How To Do Ego Work

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#selfhealers, I hope this allows you to have a basic understanding of what ego work is. Remember, the ego is your friend and protector. Our work is to just witness the ego with non-judgement and allow it to heal (soften)


Nicole!! Today I was at a friend's house. I was telling her about something. It was obvious she did not believe me. She even looked it up on the computer right then. A year ago I would have been incredibly offended, not heard, upset, etc... Today I felt 'Heather' (my ego name) start to talk about me not being good enough, not knowing, etc. I witnessed it! I accepted heather, non-judgmentally. Sat back and let mt friend look it up and didn't even worry. Even though I have felt unheard for so long, I said to myself, "it's ok Helen, I hear you, you are heard. " It was such a spectacular feeling and witnessing. And no reaction!!!! I thank you, thank you, thank you, for everything. You have helped and continue to help me change my life. So much love to you!


I LOVE that you emphasize that the ego is there as a PROTECTIVE mechanism. So many people see the ego as something that's trying to hurt us, which just sets us up against ourselves. 😞


comparison is so important because it's usually a compare down. Great point.


When i was child, my mother neglected artist side of mine and she literally stopped me from dancing that i loved so much. She used to say, i dance like a boy.
Art still remain with me and it actually helped me survive my childhood. But i lost dance. When i started healing process, dance automatically came to me. I started dancing in kitchen and just randomly moving when someone else is listening.
When i was child, i was fan of hook step and it is so surprising that i started remembering those hook step of 90's song (that i forget) now.
Thank you for your incredible work 🙏


“don’t get a big head” is what i heard about things i was good at.


I never thought of the ego as being a friend. I always found Bonnie (my ego’s name) to be obnoxious, bratty, and shameful. Trying to merge this idea that Bonnie is really a hurt kid and could benefit from some love from me. I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m still trying to figure this out. Thank you for the work that you do. Following your work through IG has been one way for me to journal and reflect.


I think it's a good idea to name one's ego. I actually was tapping into naming my authentic self yesterday. It is super important to integrate all aspects of our personality to achieve self acceptance and awareness. I believe by working so diligently on my inner world for yrs, I have finally turned a corner. I now feel so empowered because I have learned to love myself. We are multi dimensional and spiritual beings having a human experience. Thank you Dr. Nicole for explaining the ego in more depth. Many people have conflicting views on what ego is and some view it has a dark or negative part of our psyche. I understand now it's not at all. It must be seen and heard because it does protect us. At times we should override what ego is screaming at us because ego likes to keep us small as a way of protecting us but that also can stop our growth. Great video❤


Ok, I guess my ego's name is Nicole then 🤣


This is the first explanation of ego that has really helped me to understand what ego truly is. Thank you


After listening to this I realize at times I would to myself "OK Angela, this is going to be ok, just fine. I didn't realize that "Angela" is the name I gave my ego...I am so happy that I found this channel.


🦋 This video is WONDERFUL. You have such a gift for breaking things down and explaining them perfectly. ✨✨✨


Naming your ego is a GAME changer for me thanks!


OMG Dr. Nicole I'm pretty sure I just had a breakthrough. I've spent the last 24 years trying to quit smoking but I keep postponing it and it causes so much shame and guilt everytime I stop and start again 4 hours later because I've convinced myself that it would be easier if I quit next week.

I realize its Iris trying to protect me and shield me from suffering by convincing me to postpone the quit date. By that not right because Postponing obviously causes way more suffering that stopping now and suffering for 3 weeks if that.

Thank you Dr. And thank you Iris for having my back.


This is what I have been attempting to articulate for quite sometime but have been unable to as well as you have here. People speak of "Ego Death, " especially with regards to psychedelic experience, but if you listen to their description, it's always a fearful event or judged as a "bad trip." But fear and judgment are the very fruits of Ego! How can ones Ego be dead but at the same time active in producing fear and judgment? No, the ego doesn't die and to wish it away as some enemy is counterproductive - that just strengthens it. Our best bet is to befriend it, to establish a proper relationship to it, understanding it's mechanism of action. Good stuff.


Thank you so much for not telling me I need to kill it! Something feels wrong about being violent to a part of myself. Like I’ve been harsh to myself my whole life, that strategy hasn’t exactly worked...


My ego has developed a fantasy dreaming, which occupies my time day in and day out.
Thanks for devising a separate name to work on.
Hope to get some distancing from my original self which I theorically there but I know it exists somewhere within.


This vid has earned a subscribed. Very well done on putting this valuable information out there.


The best video to understand Ego just by your white board thank you very much


Your example in the beginning is how it is for me. Even now at 32, I'll be happy about something and excited and my mother responds verbally negatively. I wanted to take a baking class and I told her and she said oh that's not a good school. I'm in a tarot reader certification program now and when I told her she started with her negativity and I said I'm happy about this and idc who doesn't agree or care. I'm still trying not to react when someone questions my story. Actually happened today and I got defensive. Fluctuating process. I have to accept it and embrace it.
