What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life

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What Is Ego - Learn what the ego is and how it influences the quality of your life. Master your ego, master your life.

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Let's talk a little bit about what ego is. I'm sure you've heard about it. I'm sure you've heard people talking about the problems that the ego can cause for you. You've probably heard about ego death. You've probably heard about both positive and negative sides of ego.

Let's talk about ego and, specifically, about who how you can understand this concept and relate it to success and personal development. It's how to get more success in your life by understanding ego.

What is ego? Ego is basically that aspect of yourself that you consider to be "you." When I say your name and you think, "Yeah, that's me," that is ego. Ego is your self-image of who you are.
Ego is a complex construct in your mind. It's sitting both at the conscious and the deep subconscious level.

Ego is that "I" that you think you are. It's the thoughts and emotions that you are identified with. It's the beliefs that you think are rock solid and completely true. It's what you think reality is like.

That whole construct is a big and deep iceberg. It's like gigantic iceberg and only the tip of it, like 10 percent, is sticking out of the water. The other 90 percent is all submerged and you don't know what it is. It's just operating. It's just working.

The ego is you. The ego has a couple of features.

The fundamental thing that the ego does is separates itself from everything else that's out in the world. If you're coming from the ego -- and this applies to 99.999% percent of people, including myself -- you say, "This is me," and you look at everything else as not you.

That desk is not you. That other person is not you. That other country is not you.

You are distinct. You are just your mind and your body. You're the skin that you have and everything beyond your skin is something else. You have that clear separation.

This is something that you get as a biological entity, as an organism who that needs to survive and depends on survival and reproduction.

We, as a species, and every living organism, has a sense of this. It's the sense of "I"-ness. It's the sense of "This is me." This is what's important and the other stuff is not so important.
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My ego limited my ability to live in the moment and encouraged me to live in my mind. It made me judge myself and focus on my failures. It made me critical of others, narrow-minded, afraid of what others thought and constantly anxious. My ego pointed the finger at all the problems out there, in an attempt to divert attention away from the problems within myself. This destructive thinking manifested physically as pain, tension, illness and disease in my body. Pealing away just a few layers of the ego has improved my quality of life. I'm more compassionate and understanding of others. I'm more open-minded to new ideas. I'm breaking out of set routines and bad habits. I'm more comfortable with who i am and am slowly starting to love and accept myself for the first time in my life. My mind and body is healing and becoming stronger ever day. I'm more capable and creative. I can be present and enjoy the moment. I see much more beauty and wonder in the world, instead of only pain and suffering. And i sense this is just the tip of the iceberg!


we live in a duality.The ego is our greatest gift and our worst enemy. The quest is to be aware of this and strike a fine balance.


The ego is about survival....
The ego hates change...
The ego is your biggest friend and your biggest enemy...


I think that everybody should be taught how to let go of ego and of anxiety etc. at a young age. Imagine how happier society would be!


Ego is useful - a tool to be used to contribute and do good. The wise person strives to lose their ego. The enlightened person learns to master it. Bear in mind that when we try to kill our ego, we empower it. It gains control by motivating us to minimize it. When we are in control of it, we use it like a tool in our toolbox as we please. We are the builder, the ego is the tool. Some things live off of the energy that we give them - the ego is one of those things. I would have like to see this vid demonize ego less and teach how to master it more.


If you liked this video, I recommend you watch these related videos too:
1) Self Control - How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life
2) Id, Ego, Superego - Understanding An Old School Psychology Concept
3) The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success
4) Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth


