What is the True Nature of Reality?

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A third, a deeper spiritual brain, in addition to the left and right sides of the human brain, with its well-organized but overlapping tasks, is supposed to exist. If people don't know when to put the brakes, pondering on the nature of reality can give them a hangover. However, it’s certainly worthwhile to contemplate what's true and what individuals communicate as genuine. It may lead to a better knowledge and acceptance of other people's viewpoints.
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🔴 Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up ❗👍👏👍👏👍


Spirit is identity living Soul
In Imige of GOD


You are talking a lot but saying nothing


Q.What is the true nature of reality.
A. There is none -i'ts all a dream!
Reality does not exist. There is nothing but the feeling of presence - 'I Am'.
The rest is the drama or play we invent as a form of entertainment for the mind.
Australian aborigines call it 'Dream Time' by which they mean the dreaming human mind which is still here now and has been for a very long time.
Before the dream time man just lived in now time, the eternal moment.
The animal world has none of it, they live in the now. They can detect what you are thinkng and feeling before you can!
One day we will wake up again and live in peace with a still alert mind, an open heart and a perfect body, with no crooked ego to lead us satray.
