How to be More Interesting

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This morning I logged on to do my monthly check of our website analytics. As I settled in with my coffee to peruse our latest numbers, search hits, and demographics. I happened to stumble upon an interesting little finding...

While scrolling through our top search terms (what people search to get to the Science of People website) I found this phrase was at the top of the list:

“How to Be Interesting”

This intrigued me. Why? Because it is not a word I often hear people use. I hear people say:

I want to be more memorable
I want to be more charismatic
I want to be more impressive
I want to be more powerful
I want to be more attractive
I want to be more successful

But, I almost never hear ‘I want to be more interesting’—at least not in person. Interesting it seems is a secret wish, just reserved for search engines. Well, worry no more! In this video I give 5 simple steps to being more interesting!

In this video:
0:00 Intro
1:01 A crisis of interesting
1:40 How to be interesting
2:08 The lazy law
3:12 Step 1: Stop doing boring things
4:45 Step 2: Stop asking about boring things
5:59 Step 3: Consume interesting things
7:29 Step 4: Ask others what interesting things they consume
8:08 Step 5: Hang out with interesting people

Hi, I’m Vanessa!
You deserve more. More influence, more income, more of what you want. I would be honored to help you.

My name is Vanessa Van Edwards and I’m a recovering awkward person. I’m also a multi-time bestselling author of:
My goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be overlooked, interrupted or forgotten again.

PS - Join the conversation on social!
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Boring is not a personality. Boring is a set of bad habits. Vanessa summarized this well.


"To be interesting, be interested." Dale Carnegie


Interesting is absolutely equal self-improvement, exactly is when you work on yourself, your life and words become interesting!


I agree with some aspects in this video but definitely not all.
When I’ve just gotten to know someone, I wouldn’t want them to ask me questions such as what I’m thinking. Tbh, that would just freak me out because I don’t wanna tell some stranger that I just met what I think. We shouldn’t expect to dive into super deep conversations as soon as meeting people because most people won’t open up that quickly. For many, it needs a certain level of trust to have deep, interesting conversations. In my opinion, it’s much better to ask about people’s favorite things because this is something that they love and are passionate about so they will obviously like to talk about it. Ask them what they like about it so much or what they don’t like about something. Just in general, ask for reasons, but don’t be nosy. I found out it can really make for interesting conversations, especially when it’s something you don’t know much about or are opposed to (but don’t judge them then, try to understand them) because then you get to know new viewpoints and expand your own horizon.
I also only agree partly about doing things not everybody does. Of course it can be really fun and interesting to tell someone about something you’ve done, eaten or read but only if the other person can relate to it in some way, so you can have a conversation. Conversations, however, won’t work out if it’s something so different that the other person can’t relate to it and won’t know what to say about it. Then it’s in my opinion better to talk about the new bestseller that everybody’s read.
I think most important is just to be open to and interested in new things, new experiences and new people. :)


All I can say is THANK YOU Vanee.
I have virtually all your videos.
It helps me and I love going back to them over and over.
I know I'm a work in progress and I believe I can be better, I will be better.


Take a shot every time she says interesting.
That ought to make your night interesting 😶😂


The way she describes lazy people in a conversation, is a perfect description of myself sadly, lol know I know what I'm doing wrong thanks!


I always thought that if you want to be interesting, be interested.😘


This is by far one of the most interesting videos I have ever seen. I am going to try this. Thanks V. 🤗


Vanessa I'm reading your book. I've taken your quizzes, and I watch every YouTube video I can find. I'm feeling so much better. I know what to do with my body. I feel more confident. I know it takes practice but I'm so thankful for your work...Thank you. Thank you Thank you! 😘


I’ve been looking for videos about this topic, and none of them really helped me, but this one is actually really good!


Watching the same Netflix shows can be a good way of finding similarity with people for bonding but that's not enough to be interesting past the bonding phase :)


Your tips actually do help me. Thank you a lot Vanessa


Love it! And you are one of the most interesting on YouTube! Thank you for you dedication! ❤️


I wish i could give this a 1000 likes, I love your work Vanessa!


Interesting 👍👍👍👍👍
Your teaching content and way of delivery are amazing. You are toppest in the top 1%. 💫💫💫💫


Trista and I loved your recommendation on visiting the forest and Tea House while in Portland. Thanks Vanessa!


Your channel is so interesting and I'm glad I found you. Just subscribed!


You're a GREAT inspirer, Vanessa! BIG THANKS!! :-)))


Laziness is the enemy of interesting. Well said