This topic didn't even exist fro me until two years ago when something very extraordinary happened to me and changed the way I look on life. It's not some spiritual story in which after years of meditation on some mountain peak in one starry night the secrets of the universe unveiled before me. Hell no. I was 18 years old and it was my high school graduation. It was the first time I drank more than a sip of whiskey and the first time I went to a night club. I used to be a shy kid and I had one or two people who talked with but lets leave the cheesy stuff behind, there are millions of kids like this and you know the basic profile of an outsider. So during that night I danced and drank booze all night. I got home at 7 in the morning. Needless to say I felt like a walking corpse the next day. I managed to gather energy to get out of the house after the sunset. I decided to go to the shop and get something sweet to feed my fat ass and get some fresh air. The moment I stepped out of the front door I felt veeery strange but it was a good strange. I felt light. I headed to the shop and it felt like I was levitating. And I didn't even think about where I was going it was like someone knew where I had to go and was pulling me by my forehead in the right direction. I knew I was going to the shop yet I didn't think about it once during the whole trip. I know it's hard to comprehend. On the way there I met a few strangers. And I stared deeply in their eyes until they looked away. And I felt "hey, I am the one who has to be ashamed of eye contact. I am the loser. Why do I feel confident when I know I am unworthy and a piece of shit" But in fact I wasn't even remotely uncomfortable. I went to the shop and stood in front of the cashier who was a very cute girl and looked her in the eye. Just like that. My mind was empty - I didn't think about anything. I was just looking at her. She smiled and I smiled.' It was like we were talking through our eyes. She asked me what I wanted and I jerked it out before I could even think about what I wanted to buy. Unlike all the other times I couldn't decide what I want to get even though that was the only thing I was thinking about during the whole trip to the shop. And what I said was exactly what I wanted to get. Like someone was speaking instead of me and he knew me better than I knew myself. We looked each other in the eye a few more times and always she turned away first. I just didn't care. In fact I then realized I had stopped caring about anyone or anything. It was pure not-caring, not like the usual (telling yourself you don't care about someone but in fact you care). The moment I stepped out I had forgotten her. If it was the previous day and I had such experience with that girl I wouldn't have been able to sleep thinking about her. The world was mine. I could control everything and everyone. I liked everything and everyone and everyone liked me. I got home. I played some music in the living room as I usually do. My parents were also there again as usual. I sat on the sofa. And while the music was playing I suddenly realized I was humming and dancing to the beat. First time in my life. I never ever danced before that night in the club (if you can call throwing your hands around and shaking your body a dance). My parents were confused and looked at me laughing. I laughed too. I didn't feel one bit ashamed. I started chatting with them. And we talked like we were friends. There weren't any walls standing between us. That evening was the first time in my life that I felt alive. In fact, later while looking back I realisd it was the first time I ever felt anything. Before that I was just mimicking feelings but didn't actually feel anything. I went to bed and felt asleep on the spot. Just like that. I didn't stare in the ceiling for 3 hours thinking about the past and the future as I did before. On the next morning I woke up and went out with enthusiasm. But I had lost it. Went to the shop avoiding other people's glances. Stuttered when I bought the candy and everything went back to usual. The girl was very excited when I walked in and that's how I knew everything was real and not a dream. But after a minute she lost all interest because I was the same loser that I was before. I had the same experience but not that intense and clear a few more times after that. Only one time it didn't come after me drinking alcohol and it was the most real of them all. I realize that this is a very good foundation of becoming an alcoholic so I drink as rare as possible. Maybe once or twice a month. Not that you care about my personal boundaries or anything but to warn people that even though alcohol might make you feel uplifted it's temporary and in the long term will make you even more miserable.
P.S. If you don't love yourself no one else will. And I know this not because I read it on some blog but because I have felt it. All the truth in the world lies in you and you just have to look inside yourself and you will see the universe.
TL;DR Everyone has a great person in himself who he suppresses. Even the loneliest and the ugliest kid has a leader and a lover hidden deep inside it. It's up to you to bring this person out. Everything you need lies in you and not outside of you.


Leo, when i first watched this video a year ago, i did not quite understand what it was like to be 'one' with the world and etc, and i didnt understand ego much at all.

Very recently, some happening has caused me to be very depressed, and then all of a sudden, i felt my ego fade away with my tears. Everything you have spoke of has been 100% the case ever since, and i finally understand what it feels like to have your ego slowly go away and discover the true self. i have calmed my stormy waters, and life feels so fluent. i felt love for myself and others i have not felt before. just had to share.

you are a very good spiritual teacher


I’m learning so much this time in my life . Feels like I’m just meant to be here learning all of these different things . I know this is my season for growth .


do you notice that you judge less after doing your work on your ego?


Things Ive observed about the ego
°Is always trying to come up with ways to please itself but never is satisfied
°Always concerned about peoples opinions
°Wants to be validated even the act of me writing this comment it wants to be validated for the intellectual image it has for itself
°Basically to sum up the ego in one word it would be selfish because its always thinking of ways to please it self but the scariest thing about it is it never will and we will have to live with it for our whole lives unless we meditate


Ego doesn't let you believe that someone dumped/rejected you. If you think without letting ego have a say, you'll accept and move on and feel the pain and mourn along the way.


I ASKED GOD this morning to show me why I have this situational depression. I, then, found this video. Thank you God for this gift. This was so helpful. I have been in recovery for 31 years and I am just learning about EGO and how it must be smashed. I am neurotic and anxious so much of the time.


I cried the whole video. I just have a bad situation with my friends because of my ego and it breaks my heart just thinking about losing them because i'm too scared to admit that i was wrong.


So ego is like a close friend but bad friend.


The other way to let go of ego is intense psychological turmoil. It starts this process with its own energy which starts breaking down ego. Very painful but amazing.


Meditation and mindfulness really helped me to understand a good portion of the take home message. Accepting the good and bad as "one" is difficult, but so worth it!


A year and half ago I was told I had the biggest ego one had ever seen... (How rude!?) 😂 What an amazing journey it has been so far, and I am only now understanding these words. It's beautiful, frightening, and I work on myself a little more each day. Thank you for videos!!


ego is important! it sounds like depression to me. self-worth "ego" is very important, keeping some judgments is important. being grounded is important, having the ability to notice the evils in the world is important. keeping good morals is important if you are so out of wack that you think nothing is wrong with anything and everything is just "is" then you are blind not enlightened


people here used the words idiot and phoney to referred to this man giving the talk. what they have done is to show, in their harsh words, what the ego does.
