What is Ego? - Sigmund Freud, Hinduism & Buddhism | Ego Explained

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What is Ego? From ancient Hindu and Buddhist literature to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, our image of self has been put under intense scrutiny.

What is Ego? - Sigmund Freud, Hinduism & Buddhism | Ego Explained

In his psychoanalytic theory of personality, Sigmund Freud described human personality as incredibly complex containing several components. He postulated that the three elements of personality known as Id, Ego and Super Ego work together to create complex human behaviours.

While the Freudian ego is more about negotiating conflicting impulses and standards, the ego that’s usually discussed in eastern philosophy or spirituality, has more to do with recognising what the self actually is, when you say “I am”. Essentially it is about identity and the perceived separation of the individual from the world.

Ego death. Is it necessary? Through the lens of eastern and western philosophy.

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This is like that episode of Friends where Phoebe tells Joey there are no selfless acts/gestures as you will garner self-satisfaction for committing acts one considers selfless.


I felt that when you said it’s like two people when you talk to yourself the person doing and the person observing and reacting to what your doing it’s actually amazing


Not sure why I get chills allover when watching this episode. Shot for shot, frame for frame it is scintillating.
Need to watch it about 10 times to actually get what you are trying to get me to understand. It is on the surface and I'm searching the depths. You Sir, are crazy.
Thank you


It seems so rare that a seeker works honestly through first hand experiences. What a breath of fresh air. And look where it has taken you: Simplicity = serenity. What an incredible realization. Thank you for sharing your journey!


Love your video brother! Was one of the highlights of my evening. 🙏


this video is amazing - it deserves way more attention!


Wow! Thanks! I found a hidden gem of YouTube!


Your channel is gem thankful to find your channel....


Great video. Thanks for sharing. Subbed and liked.


I think we ca really relate to what you say about talking to yourself and the egos, i am very happy you are able to put it into words and the whole editing is very good, its like a piece of art. always, someone asked me whats the most underrated YouTube channel, and i said Northern Diaries Digital Media. You are doing a great job i look forward to every single video bro


Buddhism and enlightenment does not allow you to master your ego but to quell and subjugate it so that you become passive. This 'enlightenment' is a celebration of mediocrity. 

True mastery of one's ego involves much introspection, courage in the face of herd morality (overcoming the fear of what other's think of you), and constructive action towards cultivating civilisation (not activism, which is destructive by its very nature).

People who are slave to their (herd) ego purport themselves as "empaths" but in reality are just serving their own ego and when someone comes along with a differing ideology (eg conservatism) the egoistical empaths all band together to tear down that person/institution. This is post-modernism in a nutshell. Paradoxically, the "empath" ideology is to denounce ego as "evil".


This was class! I just made a video on this channel to do with the ego and how most people strongly identify with the little voice in their head as who they are when deep down they are so much more, you are the higher awareness that shines beyond the thinking mind. :)


you are awesome!! thank you so much for making this!


Thanks for your knowledge and dedication.


Great. Very nicely made. great understanding.


Thank you for sharing this knowledge brother 🙏🙏🙏...your visualization portrait is marvelous..🤩🤩....keep growing bro...


Look at it this way if it helps: Your frustration of not being able to loose ego is the result of your ego itself demanding to loose itself and then not being able to do it. The answer to your question is the frustration itself. All that is after frustration is your ego again, still wanting to look for an answer and keep the frustration going when it already knows that there isn't any. I learned this perspective from UG Krishnamurti and I don't know if I could explain it to you. You should checkout the following links if my comment made any sense to you.


Good stuff. I had similar thoughts to the ones you described in the beginning, would have been nice if you told us your conclusion - if you think that was all ego, or which parts of the thinking were, and what you think about pride in general, is it beneficial?


This is the best I’ve seen and heard for a very-very long time. Sincerely appreciate you’re art. True Art.
Hi from Toronto. I am a friend of Barbara and Vladimir.
