Different Values Can Cause Breakups

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Having different values can cause breakups! In this video Craig talks about how and why

Craig talks about how our different values often cause break ups.
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So many people tend to seek common interests, which for the most part really don't make a difference. Common values and compatible attachment styles are the glue.


Incredible job on this video thanks for the advice coach


Thank you for the amazing videos that you had been posting on youtube, even tho I am trying to get back with my ex bf (not gf) I can apply to myself a lot of what you say on the video to my situation. My boyfriend broke up with me on the phone 1 week and half ago, on the phone he told me that he wants a space now and will talk to me when he visit me next time which is tomorrow! Because we are on the long distance relationship and already had bought the ticket to come visit me... haha On the phone he told me that he likes one girl very recently and which means that he doesnt love me anymore that he cant see the future with me. We were on the crazy intense relationship and talked about getting married and moving to new house together(yes long distance was gonna finish next month lol), but I guess he wasnt sure about the distance and losing his feeling since 3or4 monthes ago. He started to show me that. but I was always crying to stop the breakup. So, the day he broke me up on the phone i cired begged and all again, , but saw your video and immidietly stopped.thanks!! I started to eat healthy, be positive and cut my hair 30 cm, with no contact rule.Few days later he sent me message saying "i feel weird not talking with you" My question is, if i wanna get back with him, what should i do tomorrow when i meet him? Im thinking to be happy and positive person but im not sure if i can stand when i meet him, , , Thankyou so much for you amazing videos


Please make more videos on a girls perspective and story and about no contact. Lol your videos are rad but I'm not a man so it's hard to relate sometimes. Keep up the awesome work you're truly inspirational and I use your knowledge to help my friends which is why I watch you :)


Too funny, my birthday was July 3 and I was in Orlando! 😂 Happy birthday Coach CK! 🎉🎉🎉


happy belated birthday coach. whats your take on different religious values?


Happy birthday coach! Quick question with the no contact rule. My ex and I have our horses at the same barn, so I will run into her once-twice a week there. I've been on no contact for a week now (seeing/texting/etc). If I run into her, I will just appear happy and go on about whatever I'm doing, and smile if she looks my way. Am I doing it right? What happens if she tries to start a conversation with me? Should I just say hey and go on about my work until one day (Who knows, 2-3 weeks or more from now) she texts or calls me then set up to get together? You usually explain no contact as if you never run into them, but I will for sure no doubt so I'm unsure what to do!


You tend to think out of the box so your hair would not necessarily protect you. 😀


Sounds like they had an open relationship.
