subtitles are on the way. TED is currently renewing the TED translators platform and preparing a new one for us. As soon as it is ready, the subtitles will be uploaded. We TEDx organizers can translate the talks only in the TED-approved platform. Thank you for your understanding! :)


Best presentation! What else do we grade. Do we criticize with our heart or over loss.


Samo tehnično vprašanje. Kje pa so angleški podnapisi, glede na angleščino v naslovu? Hvala.

Vsebinsko pa gospo Meto zelo zelo razumem. Tudi meni nikoli niso bile logične ali v tolažbo te razne fraze tolažbe. Sploh, ko nekdo komentira z 'oceno', da je minilo že dovolj časa, da lahko greš dalje, da se pričakuje, da te ne boli več tako, ipd..
